ETIC111 - Midterm Lecture 3
ETIC111 - Midterm Lecture 3
ETIC111 - Midterm Lecture 3
●comes from the Greek word
●The moral theory that evaluates
actions that are done because of
duty is called deontology.
●Hence, deontology refers to the
study of obligation.
on other occasions he felt sympathy for the Jews he was sending to the gas chambers, but because
he believed one should do one’s duty unaffected by sympathy, he steadfastly stuck to his duty,
instead of being tempted to bend the rules and help the Jews.
A person taking
the lives of two
individuals that
went viral
In contrast,
Categorical Imperative
●“Act only according to
such a maxim, by which
you can at once will that
it becomes a universal
●Kant states that we must formulate an action as a maxim,
which he defines as a “subjective principle of action”.
●In this context, a maxim consist of a “rule” that we live by
in our day-to-day lives, but it does not have the status
of a law or a moral command that binds us to act in a
certain way. Rather, maxims depict the patterns of our
●Thus, maxims are akin to the “standard operating
procedures” (SOPs) in our lives. We act according to a
variety of maxims, even if we are not aware of them.
Actually, we become aware of our maxims when we talk
about ourselves, when we reveal our habits and the reasons
behind them.
Example of a maxim: