Definitive Sample Case Study 3 3
Definitive Sample Case Study 3 3
Definitive Sample Case Study 3 3
▪ One of the policies declared in the agenda for equal rights of nationalities and indigenous peoples and
Afro-Ecuadorian and Montubio people highlights that the bilingual intercultural education system is
considered a fundamental right, deserving adequate financial and material support. It should feature
pedagogical methods with cultural significance, a non-standardized evaluation system rooted in
pedagogical innovations, and foster cooperative learning over competition.
▪ The Art 2 of The Organic Law of Intercultural Education outlines principles governing decisions and
activities in the educational field, emphasizing equity, inclusion, and equal opportunities for diverse
communities. It aims to establish an inclusive school culture through affirmative action measures,
fostering interculturality and plurinationality. The law emphasizes knowledge, recognition, respect, and
valuation of the various nationalities, cultures, and peoples within Ecuador. The Art. 6 ensures, based on
principles of equity, equality, non-discrimination, and freedom, that everyone has access to quality and
accessible public education.
▪ XXXXXXXXX Public High School is located in a rural area in Urcuquí, District 10D01, Province of Imbabura.
This is an eight-grade classroom of Basic Education that has 40 students. Most students come from rural
areas and the majority are mestizos, some of them are indigenous, and a few are Afro-Ecuadorians.
There is electricity but no internet connection available. English teachers may face difficulties in keeping
students focused, and attentive during lessons. DECE reported that there is one student with dyslexia
and another one with visual impairment in the classroom. Three 45-minute periods per week are
allotted to the teaching of the English language.
Commodity: The teaching of English in rural contexts is often limited to grammar and translation, without exploring the
cultural richness of the language. The proposal seeks to foster an appreciation of multicultural environments through the
teaching of English, making classes more engaging and relevant to students.
Social relevance: The proposal benefits students in rural areas, allowing them to learn about and understand other cultures,
allowing them to develop a broader worldview, and improve their intercultural skills.
Practical implications: The proposal solves the problem of the lack of intercultural learning opportunities in rural areas. The
proposed methodology integrates culture into language teaching, using authentic materials and interactive activities.
Theoretical value: The proposal contributes knowledge to teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) by demonstrating that
language teaching can be a vehicle for intercultural education.
Methodological utility: The proposal suggests new methods for teaching English in rural contexts, such as the use of
collaborative projects with students from other cultures, the creation of contextualized learning materials, and the
integration of ICTs.
In summary, the proposal is justified by its potential to enrich English language teaching in rural contexts, foster appreciation
of cultural diversity, and provide students with intercultural learning opportunities.
Howard Gardner's Theory of Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Self-assessment: Students Cater to diverse Research Projects: Students will conduct
Multiple Intelligences Intelligences: Recognizes that there are must identify their dominant intelligences: Design activities research on different cultures and share
different types of intelligence and that intelligences and recognize and assessments that engage their findings with the class. Textbooks:
each person learns differently. This their strengths and different learning styles. Textbooks that incorporate content
theory can be useful in adapting English weaknesses in different Integrate multicultural related to interculturality will be used.
teaching to the needs and learning styles areas. Adaptive Learning: Use content: Use materials and
learning strategies that align resources that represent various
of students in rural contexts.
cultures and perspectives.
with your core intelligences to
Linguistic: Proficiency in language and Promote
improve understanding and collaboration: Encourage
retention. Collaboration: students to learn from each
Logical-mathematical: Ability to
Working as a team to other's diverse backgrounds.
analyze, reason, and solve problems.
Spatial-visual: Capacity for visual thinking leverage colleagues' Facilitate reflection: Guide
and imagery. individual strengths and students to ponder their own
Bodily-kinesthetic: Excellence in physical approach tasks more cultural identities and biases.
movement and control. effectively. Comprehensive Create a safe learning
Musical: Sensitivity to sound, rhythm, and Development: Search for environment: Ensure respect
patterns. educational experiences and tolerance for all cultures and
Interpersonal: Skill in social interaction their expressions.
and understanding others.
Intrapersonal: Insight into oneself and
one's emotions.
Naturalistic: Connection with nature and
the environment.
Model Description and main Role of the Learner Role of the teacher How is learning achieved?
Project-Based Learning Learner-centered: Students Active Facilitator: Guides Inquiry-based exploration: Students research the
(PBL) is an instructional take ownership of their learning participant: Students students, provides problem, gather information, and ask questions.
approach where students journey. research, investigate, anal resources, and fosters Collaborative discussions: Students share
learn by investigating Authentic problems: Projects yze, and propose discussion. ideas, debate solutions, and build knowledge
real-world problems and address real-world issues solutions. Mentor: Offers together.
actively constructing relevant to students and their Team member: They support, coaching, and Problem-solving activities: Students apply their
communities. collaborate, communicate, feedback throughout the learning to find solutions and overcome
Collaboration and and contribute effectively. project. challenges.
teamwork: Students work Problem-solver: They face Content expert: Shares Creative expression: Students present their
together to achieve common challenges and devise knowledge relevant to the findings and solutions through various forms
goals. creative solutions. project's theme. (presentations, videos, performances).
Integration of subjects: Multiple Communicator: They Assessor: Evaluates Reflection and feedback: Students reflect on their
disciplines intertwine in the convey their findings and student learning progress learning, receive feedback, and iterate on their
project's exploration. learn through and project outcomes. work.
Interdisciplinary skills communication. Community
development: Students acquire Reflective learner: They connector: Links students to
communication, critical reflect on their learning relevant community
thinking, problem-solving, and process and make resources and experts.
research skills. connections.
Multiple learning styles: Varied
activities cater to diverse
learning preferences.
integration: Technology
research, collaboration, and
project presentation.
▪ (State your own objectives based on the context of the case and the National Curricular Threads)
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an
State the Curricular ability to convey and
Thread and write the organize information
skill 1 to be developed through the use of facts
and details and by
considering the National employing various stages
Curriculum (adapt the of the writing process,
skill to the context of the while using a range of
case if necessary). digital tools to promote
O.EFL 4.8 Integrate and support collaboration,
Example: learning and productivity.
written and spoken
text in order to CURRICULAR THREAD:
identify cultural WRITING
differences and
similarities within a EFL 4.4.7 Use the
process of prewriting,
range of local, drafting, revising, peer
national, and global editing and proofreading
contexts familiar to (i.e., “the writing
the learner. process”) to produce
well-constructed informational
CE.EFL.4.15. Express
information and ideas and
describe feelings and
opinions in simple
transactional or
expository texts on
familiar subjects in order
EFL 4.4.5. Recognize that to influence an audience,
various types of writing while recognizing that
require different language, different texts have
Promote writing through formatting and special different features and
intercultural vocabulary. (Example: a showing the ability to use
understanding through recipe, a letter, etc.) these features
comparative analysis of appropriately in one’s
texts. own writing.
Name of student 1: Each student must write their name in the box that corresponds to the work
Methodological strategy Writing new words in a picture dictionary and adding a sticker or picture.
Activities Resources
CE.EFL.4.9. Production –
Fluency: Use simple
language to describe,
compare and make
statements about familiar
everyday topics such as
EFL 4.2.12. Describe habits, objects, possessions and
routines, past activities and routines in structured
experiences within the situations and short
personal and educational conversations. Interaction
domains. is with reasonable ease,
provided speech is given
clearly, slowly and
Develop cultural directly.
sensitivity in oral and
written communication.
Name of student 1: Each student must write their name in the box that corresponds to the work
Methodological strategy Listening to short, staged instructions and carrying them out.
Activities Resources