Business MGT PPT 1
Business MGT PPT 1
Business MGT PPT 1
Art Science
• Requires personal possession of • Provides knowledge
skills and talent of a manager
to achieve desired goals
• Follows systematic process to
• Application of practical solve a problem which includes:
• Concepts
• Creativity • Theories
• Observation • Methods
Important concept
• Managers
• Management
• Organizations
Managers perform management
in the organizations
Who is a manager?
Who is a manager?
• What is an organization?
• Size
• Why they are important?
• Managers role in organization
• Organizations all around the world
• College/universities
• Government departments
• Hospitals
• Churches/mosques
• Grocery stores
• Pharmacy
• Neighborhood clinic
Why managers are important?
• Organizations need their managerial skills and abilities to perform in uncertain and
challenging times
• They play an important role in identifying critical issues and their possible solutions
• Key players in leading the company into the future e.g employee engagement,
customers satisfaction
Planning Organizing
1. Set goals
1. Arrange and structure work
2. Establish strategies to
achieve that goals 2. Task allocation based on
skills and abilities
3. Develop plans to integrate
and coordinate activities 3. What needs to be done
4. Consider external and 4. How the task will be done i.e
internal factors grouping
5. Past mistakes to reduce 5. Who reports to whom
Management functions
Leading Controlling
• Motivate, guide and direct people i.e • Evaluation of whether things
Leadership are going as planned
• Help resolve work group conflict
• Monitor and evaluate
• Influence individuals or team as they performance
• Performance compared with set
• Select the most effective
communication channel goals
• Deal with employee behavioral issues • Monitoring, comparing and
Managerial Roles