8 Parntership-Essential N Kinds
8 Parntership-Essential N Kinds
8 Parntership-Essential N Kinds
523, 1982 (2) SCALE 1078, (1983) 1 SCC 22,
1982 (14) UJ 882 SC
(1952) 54 BOMLR 294, ILR 1952 BOM 795
Traditional business was sole owner
business. So, only small size business
was carried out and in carrying such
business very less capital is required.
The concept of sole business changed
NEED into partnership business as demand
AND increase for big businesses.
ADVANTAGES Advantages of Partnership Business
Contribution of capital
Contribution of labour or skills
Share of risk
Solves the management problems
Initially, all the provisions relating
to partnership and partners were
contained in chapter XI , Sections
239 to 266 of the Indian Contract
Act, 1872, but these sections were
ENACTMENT repealed in 1930 and a new act –
OF IPA, 1932 the Indian Partnership Act, 1932
was passed. The Act came into
force on the 1st of October 1932,
except Section 69 which came into
force on the 1st of October 1933.
Why need a separate Act?
As In some matters ICA were
not exhaustive like
OF IPA, 1932 Eg : It is silent about minor’s
position in Partnership firm,
Sharing of loss was mandatory
(Defect in the definition), No
provision of registration
Why postponement of enforcement
of Section 69 IPA
The reason for postponing the
enforcement of section 69 for one
REASON OF year was that if the partnership firm
SECTION 69 is not registered, then such firm can’t
POSTPONED sue its partners or 3rd party so it was
necessary to give time to firms to
get themselves registered before
any disability could be clinched on
• Section 1(2) It extends to whole of India
including J&K after 31 Oct, 2019 (before
that it exclude J&K).
Partnership Co-ownership
It arise only by agreement It may arise in any other way, may
be by status, or by operation of law
such as inheritance
Business and sharing of profit It can exist without engaging in any
is necessary business
There exist mutual agency Act of one co- owner does not bind
between partners others
A partner cannot transfer his Co-owner can sell his share
share to outsider without the without the consent of the others
consent of the other partners
The profit and losses must Co-ownership does not necessarily
have to be shared as per involve sharing of profits and
agreement losses
Partnership HUF
Relationship arises from contract A HUF cannot be created by contract
but by status means relationship
arises by birth in the family
A new partner cannot be admitted Members in HUF gets an equal
into a partnership except with the share and profits by mere birth in
consent of all the partners family.
It is a mutual agency i.e. Partners Manager or Karta of the HUF is only
represent the other partners. Every representative of the family and
partner is agent of the other. contract by Karta is binding upon the
members of the family
Partners must be competent to Members are not required to be
contract so a minor can’t be a competent i.e. A minor can be a
partner but can be admitted to the member of HUF
benefits of the partnership
Partnership Company
The members of the Partnership are called The members of the company are called
partners shareholders
It’s business is governed by Indian It’s business is governed by Indian
Partnership Act,1932 Companies Act, 2013
Partnership firm is created by contract Company is created by law i.e. By
between 2 or more persons registration
It is regulated by State Govt It is regulated by Central Govt
Registration is not mandatory Registration is mandatory as per
Companies Act 2013
It has no separate legal entity from its It is a separate legal entity from the
partners. A common seal is not required shareholders of the company. There must
be a common seal
Liability of the members is unlimited Liability of members is limited to their
A partner cannot transfer his share to The shares of the company are freely
outsider without the consent of the other transferable
Management is to be done by active Management is to be done by Board of
Partnership Company
Every partner is an agent of the other A member is not an agent of the other
partners as well as of the firm members or of the company, his actions do
DIFFERENCES not bind either.
Firm’s property is not separate from its Company’s property is different from its
partners members property
A partnership firm can be dissolved at any A company being a legal person is either
time if all the partners agree. wind up by the National Company Law
Tribunal or its name is struck off by the
Registrar of Companies.
Minimum number of partners is two and In private company min is 2 and max is 200
max in case of banking is 10 and other than and in public min is 7 and there is no limit for
banking is 20 after Companies Act 2013 its max. A private company can be formed by
100 then according to Companies Rules one person called as one person company
2014 its 50
A partnership firm get dissolve by death of A company is different from its members,
the partner or become insolvent members come and go but company is not
affected by it
Partnership LLP
Governed by Indian Partnership Act,1932 Governed by Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
Registration of partnership firm is not mandatory Registration of LLP is mandatory
It has no separate legal entity apart from its partners, LLP is separate legal entity
individually called partners and collectively called firm
Liability of the partners is unlimited Liability of the partners is limited to the extent of which
the capital is contributed by them
It can be started by any name of their choice There must be use of the word ‘LLP’ at the end of its
Maintenance and audit of books of account is not Maintenance and audit of books of account is
mandatory mandatory
The partnership is defined as a relation of persons LLP has combined features of a partnership and a
joined for earning profits, carried out business by all or body corporate
any of them acting for all
• With regards to duration:
• -Partnership at Will
SECTION 4 According to Section 4, ‘Partnership is the
relation between persons who have agreed to
share the profits of a business carried on by
all or any of them acting for all’.
When analyzed, the definition tells us that in
order that persons may become partners, it is
essential that:
(i) There must be at least two persons
(ii) There must be a relationship arising out of
an agreement between two or more persons
to do a business
(iii) The agreement must be to share the
profits of a business
(iv) The business must be carried on by all or
any of them acting for all
ELEMENTS • All these four elements must be present before a
group or an association can be held to be partners.
In other words, it can be said that all the afore-
stated four elements must co-exist before a
partnership can be said to come into existence. If
any one of them is not proved to be present, there
cannot be a partnership.
• The first element relates to the voluntary
contractual nature of partnership;
• The second gives the motive which leads to the
formation of firms, i.e. the acquisition of gains;
• The third shows that the persons of the group who
conduct the business
• The fourth shows all the persons have mutual
agency and are therefore liable for the act of each
other having dual position as principal and agent.
KINDS OF The list is not exhaustive, the Partnership Act does not
PARTNERS restrict any unique kind of partnership that the partners
want to define for themselves. The following kinds of
partners generally exist in a partnership:
1) Active or ostensible partner
2) Nominal partner
3) Sub partner
4) Outgoing partner
5) Sleeping or dormant partner
6) Partner in profits only
7) Incoming partner
8) Partner by holding out
9) Minor admitted to the benefits of partnership
OR OSTENSIBLE These are the types of partners who
PARTNER invest money into the business of the
firm, actively participate in the
functioning and management of the
business and share its profits or losses.