Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
Source: WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS: Vijay K . Garg, Wireless Network Evolution, Prentice Hall
● Fundamentals of Wireless Digital Communication:
Free Space Attenuation
Reflection and Transmission
Temporal Dependence of Fading
● Capacity of Wireless Channels :
Capacity in AWGN
Channel and System Model
Directionally Resolved Measurements
Advanced Modulation / Access Techniques (MFSK, Spread Spectrum)
● Antenna and Propagation:
Line of Sight and Non-Line of Sight
Link Budget Analysis
Books to Refer
● Stallings, William. Data and computer communications. Pearson Education India, 2007.
● Tse, David, and Pramod Viswanath. Fundamentals of wireless communication. Cambridge
university press, 2005.
● Upena Dalal, Wireless communication (1e), Oxford 2014.
● Andrea Molisch , Wireless Communications (2e), John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2011.
● Kaveh Pahlavan and Prashant Krishnamurthy, Principles of Wireless Networks (1e),
Prentice Hall 2009.
● Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications (2e), John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2011.
Wireless Transmission: Review
3 general ranges of frequencies
● Radio range frequencies: 30 MHz to 1 GHz
Omnidirectional applications
● Microwave frequencies: 1 GHz to 40 GHz
Highly directional beams
Suitable for point-to-point transmission
Satellite communication
● Infrared range frequencies: 3 x 1011 to 2 x 1014 Hz
Local point-to-point applications
Multipoint application within confined areas.
Wireless Transmission: Review
● Antennas
An electrical conductor or system of conductors
for radiating/collecting (Transmission/Reception) electromagnetic energy.
● Function:
Transmission: Converts RF electrical energy from the transmitter to electromagnetic energy and then
radiates into the surrounding environment. (Vice-versa for Reception)
Transceivers: Antenna used for both transmission and reception in two-way communication
Wireless Transmission: Review
• Isotropic Antenna
• Idealized antenna. It is a point in space that radiates power in all directions equally.
• Actual radiation pattern: a sphere with the antenna at the center.
Wireless Transmission: Review
• Parabolic Reflective Antenna
• Used in terrestrial Microwave and satellite
• Parabola is locus of all points equidistant from a
fixed line and a fixed point : Focus
• Transmission: Electromagnetic source at the
focus and with reflective paraboloid, parallel
beams formed without dispersion
• In practice: Dispersion occurs leading to loss
• Larger the diameter of antenna, more tightly
directional beam
• Reception: Incoming waves parallel to axis
collected at focus
Wireless Transmission: Review
• Antenna Gain:
• Measure of directionality of an antenna.
• Relative measure with Isotropic antenna.
• It is the power output in a particular direction, compared to that produced by Isotropic
• Ex: Gain of 3 dB. = 10 log (Pout Antenna/Pout Isotropic)
Pout Antenna/Pout Isotropic = 2.
• Increased power in a given direction is at the expense of another
• Effective Area of antenna is related to physical size and
Wireless Transmission: Review
Wireless Transmission: Review
Wireless Transmission: Review
● Transmission Loss or Loss due to attenuation
● d distance
● λ wavelength
Satellite Microwave
● Satellite is relay station
● Receives on one frequency, amplifies or repeats signal and transmits on another frequency
eg. Uplink 5.925-6.425 GHz & downlink 3.7-4.2 GHz
● Typically requires geo-stationary orbit
Height of 35,784km
Spaced at least 3-4° apart
● Typical uses
Long distance telephone
Private business networks
Global positioning
Satellite Point to Point Link
Satellite Broadcast Link
Broadcast Radio
● Radio is 3kHz to 300GHz
● Use broadcast radio, 30MHz - 1GHz, for:
FM radio
UHF and VHF television
● Is omnidirectional
● Still need line of sight
● Suffers from multipath interference
Reflections from land, water, other objects
● Modulate noncoherent infrared light
● End line of sight (or reflection)
● Are blocked by walls
● No licenses required
● Typical uses
TV remote control
IRD port
Wireless Propagation Ground Wave
Wireless Propagation Sky Wave
Wireless Propagation Line of Sight
● Velocity of electromagnetic wave is a function of density of material
~3 x 108 m/s in vacuum, less in anything else
● Speed changes as move between media
● Index of refraction (refractive index) is
Varies with wavelength
● Have gradual bending if medium density varies
Density of atmosphere decreases with height
Results in bending towards earth of radio waves
Hence optical and radio horizons differ
Optical and Radio Line of Sight
● Optical line of sight (with no intervening obstacles)
Optical and Radio Line of Sight
● Radio line of sight
● K = adjustment factor for refraction. Rule of thumb K = 4/3
Optical and Radio Line of Sight
● where d is the distance between an antenna and the horizon in kilometers and h is the
antenna height in meters.
Line of Sight Transmission
● Free space loss
Loss of signal with distance
● Atmospheric Absorption
From water vapour and oxygen absorption
● Multipath
Multiple interfering signals from reflections
● Refraction
Bending signal away from receiver
Line of Sight Transmission
● Free space loss
For Isotropic antennas
loss of signal with distance
Line of Sight Transmission
● Free space loss
Line of Sight Transmission
● Free space loss
Other antennas with gain
Line of Sight Transmission
Free Space Loss
Free Space Loss
Multipath Interference
Wireless Channel: Multipath fading
● Channel strength variations over time and over frequency
● Two types
Small-scale fading channels
Large-scale fading channels
Attenuation in free space: Power degrades with distance (1/d 2)
Shadows: Signals are blocked by obstructing structures.
Mathematical modelling: log-normally distributed fluctuation superimposed on a mean path loss which is distance
Frequency independent
Wireless Channel: Multipath fading
● Small-scale fading channels
Frequency dependent
Random frequency modulation due to Doppler shift on different multipath signals
Time dispersion or echoes caused by multipath propagation delays due to nearby objects
Even when the mobile is stationary, the received signal may fade due to the movement of surrounding
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Wireless Channels : electromagnetic radiation
● Different frequency bands are Regulated by department of telecommunications.
E band 3.30 to 4.90 GHz
G band 3.95 to 5.85 GHz
F band 4.90 to 7.05 GHz
C band 5.85 to 8.20 GHz
Speed of light c = 3x108 m/s, λ is wavelength, F : frequency
Physical modelling for wireless channels
Attenuation Attenuation:
Loss of transmission power due to long
Dispersion &
Transmitted Data Waveform Waveform After 1000 Km Distortion due to signal detection and
Physical modelling for wireless channels
Model 1: Free space, fixed transmit and receive antennas
● In response to a transmitted sinusoid cos 2πft, we can express the electric far field at time t
Physical modelling for wireless channels
Model 2: Free space, fixed transmitter and moving receive antenna
● Consider the fixed antenna and free space model above with a receive antenna that is
moving with speed v in the direction of increasing distance from the transmit antenna
● u(t) = (r(t), θ , ψ) with r(t) = r0+ vt.
• Doppler shift of – f v / c
• The reader should be familiar with the Doppler shift associated
with moving cars. When an ambulance is rapidly moving toward
us we hear a higher frequency siren. When it passes us we hear a
rapid shift toward a lower frequency.
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Model 3: Reflecting wall, fixed antenna
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Model 3: Reflecting wall, fixed antenna
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Model 3: Reflecting wall, fixed antenna
● When the phase difference is an integer multiple of 2π, the two waves add constructively,
and the received signal is strong.
● When the phase difference is an odd integer multiple of π, the two waves add destructively,
and the received signal is weak.
Physical modelling for wireless channels
Model 3: Reflecting wall, fixed antenna
● As a function of r, this translates into a spatial pattern of constructive and destructive
interference of the waves. The distance from a peak to a valley is called the coherence
• Coherence distance
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Model 4: Reflecting wall, moving antenna
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Model 4: Reflecting wall, moving antenna
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Model 5: Reflection from a ground plane
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Coherence Bandwidth (Bc) :
Relation derived from the rms delay spread
Channel evaluation: Statistical measure of the range of frequencies
Flat band or equal gain region
Range of frequencies, where two frequency components with strong potential for amplitude correlation
Physical modelling for wireless channels
● Delay spread and coherence bandwidth
Describe the time dispersive nature of channel in a local area.
Physical modelling for wireless channels
Doppler Spread and Coherence Time
● Coherence time Tc is the time domain dual of Doppler spread
● Tc = 1 / fm
● Where fm is maximum doppler shift
● The time duration over which two received signal have a strong potential for amplitude
Types of Small – scale fading
Path Loss
● Reference: Wireless Communication and Networking by Vijay Garg
● Received Signal Power:
Path Loss over a Reflecting Surface
• Reference: Appendix B: Wireless Communication and Networking by Vijay Garg
● where
● Loss:
Consider a base station transmitting to a mobile station in free space. The following parameters
relate to this communication system:
● Distance between base station and mobile station: 8000 m
● Transmitter frequency: 1.5 GHz (λ= 0.2 m)
● Base station transmitting power, Pt = 10 W(10 dBW)
● Total system losses: 8 dB
● Mobile receiver noise figure Nf = 5 dB
● Mobile receiver antenna temperature = 290 K
● Mobile receiver bandwidth Bw = 1.25 MHz
● Antenna gains are 8 dB and 0 dB for the base station and mobile station, respectively.
● Antenna height at the base station and mobile station are 30 m and 3 m, respectively.
Calculate the received signal power at the mobile receiver antenna and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the
received signal. 64
Noise power spectral density is
● Consider a transmitter which radiates a sinusoidal carrier frequency of 1850 MHz. For a
vehicle moving 60 mph, compute the received carrier frequency if the mobile is moving
Directly towards the transmitter,
Directly away from the transmitter,
In a direction which is perpendicular to the direction of arrival of the transmitted signal.
● Given: Carrier frequency = 1850MHz and
● Vehicle speed v = 60 mph = (60 x 1.6093 x 103) / 3600 = 26.82 m/s
● Therefore, wavelength
(b) The vehicle is moving directly away from the transmitter.
●The Doppler shift in this case is negative and hence the received frequency is given by
Link Margin
● The receiver power where
● Pt : Transmitted Power,
● Gt and Gr : Transmitting & Receiving antenna gain Lp : path loss between the Tx and Rx
Link Margin
● The receiver power
Link Margin
● Noise Figure
● Link Margin
● Eb/N0 = Energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio is a normalized signal to noise
ratio (SNR) measure also known as SNR per bit
Given a flat rural environment with a path loss of 140 dB, a frequency of 900 MHz, 8 dB
transmit antenna gain and 0 dB receive antenna gain, data-rate of 9.6 kbps, 12 dB in antenna
feed line loss, 20 dB in other losses, a fade margin of 8 dB, a required Eb /N0 of 10 dB,
receiver amplifier gain of 24 dB, noise figure total of 6 dB, and a noise temperature of 290 K.
find the total transmit power required of the transmitter in watts for a link margin of 8 dB
Digital data to Analog signal
Analog data to Analog signal
● Uyfuy
Analog data to Digital signal
Modulation Techniques
● SNR is actually the ratio of what is wanted (signal) to what is not wanted (noise).
● A high SNR means the signal is less corrupted by noise; a low SNR means the signal is
more corrupted by noise.
● SNRdB = 10 log10 SNR
● The power of a signal is 10 mW, and the power of the noise is 1µW; what are the values of
SNR and SNRdB?
● SNR = = = 10000
● SNRdB = 10 log10 10000 = 10 x 4 = 40
Channel Capacity
● Channel capacity: maximum data rate at which data can be transmitted over a given
communication channel under given condition.
● Relate:
Data rate, C [bits per second]
Bandwidth, B [Hertz]
Error rate
● Two theoretical models:
Nyquist Capacity:assumes noise-free environment
Shannon Capacity:considers noise
Nyquist Capacity
●Assumes channel that is noise free
●Given a bandwidth of B, the highest signal rate is 2B
● Single signal element may carry more than 1 bit; signal with M levels may carry log2 M bits
C = 2B log2 M
● Increase the bandwidth, increases the data rate
● Increase the signal levels, increases the data rate
● Increase the signal levels, harder for receiver to interpret the bits (practical limit to M)
Example of Nyquist Capacity
● A telephone system with modem allows bandwidth of 3100 Hz. What is the maximum data
rate? M=2
Shannon Capacity
● With noise, some bits may be corrupted; higher data rate, more bits corrupted
●Increasing signal strength overcomes noise
●Signal-to-noise ratio:
High SNR high-quality signal less intermediate repeaters
General Model of Spread Spectrum System
Spread Spectrum Advantages
● Immunity from noise and multipath distortion
● Can hide / encrypt signals
● Several users can share same higher bandwidth with little interference
CDM/CDMA Mobile telephones
Pseudorandom Numbers
● Generated by a deterministic algorithm
Not actually random
But if algorithm good, results pass reasonable tests of randomness
● Starting from an initial seed
● Need to know algorithm and seed to predict sequence
● Hence only receiver can decode signal
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
● Signal is broadcast over seemingly random series of frequencies
● Receiver hops between frequencies in sync with transmitter
● Eavesdroppers hear unintelligible blips
● Jamming on one frequency affects only a few bits
Frequency Hopping Example
FHSS (Transmitter)
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum System (Receiver)
Slow and Fast FHSS
● Commonly use multiple FSK (MFSK)
● Have frequency shifted every Tc seconds
● Duration of signal element is Ts seconds
● Slow FHSS has Tc Ts
● Fast FHSS has Tc < Ts
● FHSS quite resistant to noise or jamming
● With fast FHSS giving better performance
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
● Each bit is represented by multiple bits using a spreading code
● This spreads signal across a wider frequency band
● Has performance similar to FHSS
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Example
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum System
DSSS Example Using BPSK
Approximate Spectrum of DSSS Signal
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
● A multiplexing technique used with spread spectrum
● Given a data signal rate D
● Break each bit into k chips according to a fixed chipping code specific to each user
● Resulting new channel has chip data rate kD chips per second
● Can have multiple channels superimposed
CDMA Example
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
Concept of Spread Spectrum Modulation Bandwidth –
Using Shannon’s theorem and SNR
𝑆 � 𝑆
Channel Capacity 𝐶 = 𝑊𝑙𝑜𝑔2 1 + � = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 2 1 +
𝑁 �
𝑊� = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑔 1 ��
Changing bases �
2 𝑒
𝑊� 𝑆
𝑁� = (1/𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑒2) 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑒
1+ �
� 𝑆 �
𝑊𝐶 = 1.44 𝑙𝑜𝑔 � 1 +
𝑁 �
Expanding logarithmic expression
and neglecting higher order terms
� = 1.44 𝑆 or W 𝑵𝑪
� = 𝟏.𝟒𝟒
� 𝑁 𝑺
(approximation for wider bandwidth)
●If data rate is 32kbps and SNR is 0.001 (-30dB), then with the help of
Shannon’s theorem, find out the necessary bandwidth for Spread Spectrum signal.
Note: The transmission bandwidth is much larger than the bandwidth. Operation with lower
value of SNR is achievable by spread spectrum.
Using much wider bandwidth than that of original data, it is possible to maintain the channel
capacity without increasing the transmitter output power. : Power – bandwidth trade-off
Maximum-Length (ML Sequences)
Pseudo-Noise (PN) codes fundamentals
• Properties of PN codes
1. Balance Property: In each period of sequence, the number of ones differs from that of zeros by
at most one digit
0001 0011 0101 111 → seven zeros and eight ones
2. Run length Property:
Number of runs = 8
000 1 00 11 0 1 0 1111
3 1 2 2 1 1 1 4
3. Autocorrelation Property:
𝑹𝒂 𝝉 [𝒂 − 𝒅]
where 𝑐𝒂 : Number of agreements
d : Number of disagreements in one full period
Properties of PN sequence
PN Sequence is said to be pseudo-random if it satisfies the following conditions
● In every period, the number of +1’s differs from the number of -1’s by exactly 1 (Balance
property). Hence Nc is an odd number.
● In every period, half of the runs of the same sign have length 1, one-fourth have length 2,
one-eighth have length 3, and so forth. Also, the number of positive runs equals the number
of negative runs (run property).
● The autocorrelation of a period sequence is two valued, that is Nc for shifts 0, Nc, 2Nc, 3Nc
etc., and -1 otherwise ( without normalization).
Maximum-Length (ML Sequences)
● Using polynomial ( primitive polynomial) h(x)
h(x) = hpxp + h(p-1)x(p-1) + …………….+ h1x1 + h0x0
● Coefficients hi takes on the binary values 0 (no connection) and 1 (connection or feedback)
● hp and h0 are always 1 for any primitive polynomial
● Galois form is generally faster due to the reduced number of gates in the feedback loop.
Maximum-Length (ML Sequences)
● Code generator produces a binary-valued sequence.
● Sequence repeats after every Nc elements or chips.
● Transmission: Mostly as a bipolar waveform
●Given: clock frequency = 10 MHz. Therefore tchip = 10-7 seconds. Total number of
chips in a period = Nc = 232 – 1 = 4.29 x 109
Given: h(x) = x3 + x + 1
Number of chips in a period = 23 – 1 = 7
with the Say initial seed 111
111 output +1
011 +1
101 +1
010 –1
001 +1
100 –1
110 –1
111 +1
DSSS Transmitter and Receiver
If the chip rate of a DSSS transmitter is 20 Mcps and the message bit rate is 10kbps, find out
the processing gain achieved. Assume the biphase modulation is used.