Chapter 5 Water Air Pollution

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Ch-5, Water and Air Pollution

 Fecal Oral Transmission Route
 Preventive Measures
 On Site Sanitation
 Importance of Health Education
 Organic Pollution
 Inorganic Pollution
 Water pollution due to organic and inorganic pollution
 Sources Causes and Impacts of Air Pollution
 Mitigation Measures
 Indoor Air Pollution
 Severity of It’s problem in Nepal
Fecal Oral Transmission Route
 The fecal–oral route is a route of transmission of a disease,
when pathogens in fecal particles enter into the oral cavity
of human body.
 Common Diseases Transmitted
 Cholera
 Hepatitis A &E
 Rotavirus
 Typhoid fever
Fecal Oral Transmission Route
Prevention: Fecal Oral Transmission Route
 Maintain Hygiene : Habit of washing hands before eating and after visiting
rest room.

 On Site Sanitation (discuss in later slide)

 Efforts to be taken to manage solid waste as they can help for spreading
such diseases.
On Site Sanitation
 On-site sanitation is the whole of actions related to the treatment and
disposal of domestic waste water that cannot be carried away by an off-site
sanitation system because of low density of population.

 Types
 individual on-site sanitation, when a house (plot) makes use of the soil as a
treatment medium (example of soak-away, latrines, etc),

 grouped on-site sanitation (or semi off-site sanitation), when many

individual houses are linked to a network leading to a treatment system.
 Ecological sanitation, commonly abbreviated as ecosan (also
spelled eco-san or EcoSan), is an approach to
sanitation provision which aims to safely reuse
excreta in agriculture. It desires to "close the loop" mainly for
the nutrients and organic matter between sanitation and

 Eco-sanitation latrines are latrines that ensure the recovery of

waste by separating urine and faces in view of their reuse in the
fertilization of soil for agricultural purposes. (reintroducing
nutrients into the soil such as: nitrogen, phosphorous and
Importance of Health Education
 To Clear Out Superstitions and such beliefs regarding health.
 Aware the target group about various diseases and their impact if not cured
on time .
 Greatly helps in reduction of maternal and infant deaths.
 Improves Sanitation and Hygienic Conditions.
 Induces practices such as first aids and precautions needed to be adopted if
ever somebody catches any disease.
 Health Education also improves the quality of life and life expectancy.
Organic Pollution (Water pollution
due to organic matter)
 Organic pollution occurs when an excess of organic matter,
such as manure or sewage, enters the water Ecosystem.
 When organic matter increases in a pond, the number of
decomposers will increase. These decomposers grow rapidly
and use a great deal of oxygen during their growth. This leads
to a depletion of oxygen as the decomposition process occurs.
 A lack of oxygen can kill aquatic organisms. As the aquatic
organisms die, they are broken down by decomposers which
leads to further depletion of the oxygen levels.
Water Pollution
Water Pollution in Nepal
Severity of Water Pollution in Nepal
 Water Pollution: Most of the rivers running through cities of
Nepal are heavily polluted.
 The main reason for that is the use of river banks as dumping
sites and direct sewage disposal into river systems.
 The BOD level is so high that aquatic animals have been
extinct from polluted rivers.
 Time and again these polluted rivers have also spread
epidemics into nearby riverbank settlements.
Inorganic Pollution
◦ Common Inorganic Pollutants
◦ Petroleum Products
◦ Pesticides and Herbicides
◦ Heavy Metals
◦ Hazardous Wastes
◦ Sediment
◦ Thermal Pollution
◦ Various chemicals
Inorganic Water Pollutants
 There are a wide variety of inorganic water pollutants

 Nitrates& Phosphates
◦ Sources : Inorganic Fertilizers
◦ Effects :
 Nitrates and phosphates cause algal blooms in
surface water, which causes the oxygen level of
the water to decline.
 This causes oxygen starvation because of the
uptake of oxygen by microorganisms that break
down algae.
Inorganic Pollution
 Arsenic : Widespread arsenic contamination of groundwater has led to
a massive epidemic of arsenic poisoning. It is a high-profile problem
due to the use of deep tube wells for water supply, causing serious
arsenic poisoning to large numbers of people.. Consuming water
contaminated by arsenic can cause skin problem (such as color
changes on the skin, and hard patches on the palms and soles of the
feet) as well as cardiovascular disease
Inorganic Pollutants
Fluoride: people have been poisoned by well water contaminated by
excessive fluoride, which is dissolved from the granite rocks.

Consumption of fluoride at levels beyond those used in

fluoridated water for a long period of time causes skeletal fluorosis.
(Weakening of the skeletal system)
Iron : Iron dissolved in water has hazardous effects to health. Effects
include Ulceration in the digestive tract , Metabolic acidosis and
subsequent damage of internal organs such as liver and the brain.
Metabolic acidosis is a condition that occurs when
the body produces too much acid or when the
kidneys are not removing enough acid from the
Inorganic Pollutants
 Heavy Metals
 Heavy metals, such as copper, lead, mercury etc. get into water from
many sources, including industries, automobile exhaust, mines, and
even natural soil.

 These metal can cause diarrhea and, over time, liver and kidney
damage. children exposed to lead in water can suffer mental
•Chemicals used to kill unwanted insects,
animals and plants, basically on farms.

•These chemicals are absorbed into the tissues or organs of the animals.
• When other animals feed on these contaminated animals, the chemicals are
passed up the food chain.
•With each step up the food chain, the concentration of the pollutant increases.
•This process is called biomagnifications.
 Accumulation of any substances in the air in sufficient
concentration to effect man, animals, vegetation or other materials.
 Air + contaminants => Air pollution
 These contaminants include gases (SOx, NOx, CO etc), particulate
matters (smoke, dust, fumes), radioactive materials and many

◦ Carbon monoxide (CO)

◦ Oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
◦ Oxides of sulphur (SOx)
◦ Particulate matter (PM)
Sources of air pollution
 Burning of fossil Fuels
 Agricultural activities
 Exhaust from factories and industries
 Mining operations
 Indoor air pollution
 Different modes of transportation
Impact of air pollutants
1) Atmospheric effects
- visibility
- stratospheric ozone depletion
- Global warming
- changes meteorological process
2) Health effects
- Respiratory system
- sensory effects
- central nervous system
- cardiovascular system
3) Welfare effects
- non health related effects are referred as welfare effects
- these includes: damage to vegetation, damage to material, injury to
 Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term which refers to the air
quality within and around buildings and structures, especially
as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.

 Indoor Air Pollution can be defined as the deterioration of

Indoor air quality.
Indoor Air Pollution

People in Nepal and other under developed countries heavily rely on Solid fuel
(firewood, bio-mass for fuel) this has been aggravating the scenario on IAP and
imposing high health risks.
Air Pollution scenario in Nepal
 Air Pollution is another major issue in Nepal.
 Kathmandu is amongst the most polluted cities in the Nepal.
 There is limited regulation in vehicular and industrial pollution.
 Instead of vehicles being tested for pollution mandatorily; it has been
left as a choice.
 To add to that the emission testing equipments have stopped working
for years now.
 Other cities of Nepal are fairly less polluted.
Thank You

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