International Financial Management-1
International Financial Management-1
International Financial Management-1
World as a Global village Free flow of goods and services seamless Quantum jump in International trade and commerce New forms of trade-Internet,e-commerce Dynamic and Complex International markets
International Financial Environment Natural sequel to International trade Financial Management- Integral part of Trade and commerce Technology and its Impact New funding techniques,Investment Vehicles,Risk Management products etc. Creative Financial Management Financial Engineering!
International Financial Environment-contd Challenges before a Finance Manager Keep up to date with the the changes in the Economic Environment-eg exchange rates,Banking and Tax regulations,Foreign trade policies,credit conditions at home and abroad,stock market trends etc. Complex relationships between various variables eg, impact of changes in the world financial markets and its effects on the firm and its bottom line and cash flows
Challenges before a Finance Manager-contd To be prepared to face adverse business conditions affecting the Financial Position of the Firm and minimize its adverse impactBusiness decisions going wrong due to changes in assumptions,changes in market conditions beyond control etc Design and Implement effective solutions to take advantages of the markets and advances in Financial theories Upgrading skills and using new tools of Financial Management,use of latest technology etc.
Roles and Goals of MNCsRaw materials seekers-Vertical Integration eg French,Dutch and British East Indian companies Today they are large Oil and Gas companies eg BP,Shell,Indian cos Mittal steel etc Mineral companies like Anaconda copper International Nickel etc Goals-exploit availabilty-cost advantages
Roles and Goals of MNCs- contd Market seekers-Typical MNCs of Todaythey go overseas to manufacture and sell in overseas markets eg IBM,unilever,coca cola,Pepsi, Procter and Gamble,Nestle etc Goals-Maximize businsess opportunities,Maximize profits,to beat perceived or real trade restrictions,eg Japan investing in US to avoid export restrictions in US
Roles and Goals of MNCs-contd Cost Minimisers Again very common today companies seek and invest in low cost countries,e.g. BPO/KPO in India,Texas Instruments.Japanese Consumer Electronic companies in Malaysia,China etc. Goals-To remain competitive in the Domestic and world market,utilize Economies of scale.
Exposure to International RisksExposure and Risk Exposure is the measure of the sensitivity of the value of a Financial Item,viz Asset,Liability,Cash Flow,to changes in the risk factor Risk is the quantifiable likelihood of loss or less-than-expected returns. It is a measure of the variability of the value of the item attributable to the the risk factor.
Exposure to International Risks1. Macroeconomic Environmental Risks-Value of a Firms Assets,Liabilities and Operating Income varies continually in response to changes in the economic variables such as Exchange rates,Interest rates,Inflation rates,prices and so forth. 2. Core Business risks-Interruptions to Raw material supplies, labor troubles,success or failure of a new product,operational risks
3)Systemic Risks-Collapse of a Financial system-eg Stock market crash,Run on Banks etc 4)Currency Risks-also known as FE risk- A risk that a Business operation or an Investment value will be affected by exchange rates fluctuations. 5)Liquidity Risk-The risk that arises from the difficulty of selling an asset. An investment may sometimes need to be sold quickly. Unfortunately, an insufficient secondary market may prevent the liquidation or limit the funds that can be generated from the asset. Some assets are highly liquid and have low liquidity risk eg Shares.Some assets have low Liquidity and high liquidity risk eg Real estate property
Exposure to International Risks-contd 6)Market Risk-Risk which is common to an entire class of assets or liabilities. The value of investments may decline over a given time period simply because of economic changes or other events that impact large portions of the market. 7)Interest rate risk-Interest rate risk is due to the rise or fall in the Interest rate of a Security or Bond held as well the market value of the fixed rate bonds 8)Political Risk-change in government,unstable government eg Projects in Iraq,Ethiopia etc.
Transaction Exposure-arises due to exchange differences in transactions-Unanticipated changes in the exchange rate has an impactfavourable or adverse on its cash flows.It is usually within the year.
Eg-An Indian company imports Raw materials from a US company valued at usd100000,payable after 3 months.If it pays at todays rate it would have paid @Rs 45 to a dollar.As the rupee is weakened the rate goes upto Rs 46 to a dollar within 3 months.It has to pay Rs 100,000 more.
Translation exposure-is the change in accounting Income and Balance Sheet statementscaused by by the changes in exchange rates.It results from the need to translate foreign currency assets /Liabilities into local currency while preparing final accounts.
Eg-an Indian company borrows usd 1 million from a us bank for importing a machine. When the import materialized,the exchange rate was Rs 45 to a usd.The value of the machine in the books as on that date would be Rs 45 million(Rs 4.5 crores) and a corresponding loan of Rs 4.5 crores. (contd)
Assuming no change in the exchange rate,the company while preparing the final accounts will provide for depreciation on 4.5 cores ,say @25%=Rs1.125crores.
If the rate of exchange as on the Balance sheet date becomes Rs 46 to a dollar,then correspondingly the figures of Machinery value ,the loan taken and the depreciation to be charged also get changed.It impacts both Pand L Account and the Balance sheet.However there is no direct impact on the Cash flows immediately.
Economic exposure-refers to the change in the value of a company that accompanies an unanticipated change in exchange rates.Anticipated changes are already reflected in the market value of the company. Eg-when an Indian company transacts business with an
American company,it has expectation that the Indian Rupee is likely to weaken and factors this in its transactions.If there is a weakening of the rupee it will not affect the market value of the company.In case it is different from the expected ,then it will have a bearing on the Market Value of the company.
International Financial Management Economic Exposure-has two components 1. Operating exposure-which captures the impact of the unanticipated changes on the companys revenues,operating costs and operating net cash flows over a medium term horizon-say 3 years-something similar to Transaction exposure(TE) but longer than TE. In general an exchange rate will affect both future revenues as well as operating costs and also the operating Income2. Strategic exposure-In the long term,exchange rates effects can undermine the companys competitive advantage by raising its costs over its competitors.Such competitive exposure is also referred to as Strategic exposure eg Japanese goods becoming expensive due to yen becoming stronger and hence strategically shifting production bases out of Japan.
International Financial Management Important Terms used in International Finance Exchange control-mechanism by which the country regulates its foreign exchange transactions.RBI in India regulates the entire FE movement into and out of India. Authorized Dealers-are those authorized to deal in FE by RBI eg,Banks.they can buy and sell foreign currencies,open LCs ,remit FE, open accounts abroad. Letter of credit-is a document issued by the opening bank (importers bank)to honor an exporters draft or claim for payment provided the exporter has fulfilled all the conditions stipulated in the LC. Terms used in the operation of LC Opening bank-The bank which opens the LC at the request of the buyer. (contd)
International Financial Management Beneficiary-The seller/exporter who sells goods to the buyer and who will receive the proceeds of the LC. Advising Bank-The correspondent Bank to whom the opening bank sends the LC in the exporters country who in turn send it to the exporters bank for further process.It could be the branch of the opening bank also. Confirming Bank-one who adds his confirmation to the LC DP/DA-Drafts against payment and Drafts against Acceptance-presents the draft on the Importer through his bankers who in turn forward this draft along with the documents to the importers bankers for payment and releasing the documents.
International Financial Management Balance of Payments-BOP of a country is a systematic accounting record of all economic transactions between the residents of A country with the Rest of the WORLD. BOP considers both Import and Exports of Goods and Services Basic types of Economic Transactions
1)Purchase or sale of Goods or Services with a financial quid pro quo-or a promise to pay.One financial and one physical(one Real) 2)Purchase or sale of Goods or services in return for goods or services-Barter system(Two Real) 3)Any exchange of Financial items,say purchase of Financial securities and payment there for by cheque(two Financial transactions) 4)A unilateral Gift in kind(one real transfer) 5)A unilateral financial gift.(One financial transfer)
International Financial Management Accounting Principles in BOPIs a standard double entry accounting record-Thumb rules to remember; 1. All transactions which lead to an immediate or prospective payment from the Rest of the world(ROW) to the country should be recorded as credit entries.The payments,actual or prospective,should be recorded as the offsetting debit entries. Conversely,all transactions which result in an actual or prospective payment from the country to the ROW should be recorded as debits and the corresponding payments as credits
International Financial Management Accounting Principles in BOP-contd; Payment received from ROW increases the countrys foreign assets either the payment will be credited to a bank account held abroad by a resident entity or a claim is acquired on a foreign entity.Thus an increase in Foreign Assets must appear as debit entry. Conversely, a payment to the ROW reduces the countrys foreign assets or increases its liabilities owed to foreigners;a reduction in foreign assets or an increase in foreign liabilities must therefore appear as credit entries
International Financial Management Accounting Principles in BOP-contd 2 A Transaction which results in an increase in demand for foreign exchange is to be recorded as a debit entry while a transaction which results in an increase in the supply of Foreign exchange is to be recorded as a credit entry. Thus an increase in Foreign assets or reduction in Foreign Liabilities ,because it uses up foreign Exchange is a debit entry while a reduction in foreign assets or an increase in foreign liabilities because it is a source of foreign exchange now, is a credit entry.Capital outflow-such as when a resident purchases foreign securities or pays off a bank loan is a debit entry while capital inflow such as a disbursement of world bank loan is a credit entry
International Financial Management COMPONENTS OF BOP1. Current Account-Imports and Exports of goods and services and unilateral transfers of goods and services 2. Capital Account-Under this are included transactions leading to changes in foreign Financial assets and Liabilities of the country 3. Reserve Account-In principle this is no different from the capital account in as much as it also relates to Financial Assets and Liabilities.However in this category only Reserve Assets are included.These are assets which the the monetary authority of the country uses to settle deficits and surpluses
International Financial Management Examples; India exports garments to USA worth usd10000.The goods have been invoiced and will be paid in USD.Payment will be effected by crediting the account of India in USA.The balance in a foreign bank is a foreign asset for India and liability for USA.India will record the entry as; Transaction Debit credit -Good exported(current) 10000 -Increase in claims from Foreign bank (foreign assetcapital) 10000
In the BOP of USA it will be the opposite.
International Financial Management Structure of current Account in Indias BOPCurrent Account Debits credits Merchandise(goods) Invisibles(a+b+c)
a)services 1.Travel 2.Transportation 3.Insurance 4.Misc b)Transfers 1)official 2)Private c)Income 1)Investment Income 2)employees compensation TOTAL CURRENT ACCOUNT
International Financial Management MERCHANDISE-In principle,merchandise covers all transactions relating to movable goods where the ownership is transferred from R to NR in the case of exports and NR to R in the case of imports with some exceptions. Exports valued on FOB basis are credit entries.Data for these items are obtained form the various forms exporters fill up and submit to designated authorities like STPI,Expocil,RBI etc. Imports valued at CIF are the debit entries. The difference between the total of debits and total of credits appears in the NET column.This is the Balance on Merchandise Trade Account,deficit or surplus depending upon whether negative or positive.
International Financial Management InvisiblesIncludes services such as transportation,Insurance Income, Payments and receipts for factor services,viz labour and capital and unilateral transfers. Credits under Invisibles consist of services rendered by R to NR, Interest and Dividend Income earned by R from their ownership of Foreign Financial Assets,cash and gifts received in kind by R from NR. The NET balance between the credit and debit entries under the heads Merchandise ,Non-monetary gold movements and Invisibles taken together as the Current Account Balance.The Net balance is taken as deficit if negative and surplus if positive.
International Financial Management Structure of Capital Account IN Indias BOP1.Foreign Investments(a+b) a.)India b)Portfolio 2.Loans a)External Assistance By India To India b) Commercial Borrowings(MT and LT) By India To India C)Short term To India 3.Banking Capital a)Commercial Banks Assets Liabilities Non-Residents b)others 4. Rupee Debt Service 5.Other capital TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT(1 TO 5) Debit credit Net
International Financial Management Structure of other Accounts Net 1.Errors and Omissions 2.Overall Balance (Total of current,capital and Errors and omissions) 3.Monetary movements IMF Foreign Exchange Reserves(increase /decrease) Debit Credit
International Financial Management Meaning of Deficit and Surplus Deficit refers to the negative balance in the BOP after giving effect to the various transactions and Surplus refers to the positive balance in the BOP It refers to the imbalance in subset of accounts included in the BOP and also referred to as Economic equilibrium or disequilibrium.Disequilibrium calls for a policy Intervention,it is important to group the various accounts in the BOP into set of Accounts above the Line and below the Line.If the NET balance is positive we say it is BOP surplus and if it is negative then it is BOP Deficit. BOP statistics are important for the Finance Manager. If negative it will mean more demand for the Foreign currency and will increase its cost and vice versa.
International Financial Management Negative BOP can be corrected by increasing taxes,reducing government expenditure,by increasing savings and by reducing consumption. BOP disequilibrium can be remedied by borrowing from International Institutions like IMF which are called Multilateral Borrowings or by Intergovernmental Borrowings called as Bilateral borrowings. FDI ,exchange control mechanism can also be considered as a direct option for remedying the BOP position. BOP can be classified as Autonomous and Accommodating.Autonomous Transaction takes place due to Import and export of goods and services.Accommodating transaction (compensatory transactions) means borrowing to rectify Current account deficit.
International Financial Management BRETTON WOODS SYSTEMFollowing the 2nd world war,the main allied powers USA and UK took up the task of thoroughly revamping the International Monetary system.In 1944 in a place called Bretton woods in New Hampshire,USA ,2 new supra National Institutions were formed which are very much active today in the International Financial Arena, viz World Bank International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate that was put in place can be characterized as the Gold Exchange standard. It had the following features; The US govt undertook to convert the USD freely into Gold at a fixed PARITY of usd 35 per ounce of gold.Other IMF member countries agreed to fix their currencies vis a vis the dollar within a variation of 1% on either side of the central parity being permissible. Under this system the USD in effect became International money.Other countries accumulated and held USD balances with which thy could settle their international payments. This system was abandoned in 1973 .
International Financial Management WORLD BANK(WB)-is a vital source of Financial & Technical assistance
to developing countries around the world.WB representing a membership of 185 countries has 2 unique development InstitutionsIBRDA- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. IDAInternational Development Association Aim of WB- Global Poverty Reduction IBRDA- focuses on middle Income and creditworthy poor countries IDA- focuses on the poorest countries upliftment and growth in projects like drinking water,road construction, etc. Together WB provides-Interest free loans,Interest free credits,Grants to developing countries for education,health,infrastructure,and many other alleviation causes. ADB- Asian development bank-was set up as an Asian version of the world bank to provide development finance to countries in Asian Region .Its HQ is Manila,Phillipines. IFC-Is a member of the WB GROUP. It helps private sector projects in developing countries in the form of giving direct assistance,underwriting issues,undertaking feasibility studies for projects,.It also acts as a guarantor for any lending to PVT sector and develops capital markets in the countries.
International Financial Management IMF-International Monetary Fund.- mandated to exercise firm surveillance over
the exchange rate policies of its memeber.and to help assure orderly exchange arrangements and to promote a stable exchange rate .The responsibility for collection and allocation of reserves was given to IMF under the Bretton woods arrangement.It was also given the responsibility of ; supervising the adjustable Peg system Rendering advise to member countries on their international monetary affairs Promoting research in various areas of international economics and monetary economics Providing a forum for discussion and consultations among member nations. -The initial quantum of reserves was contributed by the members according to quotas fixed for each.Each member country was required to contribute 25% of its quota in Gold and the rest in its own currency.Thus the fund began with a pool of currencies of its members.The quotas decide the the voting powers and maximum amount of financing its member countries can get within the policy making bodies of IMF. Since 1980,IMF has been authorized to borrow from capital markets. -IMF established contingency reserve to tide over temporary BOP problems,while structural Reserve was established to tide over structural BOP problems.Countries with chronic BOP problems were allowed to depreciate their currencies. It has played an important role in tackling the debt crisis of developing 37 countries.
International Financial Management Exchange rate regimes;current scenario1)Exchange arrangements with No separate legal tender-This group includes
a) Countries which are members of a currency union and share a common currency eg European union., who have adopted Euro as their currency since1-1-1999 and have fixed their currency on parity with the Euro on that date.(11 members have adopted this) b) Countries which have adopted the currency of another country as,East carribean common market viz, Grenada,Antigua,,St Kitts,Nevis. And countries belonging to the central African Economic and Monetary union eg Cameroon,central African Republic.These countries have adopted the French Franc as their currency. 2)Currency Board Arrangement-A regime under which there is a legislative commitment to exchange the domestic currency against a specified foreign currency at a fixed exchange rate.,coupled with restrictions on monetary authority to ensure that commitments will be honoured. Eg Argentina, Hong Kong have tied their currency with USD.( 8 members have adopted this ) 3)Conventional Fixed Peg Arrangements-This is similar to Bretton woods system where the currency is pegged to another currency or a basket of currencies with a band of +/- 1% around the central parity.( 44 members have adopted this )
International Financial Management Exchange rate regimes;current scenario4)Pegged Exchange rates with Horizontal bands-Here there is a peg but variation
has with wider bands.It is a compromise between a fixed peg and a floating peg.(8 countries have adopted this)
International Financial Management International Trade organizations= 1)GATT-General Agreement on Trade and Tariff was constituted
in 1947 to facilitate free trade.The main objectives of GATT are; Progressively reduce Tariff rates Extend Most favoured Nation status treatment to all members Remove quantitative restrictions and Free exchange control on current account transactions Several rounds of discussions were held -Geneva,Kennedy,Tokyo and Uruguay Rounds It did not take into consideration trade in services and Intellectual properties.
GATT is permanent in nature.Apart from trade and services ,it also deals with Trade related aspects of Intellectual Property rights(TRIPS) wherein issues regarding copyright,Patents,Industrial design Trademark are dealt with.In trade related aspects of investment management (TRIMS),discrimination against Foreign Investments in the form of restrictions,discriminatory taxation are dealt with. Various objectives of WTO include implementation administration,and operation of all multilateral trade disputes administration and operation of trade agreements,administration of rules governing settlement of trade disputes,trade policy review mechanism and providing a forum for discussion between members. 3)UNCTAD-United Nations council for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has been constituted to facilitate International trade.The first meeting was held in Geneva in 1964 and attended by 120 countries.Its main aim was to reduce trade barriers in developed countries and through increased access to their markets,improve standard of living in developing countries
However in the recent years with the removal of barriers and increasing integration,authorities have realized that regulation of financial markets and Institutions cannot have a narrow national focus-To minimize the problem of systemic risks banks and Firms must be subject to norms and regulations that are common across countries. eg Basel Accord.
Euro deposits -contd The prefix Euro is outdated now as such deposits and loans traded outside Europe .For instance,in Singapore and Hong Kong.They are called Asian Dollar Markets. Over the years markets have evolved a variety of Instruments other than Time deposits and short term loans.Among them are(a) certificates of Deposits(COD) (b)Euro commercial paperEurobonds(d)Floating Rate Notes etc. In 1999,single currency Monetary union was formed.It is a unique integration of currencies without political integration .It challenged the USD in as much as trading is done in Euro as much as in USD and the EU has adopted this currency for trading and holding deposits. ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EURO MARKETS -Perceived Advantages of Euro Markets; 1)More efficient allocation of capital world wide(2)Smoothing out the effects of sudden shifts in Balance of Payments,eg oil crisis in 1973and recycling of petrodollars without which a large number of oil importing companies would have to face severe crisis.(3)The spate of financial innovations that have been created by the market which have vastly enhanced the ability of companies and manage their financial risks. Perceived Disadvantages of Euro markets;(1)Market stabilization is difficult for Central banks as the so called hot Money-Speculative capital flows is facilitated(2)National Monetary authorities lose effective control over monetary policies as Domestic residents can frustrate their efforts by borrowing or lending abroad.(3) Euro markets create private International Equityand in the absence of a central coordinating 45 authorities they could createtoo muchcontributing to inflationary tendencies in the world economy.
1)Retail market- This is the market where tourists and travellers exchange one currency for another in the form of currency notes or travellers cheques.The total turnover and average transaction size are very small.The spread between buying and selling is large.They are secondary Price Makers because they do not have a 2 way transaction .eg Restaurants,Hotels ETC.
International Financial Management FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS2)Wholesale Marketoften called the Inter Bank Market.Major categories of participants are(a) Commercial banks(b)Investment InstitutionsCentral Banks. The average size of the transaction will be very large,e.g. the average size of transaction in the US market is around USD 4 million and many transactions even larger . Among the Participants in this are-Professional dealers or Primary price makers who make a 2 way quote to each other and to their clients- a price to buy currency X against currency Y and a price to sell X against Y.This Group consists of mainly commercial banks ,large Investment Institutions,and a few large corporations and MNCs. A dealer will sell USD against Euro to one corporate customer,carry the position for a while and offset it by buying USD against Euro from another customer or dealer.Meanwhile,if the price has moved against the dealer he bears the loss. Eg,The dealer might agree to buy Euro by selling USD,at a rate of USD 0.9 per Euro,and by the time he covers his position,the market may have moved ,so that he must acquire the Euro at a price of USD 0..87 per Euro.if the transaction is for USD 1 Million ,the loss he will undergo will be USD 30000. Foreign Currency Brokers act as middlemen between the two Price makers.They do not buy or sell on their Account but act as brokers to get information about customers willing to buy or sell and from whom they will get their commission.They tend to 47 possess a lot information because their of proximity to the customers regularly.
International Financial Management FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS 3)Finally there are Price Takers, who take the prices quoted by Primary price makers,and
buy or sell currencies for their own,Large corporations buy or sell FE for their own operations viz,Imports,Exports,payment of interest,hedging etc.Most of the companies deal in FE only limited to their transactions.But some MNCs and trans national companies use their knowledge and expertise to trade in FE and make profit out of the FE markets. Central Banks intervene in the market from time to time ,to attempt to move exchange in a particular direction or to moderate excessive fluctuations in the exchange rates. Types of Transactions and Settlement Dates; Value Date-A settlement of transaction takes place between two parties by transfer of Deposits between two parties..The date on which the transfer takes place is called the settlement date or Value date .The locations of the 2 banks involved in the Trade are called Dealing locations which may not be the same as the settlement locations..The relevant countries are called Settlement Locations.Obviously,to effect the transfers,banks in the countries of the transfer ,banks in both the countries must be open for business. For example-A London Bank can sell Swiss Francs against USD to a Paris Bank .The settlement locations may be New York and Geneva while Dealing Locations are London and Paris.The transaction can be settled only on a day on which both the US and Swiss banks are open.
International Financial Management FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS Value Dates for Spot Transactions- In a spot transaction,the Settlement or Value Date is usually 2 business days ahead for the European currencies or the Yen traded against Dollar.Thus if a London Bank sells yen against Dollar to Paris Bank on MONDAY,the London Bank will turn over a Yen deposit to the Paris Bank on WEDNESDAY and the Paris bank will transfer a dollar deposit to the London Bank on the same day.If the value date is a bank Holiday it is considered as he next working day.The settlement date is reduced to one day if the pairs of currencies are USD and Canadian Dollar or Mexican Peso. Value Dates for Forward Transactions-In a one month Forward Purchase of say ,Pounds against Dollar,the rate of Exchange is fixed on the transaction date;the value date is arrived at as a follows-For a one -month forward value date is on say June 20,the corresponding spot Value date is June 22 and one-month forward value date is July 22 and 2 months forward value is August 22. A swap transaction in the Foreign Exchange market is a combination of SPOT AND A FORWARD in the opposite direction.Thus a bank will buy Euros spot against USD and simultaneously enter into a forward transaction with the same counterparty to sell Euros against USD.As the term Swap implies .It is a temporary exchange of one currency for another with an obligation to reverse it at a specific future date.
International Financial Management FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS TOM RATES-In the case of TOM rates,the value date is one day after the transaction instead of 2 days as in spot rates. READY RATES-In Ready rates transactions,the value date is the same as that of the Transaction date. CARD RATES- are rates quoted for a Retail customer,while for corporate customers or wholesale customers, Bulk special rates are quoted.Card Rate is not an Exchange rate but an approximate rate. Buying Rate is called as a BID rate, and the selling rate is called as ASK rate. EXCHANGE RATE QUOTATIONS AND ARBITRAGEAn exchange rate between currencies A and B is simply the price of one in terms of the other. The ISO has given a 3 letter codes for all the currencies.They are as follows; USD US Dollar, GBP-British Pound , JPY-Japanese Yen , CAD-Canadian Dollar, DEM-Deutschmark,NLG-Dutch Guilder,FRF-French Franc,ESP-Spanish Peseta, INR-Indian Rupee,EUR-Euro,IEP-Irish Pound,CHF-Swiss Franc,ITL-Italian Lira, AUD-Australian Dollar,SEK-Swedish Kroner,BEF-Belgian Franc,DRK-Danish Kroner,SAR-Saudi Riyal etc.Other Important currencies are-South Korea-Won, Indonesia-Rupaiah, Malaysia-Ringet,Singapore-Dollars,South AfricaRand,Russia-Rouble etc 50
International Financial Management FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETSExchange Rate quotations-Direct and Indirect quotations-A FE quotation can be Direct or Indirect Direct when it is quoted/expressed in a manner that reflects the exchange of a specified number of domestic currency vis- a-vis one unit of a foreign currency. Eg,Rs 46=1 USD is a direct quotation in India .(European quotation) Indirect quotation is when it is quoted to reflect the exchange of a specified number of foreign currency vis a vis unit of a local currency Eg usd.0.2083=Re1.IS Indirect quotation India(American quotation) SPREAD- is the difference between the Ask Price and the Bid Price Illustration for Spot and Forward rate contractAn exporter exports Goods valued at USD 100 Million. On 6 months credit on 1 st February 2007. And also enters into a Forward rate contract for Rs 49 to 1 USD.By entering into such a contract the exporter is assured of receipt of INR 4900 million on 1st August on which date the amount actually becomes payable,irrespective of the spot rate on that date.If he had not taken this forward cover,and if on that date ,the INR had become Rs 48 to 1 USD,he would have got only INR 4800 million only where by he would have lost INR 100 million.By taking forward cover he has saved INR 100 million .In other words he has gained INR 100 Million.If the spot rate has become INR 46 ,still the Exporter can get the agreed rate of Rs 49 to 1 usd.
International Financial Management FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS AND DEALINGSThe Essence of the Arbitrage process is to buy currencies from Markets where prices are lower and sell in markets where prices are higher..In operational terms the Arbitrage process is essentially a balancing operation that does not allow the same currency to have varying rate in different Forex markets on a sustainable basis. TYPES OF ARBITRAGE IN SPOT MARKETS 1)Geographical Arbitrage;As the name suggests the ,Geographical Arbitrage consists of buying currency for one Forex Market (say London) and where it is cheaper and sell in another Forex Market( say Tokyo) where it is costly.Because of Technology, geographical divide is not an issue today. 2) Triangular Arbitrage ;As the name suggests ,Triangular Arbitrage takes place when there are currencies involving 3 markets. ARBITRAGE IN FORWARD MARKETS The concept of the arbitrage process is equally applicable in forward markets.In the case of Spot markets,mismatch between cross rates and quoted rates provides an opportunity for arbitrage gains.Similar arbitrage gain possibilities exist in Forward markets also.In case the difference between the forward rate and the spot rate (in terms of premium or discount)is not matched by the interest rate differentials of the 2 currencies.Conceptually,interest rate differentials of the 2 currencies should be equal to to the forward premium or discount on their exchange rates.Since the comparison is to be made with Interest rate differentials,this is also referred to as covered Interest 55 Arbitrage.
Advising Bank Many times,LC received from buyer may be a forged one.If the
same is routed through a bank,it performs the function of advising whether the LC is genuine or not.For doing this ,the bank charges a commission. Negotiating Bank-- Since the Buyers bank opens the LC,payment will be made to the seller only when the buyers bank receives proper documents as per the LC.This will involve delay like the transit time involved in transferring the necessary documents by the seller to buyers bank.Negotiating bank is a bank which is in sellers country and negotiates the document presented by the seller against the LC.In the event of documents being proper,the negotiating bank credits the proceeds to sellers Accounts immediately,thereby avoiding the delay.For doing this the negotiating bank charges a commission known as Negotiating commission. Correspondent BankWhile a bank has to deal with many centers around the world,it cannot afford to have branches in all those countries.It enters into correspondent agreement with a bank operating in the centers, detailing the scope of responsibilities and sharing of commission.Such banks are referred to as Correspondent Banks. UCPDC-Uniform Customs and procedure for documentary credit or UCDPC is prepared by the International Chamber of commerce.,defining the responsibility of buyers bank,Negotiating bank,confirming bank, Advising bank.All International LC must bear an endorsement that they adhere to UCPDC 500
Some more terms used in International FinanceGR FORMS-Guaranteed Receipt Form OR GR form is used by RBI for physical
export to ascertain the value of export goods as well as to monitor their realization.It is prepared in duplicate and submitted to customs at the time of exports.Customs verify the value with contract and certify the same and one copy is given back to the exporter and the other copy is sent by customs directly to RBI.Exporter has to forward this copy to the AD with Invoice etc ,who then verifies with invoice value.The D also monitors whether the money is realised within 180 DAYS from the date of Shipment. ETX FORM-ETX is filed by the exporter with the RBI for any delays in getting the payment from the overseas buyer.Normally this is done to get approval for the delayed remittance .The exporter has to give a certificate issued by a CA giving reasons for the delay in getting the money. SOFTEX FORM-Softex form performs the function as that of GR for Software exports.It is filed with STPI by the exporting company who approves and certifies the Invoice and the softex form which is then sent to the AD,as in the case of a GR . EEFC Account Exchange Earners Foreign currency Account is a facility given to exporters to keep a part of their Foreign currency earning in the form of FC. Normally upto 50 % is allowed and in special cases even a higher percentage is allowed.without any Interest payment. EOUs,SEZs can keep upto 100 % of the FE earned in the EEC account which can be used for any purpose more liberally for foreign projects,travel etc without quantitative restrictions.
q. +0
arbitrage opportunity.Arbitrage in finance refers to a set of transactions ,selling and buying or borrowing and lending the same asset or equivalent group of assets,to 72 profit from price discrepancies within a market or across markets.Most often no risk is involved and no capital has to be committed.
Options forward-A Standard forward contract calls for delivery on a specific day,the
Comparison of PPP,IFE and IRP Theories-All the three relate to the determination of exchange rates..Yet they differ in their implications; 1)The theory of Interest Rate Parity focuses on why the Forward rate differs from the spot rate and the degree of difference that could exist.This relates to specific point of time. 2)The PPP theory and IFE focus on how a currencys spot rate will change over time.While PPP theory suggests that the spot rate will change in accordance with inflation differentials.IFE theory suggests that it will change in accordance with interest rate differential. 90
contractual obligations/transactions.This involves gain or loss arising out of the various types of transactions that require settlement in a foreign currency.The transactions may relate to cross border trade in terms of import or export of goods,the borrowing or lending in foreign currencies ,domestic purchases and sales of goods and services of the foreign subsidiaries and the purchase of assets or take over the liability involving foreign currency..The actual profit the firm earns or loss it suffers ,of course is known only at the time of settlement of these transactions. A firms Balance Sheet already contains several items reflecting transaction exposure,the notable items being the debtors receivable in a foreign currency,creditors payable in foreign currency,foreign loans and foreign investments.While it is true that transactions exposure is applicable to all these foreign transactions,it is usually employed in connection with foreign 93 trade,that is, specific imports or exports on open account credit.
or operation that offset an underlying exposure.In the normal course of business ,a firm will have several contractual exposures in various dates.The net exposure in a given currency at a given date is simply the difference between the total inflows and total outflows to be settled on that date.Company A has the following items outstanding;
Item 1)USD receivable 2)EUR payable 3)USD Interest Payable 4)USD Payable 5)USD purchased forward 6)USD loan installment due 7)EUR purchased forward Value 800,000 2,000,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 250,000 1,000,000 Days to Maturity 60 90 180 60 60 60 90
The net exposure in USD at 60days is (800,000+300,000)-(200,000+250,000)=USD +650,000. The use of Forward contracts to hedge transaction exposure at a single date is quite straightforward.A contractual NET inflow of foreign currency is sold forward and a contractual NET outflow is bought forward..This removes all uncertainty regarding the domestic currency value of the receivable or payable..Thus in the above example .to hedge the 60day USD Exposure Company A can sell forward USD 650,000 while 96 for the EUR exposure it can buy EUR 1,000,000,90DAYS Forward.
4.2)Manner of delivery-The possibilities are-(a)Delivery date-some contracts may be delivered on any business day of the delivery month while others permit delivery after the last trading day.(b)Manner of Delivery-Physical exchange of underlying Assets,cash settlement as in the case of stock Index Futures and Reversing Trade which is the case with 99% of the Futures Positions.The trade effectively makes a trader's net futures position zero thus absolving him from further trading requirements. 5)TYPES OF ORDERS(a)Limit order It stipulates to buy or sell a specific or better.(b)Fill or Kill Order-It instructs the commissioner broker to fill an order immediately at a specified price.( c)All or none order It allows the commission broker to fill part of an order at a specified price and remainder at another price.(d)on the open or on the close order-Represents orders to trade within a few minutes of operating or closing.(e)Stop order-triggers a reversing trade when prices hit a prescribed limit.(f)Market orders-Contracts at the best available prices 6)TRANSACTION COSTS-The costs incurred are-(a) Floor trading and clearing fee(b)commissions-charged by broker to transact a public order( c) Bid Ask spreads. (d) Delivery costs are incurred in case of actual delivery (7)MARKED TO THE MARKET-Marking to Market essentially means that at the end of a Trading session ,all outstanding contracts are repriced at the settlement price of that session..Margin accounts of those who made losses are debited and those who gained are credited..Suppose X buys a June delivery Pound sterling Future on April 14, at a price of USD1.6 per pound of USD100000 per contract (62500x1.6).Next day the prices increases and at the end of trading on April 15th the settlement price is 1.62.X has made a gain of 2 cents per pound-100 Ticks or USD1250per contract.(obviously 115 someone with a Short Position lost a matching amount..This is immediately credited to X;s margin Accounts and can be withdrawn immediately.
1)An option does not require any Margin money as in the case of a Futures contract nor any bank facility as in the case of a Forward contract.An option buyer can dispense with both depending on the specific market in which he operates. 2)The options buyer ,at the outset,judges the worst case scenario.Once the premium is paid,no further cash is payable.When the main objective is to limit downside risk,this is a powerful advantage. 3)As there is no obligation to exercise an option ,options are ideal for hedging contingent cash flows which may or may not materialize,such as tenders.. 4) Options provide a flexible hedge, offering a range of prices where the option can be exercised whereas forward or future markets only deal at the forward prices which exist at the time the deal is made. 5)Options by themselves provide major possibilities in the range of tools available to Treasurers and traders They can be used on their own to hedge or they can be combined with the forward and futures markets to achieve more complex hedges TRADING OF OPTIONS; are traded in two distinct markets. 1)OTC --meaning over the Counter options are available in a large number of 122 currencies .It is by far the largest market for options..It comprises banks, American securities houses and corporates.
Any value subject to minimum Overnight to 5 years
Exchange traded
Fixed by contract size Fixed day each month for 3 months ;then quarter months to 1year Only those listed per schedule Only those listed
Any within reason Any pair that has active spot and forward market
never fall below Zero.Consider an American option on CHF with a strike price of usd0.5865. If the current spot rate CHF /USD is0.6005,the holder of such an option can realize an immediate gain of usd(0.6005-0.5865)or usd 0.0141 by exercising the call and selling the currency in the spot market.This is the intrinsic valueof the call option.Therefore the market value or the premium demanded by the seller of the call must be at least equal to this..The intrinsic value of an option is the gain to the holder on immediate exercise.For a call option it is defined as max [(S-X),0]where S is the current spot arte and X is the strike price .If S >X,the call has a positive Intrinsic value.If S is< or = to X,the Intrinsic value is zero.Similarly for a put option the intrinsic value is max[(X-S),0]. 6)TIME VALUE OF THE OPTION-The value of an American Option at any time prior to expiration must be at least equal to its Intrinsic value..In general it will be larger..This is because there is some probability that the spot price will move further in favor of the option holder..Take the previous example of the call option on CHF at a strike price of 0.5865when the spot rate is 0.6005 . Its market value would exceed its intrinsic value of 0.014because before the option expires,CHF may appreciate further increasing the gain to the option 126 holder. .The difference between the value of an option at any time T and its intrinsic value at the time is called the Time value of the option.
price, the option is said to be in the money 8)AT THE MONEYFor a call option,-If the spot price is equal to the Strike price, the option is said to be at the money. 9)OUT OF THE MONEY-For a call option,-If the Spot price is less than the strike price, the option is said to out of the money. 10 )RELATIONSHIP - PRICES -The relationship between the price of the underlying and price of the option is called as DELTA.Delta of call option can be between 0 and +1 while Delta of Put option will be between 0 and 1. 11)RELATIONSHIP - TIME-Longer the time period greater will be the value of the option. Relationship between Time period and value of the option is called as THETA.THETA is also called as time decay of the option. 12)RELATIONSHIP-INTEREST RATE-Higher the Interest rate ,greater the value of call option and vice versa.The relationship between interest and price of the option is called RHO.This is due to the fact that if the interest rate is high then the investor would prefer to hold call option and invest the balance money to earn attractive returns.Thus increase in demand will cause the value of the option to rise.Vice versa will be true for put option.
be the value of the option.The relationship between the volatility of the underlying and value of option is called as VEGA ,LAMBDA OR KAPPA.Because the option writer will like to write option on low volatile underlying due to predictability of the price,the option holder would like to purchase option only on assets which are highly volatile.Thus higher the volatility,more will be the value of both call and put options. If the underlying is a Dividend paying stock ,for example,greater the chance of getting a dividend payment, lower will be the value of call option;this is due to the fact that dividend received will reduce the premium. USING CURRENCY OPTIONS As to how currency options might be used,let us consider an example; An importer in the US has to make a DM 64500 payment to a German exporter in 60days.The importer could purchase a European call option to have the DM delivered to him, at the specified exchange rate.I,e,the strike price on the due date.Let us assume that the option premium is usd.0.02 per DM and the strike price is USD 0.70.The importer has paid USD 1290(64500x.02) for a DM 70 call option which gives it the right to buy DM 64500 AT APRICE OF USD 0.70 per DM AT THE END OF 60DAYS.Now suppose that the value of the DM rises to usd.0.76,when the importers payment falls due..The option 128 would be said to bein the money.
International Financial Management Important Terminology in FE 1)Forward Rate Agreements-A Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) is notionally an agreement between two parties in which one of them (the seller of the FRA),contracts to lend to the other (the buyer), a specified amount of funds ,in a specific currency , for a specified period starting at a specified future date ,at an interest rate fixed at the time of agreement.we say notionally,because in practice,actual lending or borrowing of the underlying principal does not take place but only the interest rate is locked in.The buyer of the FRA in turn agrees to borrow (again notionally),funds for a specified duration,starting at a specified duration,starting at a specified future date,at a rate fixed at the time the FRA is bought. A typical FRA quote from a bank might look like this; USD 6/9 MONTHS;7.2-7.3%PA-Which means that the bank is willing to accept a 3 month USD deposit,that is ,borrow funds,starting 6 months from now,maturing nine months from now,at an interest rate of 7.20%pa (the bid rate).The bank is willing to lend dollars for a period of 3 months,starting 6 months from now at an interest rate of 142 7.3%pa(the ask rate).There is no exchange of Principal amount.
budgeting is whether to adjust cash flows or the discount rate for the additional risk that arises from the foreign location of the project.Traditionally MNCs adjust the discount rate by moving it upwards for riskier projects to reflect the political and FE uncertainties.A significant number of firms that use the DCF technique in domestic projects also assign different hurdle rates for different projects depending on their risk categories. The other alternative is to adjust cash flows rather than the discount rate in treating risk.The annual cash flows are discounted using the applicable rate for that type of project. Either at the host country or at the parent country,Probability and certainty equivalent techniques like Decision tree analysis are used in economic and financial forecasting.Cash flows generated by the project and remitted to the parent company during each time period are adjusted for political risk ,exchange rate and other uncertainties by converting the into certainty equivalent.The method of adjusting the cash flows rather than the discount rate is generally the more popular method and is usually recommended by Finance managers.There is generally more information on the specific impact of a given risk on a projects cash flows than on its discount rate.
Instruments like Global Depository Receipts(GDR).or super stock Equity in more than one foreign market except the domestic market of the issuing company and denominated in a currency other than that of the issuer's home country is known as Euro Equity Issue. DEPOSITORY CERTIFICATE-A Depository certificate(DR) is a negotiable certificate that usually represents a companys publicly traded equity or debt.DRs are created when a broker purchases the companys shares on the home market and delivers those to the Depositorys local custodian bank,which then instructs the Depository bank to issue Depository receipts.Depository receipts are traded in the currency of the country in which they trade and are governed by the trading and settlement procedures of the market. DRs are issued for a number of reasons; To raise capital in foreign markets To potentially increase the liquidity of their shares by broadening shareholders base. To gain visibility through financial market presence which can generate support for and interest in potential mergers and acquisitions. 156 To allow employees outside the home market to participate in equity..
capital simultaneously in two or more markets through a global offering. GDRs may be used in either public or private markets inside or outside the US. They are marketed internationally ,mainly to financial institutions .A GDR is an instrument to raise capital in multiple markets outside the issuer;s domestic market through one security which is traded in a foreign stock market. Characteristics of GDRs Holders of GDRs participate in the economic benefits of being ordinary shareholders though they do not have voting rights. GDRs are listed on the Luxemburg stock exchange Trading takes place between professional market makers on an OTC basis Liquidation of GDR---after 45 days GDRs have become synonymous with selling equity in the Euro markets.This is so because fresh shares are issued by the company which is raising money from the markets,and transferred, to a depository which ,in turn,issues, a receipt which is quoted at any stock exchange where it is listed.Considering that a company does not need to be evaluated by the international rating agency before marketing GDRs-which suits Indian companies just fine-,they 159 are easy to issue.
Cost-US listing could be expensive.Initial cost 1 to 2 million usd Liability-Legal liability of both a company and its individual directors increased by a full US listing
include Commercial Paper,Certificates of Deposits,Bankers Acceptance among others.(also refer to slides 68 and 69) In addition to these ,export related credit mechanism such as buyers and suppliers credits credit,general purpose lines of credit,forfaiting are other forms of medium/long term financing.(already discussed earlier) BOND MARKETS-A bond is a debt security issued by the borrower,purchased by the investor,usually through the intermediation of a Group of Intermediation of a group of underwriters. A straight Bond is the Traditional Bond .It is a debt instrument with a fixed maturity period, a fixed coupon which is a fixed periodic payment usually expressed as a percentage o the face or par value, and repayment of the face value at maturity.-also known as Bullet payment of the principal amount.The market price at which it bought by an investor either in the primary market (new issue) or in the secondary market is its Purchase Price, which could be different from its face value.When they are identical the bond is said to be selling at Par,when the face value is less than (more than),the MARKET PRICE,the Bond is said to be trading at a Premium(Discount).The difference could arise because the Coupon is different from the ruling rates on bonds with equal perceived risk and maturity or creditworthiness of the163 issuer is different.
option.If the issuer gets the option (for e.g. ,a callable bond),the yield would have to be higher than a comparable straight bond;If the option is granted to the Investors , for instance, a puttable bond or a convertible bond,its value will be reflected in the lower yield. The largest International Bond market is the Euro bond market which is s aid to have originated in 1963 with an issue of eurodollar bonds by Autostrade ,an Italian Borrower.Eurobond markets in all currencies ,except Yen are quite free from any regulation by the respective governments except Euro yen which is controlled by the Ministry of Finance ,Japan.They are listed on stock exchanges in Europe.Secondary markets trading in eurobonds is almost entirely OTC by telephone between dealers. Among the national capital markets US market is largest in the world.It is complemented by worlds largest and most active derivative markets,both OTC and exchange traded. (J)YANKEE BONDSFrom a non -resident borrowers point of view,the most prestigious funding avenue is public issue of Yankee Bonds.These are Dollar denominated Bonds issued by foreign borrowers.It is the largest and most active in the world but potential borrowers must meet very stringent disclosure ,dual rating and other listing requirements. 166