AIS6e.ab - Az ch03
AIS6e.ab - Az ch03
AIS6e.ab - Az ch03
COPYRIGHT © 2009 South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning. Cengage Learning and South-Western
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Objectives for Chapter 3
Broad issues pertaining to business ethics
Ethical issues related to the use of information
Distinguish between management fraud and
employee fraud
Common types of fraud schemes
Key features of SAS 78 / COSO internal control
Objects and application of physical controls
Business Ethics
Why should we be concerned about ethics in
the business world?
Ethics are needed when conflicts arise—the
need to choose
In business, conflicts may arise between:
Business Ethics
Business ethics involves finding the answers to two
How do managers decide on what is right in
conducting their business?
Once managers have recognized what is right, how do
they achieve it?
Four Main Areas of Business Ethics
Computer Ethics…
concerns the social impact of computer technology (hardware,
software, and telecommunications).
What are the main computer ethics issues?
Security—accuracy and confidentiality
Ownership of property
Equity in access
Environmental issues
Artificial intelligence
Unemployment and displacement
Misuse of computer
Legal Definition of Fraud
False representation - false statement or
Material fact - a fact must be substantial in
inducing someone to act
Intent to deceive must exist
The misrepresentation must have resulted in
justifiable reliance upon information, which
caused someone to act
The misrepresentation must have caused
injury or loss
Factors that Contribute to
2004 ACFE Study of Fraud
Loss due to fraud equal to 6% of revenues—
approximately $660 billion
Loss by position within the company:
Custody Recording