Business MGT PPT 1

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Business Management

Whether management is an art or science!!

Whether management is an art or science!!

Art Science
• Requires personal possession of • Provides knowledge
skills and talent of a manager
to achieve desired goals
• Follows systematic process to
• Application of practical solve a problem which includes:
• Concepts
• Creativity • Theories
• Observation • Methods
Important concept

• Managers

• Management

• Organizations
Managers perform management
in the organizations
Who is a manager?
Who is a manager?

• Coordinate or oversees the work of people so that organizational

goals can be accomplished

• Its not about personal achievement__ helping others in their work

• Supervising the group work or might oversee an individual

• Manage people inside and even outside the organization e.g

Classification of managers
Organization: where managers work

• What is an organization?
• Size
• Why they are important?
• Managers role in organization
• Organizations all around the world

• A unit in which 2 or more people work together to achieve

common goals
Characteristics of an organization
Characteristics of an organization

• Structure may be flexible work arrangements, open

communication (employee grouping and team work), no time
boundaries where work could be done anywhere anytime e.g
• Or it may be more traditional like specific job duties, clearly
defined rules, regulations, job descriptions e.g Procter &
Gamble(bosses have authorities)
• Organizations need some deliberate structure to get work done
which managers overseeing and coordinate
Write 3 names of organizations according to
its characteristics

• College/universities
• Government departments
• Hospitals
• Churches/mosques
• Grocery stores
• Pharmacy
• Neighborhood clinic
Why managers are important?

• Motivate employees professionally and personally to overcome new challenges

• Helps people to improve their performance

• Keep people informed of organizational changes

• Give you feedback/remarks on your performance

• Provide coaching and guidance with solution

• Energize individuals and teams to get work done in a better way

Why managers are important?

• Organizations need their managerial skills and abilities to perform in uncertain and
challenging times

• They play an important role in identifying critical issues and their possible solutions

• They play a vital role in employee’s productivity and loyalty

• Key players in leading the company into the future e.g employee engagement,
customers satisfaction

• They do have an impact either positive or negative

Why study management?
Reality of work

• Most people have some managerial responsibilities

• And most work for a manager

Rewards of being a manager

• Autonomy and control over work

• Involvement in decision making
• Higher pay and rewards
• Receive recognition and status in the organization & society
• personal growth and development
• Help,coach and support others
• Play a role in influencing organizational outcomes
• Work with a variety of people
Challenges of being a manager

• Deal with diverse personalities

• Do hardwork
• Often have to work with limited resources
• Resolving team conflicts
• Managing time
• Hiring the right person for the company
• Dealing with change and uncertainty
• Maintain a healthy environment and relationship
• Motivating team in difficult times
How is the manager’s job changing?

• Coordinating and overseeing the work activities of others so their

activities are completed effectively and efficiently.

• Managers ensure that activities are performed by the people who

are responsible for them
What do managers do?
Management functions
Management functions

Planning Organizing
1. Set goals
1. Arrange and structure work
2. Establish strategies to
achieve that goals 2. Task allocation based on
skills and abilities
3. Develop plans to integrate
and coordinate activities 3. What needs to be done
4. Consider external and 4. How the task will be done i.e
internal factors grouping
5. Past mistakes to reduce 5. Who reports to whom
Management functions

Leading Controlling
• Motivate, guide and direct people i.e • Evaluation of whether things
Leadership are going as planned
• Help resolve work group conflict
• Monitor and evaluate
• Influence individuals or team as they performance
• Performance compared with set
• Select the most effective
communication channel goals
• Deal with employee behavioral issues • Monitoring, comparing and
Managerial Roles

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