Document Management System

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Document Management



Feedback Review on DMS




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A Document Management System (DMS) is a
system used to receive, track, manage and store

There are two major parts in our DMS Scope

ICR Based Data Conversion Service

To scan, digitize and store legacy/historical data
Document Management Document Management System Software
System To manage, track and store all the documents

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Major Concepts


Document indexing is the processMetadata is structured information
of associating information with a file Technology that allows software to Technology to print document
that allows to classify and organizeinterpret hand written, typed, printed exactly as per business need with
or specific tag allowing it to be easily a document
found and retrieved later text on scanned images logo, formatting various paper sizes
as required

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To ensure efficiency in work process through curtailing the document
handling timeline
To provide a secure digital storage solution for documents, preventing
improper handling, theft, breach of security and physical damage due to any
natural disaster

To ensure compliance and regulatory requirements for Record Management

To digitally manage and archive legacy/historical documents without

unnecessarily occupying office space

To print customized documents for stakeholder

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Scope of the service
Document Management System Software Supply and Installation with

All web interfaces of this application have to be fully responsive. It has to be designed and developed in a
way so that other applications such as Core Business, ERP, CRM, HRMIS, Financial Audit Management
Software, Agent Approval Software etc. can invoke its functionalities such as storing, searching, security
features, role management etc. using standard APIs

06 The DMS system shall also be able to store newly inputted data (both electronic documents and scanned
documents) by other software system and maintain a seamless integration with the backend data

07 Various ICR/OCR friendly forms as per business requirements needed to be designed to scan and store
data in to the DMS system

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DMS Solution Architecture

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DMS Process Flow

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DMS Functional Requirement
Overall Requirement
Capability Feature
Web Services The management of documents shall be possible by using Web Services accessible from other system
Identifier The system shall have Barcode/QR Code recognition for auto indexing
Integration The system shall be capable of seamless integration with leading Office tools both for import and export of
data and reports in multiple formats Interface to other applications and databases -
Proposed system shall provide simple integration between different software applications whether they are
web-based, or desktop-based. It should have provision to integrate with other Govt. applications and third-
party solutions.

General Documents shall be able to be scanned or printed directly into the electronic document management system
Usage without requiring a hard copy. It should be able to Trueprint documents exactly as per business need with
logo, formatting various paper sizes as required
Import Source Proposed system shall provide document import via scanner, virtual printer, drag and drop, and browse files
Client Web based and mobile based client to provide users access to the system through a common web browser or
mobile device
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DMS Functional Requirement
Application Architecture Requirement

Capability Feature
Image Capture The system shall provide the capability to support encryption
Audit trail
The system must provide an audit trail for tracking changes, who made the change, and when the
change was made. Event logging, auditing and reporting capabilities should be available for all
documents and workflows including but not limited to the following:
 Applications
 User Access
 Database Modifications
Error Handling The system must show all transactions for errors and provide immediate user feedback, including error
messages and possible corrective actions. However, minor errors should not result in discontinuity of

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DMS Functional Requirement

Capability Feature
Image Capture The DMS should capture and process primarily images of paper documents
(structured, semi structured, unstructured), accept electronic documents
from scanners, cameras, email or multifunction printers. It should support
Intelligent Character Reading (ICR), Optical character recognition (OCR) in order to
convert scanned images of text into machine readable text.

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DMS Functional Requirement Slide 15 of 27

Data Repository Requirements

Capability Feature
Indexing Proposed system shall facilitate electronic document storage and indexing
Allow Administrator to define fields for automatic indexing of documents
Metadata The data repository shall hold metadata with multiple metadata models. Each document class may use a
specified data model. (One model). Each document class may refer to several metadata models.
Archive and It shall be possible to divide the data repository logically in a Working and Archive part for the purpose of
Working Part different routines for backup, security etc.
Archiving system The Archiving Solution must provide capabilities to manage information sharing parameters including:
• Types of access (read only, write Print, email, download, comments) and Access period
Integration with The Archiving Solution must be able to integrate with other enterprise applications and tools for quick
Enterprise and convenient file content view:
Application • Common image viewers/managers
• Media players: VLC, Windows Media Player
• Adobe Acrobat Reader and Common Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

Retention and The Archiving Solution shall provide capabilities to record an information objects retention period and
Destruction Period destruction date, and flag information objects as expired for future archiving or deletion according to
storage legislations and policies.
DMS Functional Requirement
Data Repository Requirements
Capability Feature
Document format The following document formats (not limited to) shall be supported for storing and viewing documents
 TIFF/multi-page TIFF
 All Microsoft Office document formats
 Works with black-and-white, grayscale and color images.

Versioning The data repository shall support versions of documents, version history following structured naming
Version history and earlier document versions shall be available for viewing
Structured Documents These document types are standard in format and template and with a fixed location for specific data sets. The
system shall be able to handle such documents
Semi-structured Documents Semi-structured documents do not have a formal structure in place for information. The document is usually
the same, but design and layout may differ. The information will be tagged in the document, but the placement
of the information may vary from document to document. The system shall be able to handle such documents
Unstructured documents In this case, documents have no standard structure. The data is usually free-flowing and lacks consistency. The
software should have provision for manual metadata insertion for this kind of documents. The data entry
operator may select the metadata fields from a pool of available fields or might add/create new fields if they do
not exist in the pool.
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DMS Functional Requirement

Document Administration Requirements

Capability Feature
Document Class It shall be possible to define an unlimited number of document classes according to a classification
Metadata Definition The document administration shall provide an interactive tool for definition of different metadata
tool models (data structure, labels, and legal values) for each Document Class
System It shall provide standard user interface interactive tools for all Document Management system
Configuration configuration
Group Message The admin shall be able to push group messages to various working group on need basis.
System Health Shall Support health monitoring to generate periodic reports about the health of the system,
Monitoring security status, etc.

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DMS Solution Architecture
Requirements to View, Search and Download
Capability Feature
Search for documents The user shall be able to search for documents based on matches with single metadata elements,
or combinations of metadata elements
It shall be possible to search and identify documents by free text search
Search results The user shall be able to choose a specific document from the search results, and read the
metadata of the document
Printout When viewing a document, the user shall be able to print the document if the role-based access
control permits
Download document When viewing a document, the user shall be able to download the document file(s) and its
metadata to filesif the role-based access control permits

Send document When viewing a document, the user shall be able to send the document as attachment to an
email if the role-based access control permits
Creating Document Sets The user shall be able to choose and mark several documents from the list of results from the
search, and create a Document Set from the selection.
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DMS Functional Requirement
Import Export Requirements
Capability Feature
Import/Export The proposed system should be interoperable with other Windows applications, support Dynamic Data
Requirement Exchange (DDE), support saving data in industry-standard file formats, use standard protocols for data
interchange, i.e. extensible markup language (XML), and provide data import and export capabilities

Interoperability Requirements
Capability Feature
Interoperability The Document management system shall provide interoperability functions accessible from other
with other systemshaving the ability to correctly interpret the data being exchanged. The DMS should have API
systems Access point to connect with other systems using open standards such as ODMA, LDAP, WebDAV,
and SOAP or RESTful web services.
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DMS Solution Architecture

Capability Feature
Annotation requirement Proposed system shall provide Annotation -
Annotations permit users to append or remove information about a document without
permanently changing the original image. Highlighting, stamps, redactions (blackouts or
whiteouts) and sticky notes are among the most common annotations.

Annotation feature Annotation support (e.g. area highlights, redaction, text annotations)
Redaction requirement Redaction should be at the end user’s discretion
Integrity In order for the document to maintain its integrity, all annotations should be overlays that do not
change the actual image. This way, a document can be printed with or without the annotations.

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Non-Functional Requirements
Performance Requirements
The system high availability standard shall be greater than or equal to 99.9% during normal business hours.
The system shall provide full recovery and restart following system failure or error.
The system shall support dynamic load balancing and automatic fail-over between multiple servers.

Error Handling Requirements

Error and Warning messages shall be informative and identify the error as completely as possible
All error and warning messages shall be written to the server’s Windows Event Log for the Document
Management System
Critical errors shall be emailed automatically to all relevant software support personnel.

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Non-Functional Requirements
System Security Requirements
Security capability shall exist, such that access to all components of the proposed system shall be only granted to
authenticated users
Authorized users of the proposed system shall be identified by a User ID and Password or another means that provides
equivalent or better security.

The system administrator shall be able to establish new users on the system, to remove users from the system, and to set
security access rights for users that both restrict and allow access to system capabilities. Shall provide access (read only,
write) and forfeit access based on user role/type/group.

The system administrator shall be able to lock user accounts based on inactivity.
The system shall maintain an audit log including unauthorised access log. Audit log report shall be generated by the
Document hierarchy security and document level security Annotation level security - system’s security should give the
system administrator control over who can view annotations and see-through redactions
To ensure Security (authenticity & integrity) of the data secure deployment mechanism should be in place with the
solution including single sign-on, active directory, and password complexity configuration.
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