Lesson 9 Planning For Instruction - Schemes, Lesson Plan Records of Work
Lesson 9 Planning For Instruction - Schemes, Lesson Plan Records of Work
Lesson 9 Planning For Instruction - Schemes, Lesson Plan Records of Work
A successful teacher must make simple that which is complex and clouded.
A teacher must be an inspiration to his students as well as be able to plan, organize and present
any type of lesson to a class of young people.
Here we look at the rationale and format for daily lesson plans and schemes of work in
Planning is about balance, pace, sequence, depth, breadth, skills and processes.
Time available for instruction provides a constraint to learning.
Consequently, planning enables teachers’ to progress from one activity to the next based on their
judgment of whether a sufficient number of learners have gained the desired depth of
understanding of the material.
It is also based on their view of the materials left to be studied in time remaining in the school
year. It enables teacher in sequencing a combination of classroom activities and mathematics.
A scheme of work is a series of related learning experiences build around one central topic or problem
area. It is a detailed work plan made in advance for teaching/ learning of the subject content for a given
period of time. It forecasts the parts of the syllabus, which will be covered in each lesson, and how they
would be presented
The following are reasons for scheming in mathematics:
To make logical ordering of the coverage of the topics/ subtopics.
To allocate learning time for each item of the content and assessment.
To state the depth and scope of treatment of each topic.
To specify the skills and concepts to be learned.
To outline teaching/ learning activities.
To specify the teaching/ learning resources.
The following are points to consider when scheming:
Content; using the topics and subtopics from the syllabus, derive the scope and depth of
covering a given topic and choose suitable teaching / learning methods and strategies.
Learners’ needs: Using the general objectives determines the academic level of student and
what the learner already knows. This will assist in determining the learning activities to be
used. These activities can be cognitive, affective or psychomotor.
Time available: Consider the number of lessons per week, number of teaching weeks per
term and the whole year. Time available will influence the types of activities that may be
used to illustrate a given concept.
Teaching and learning resources: Consider planning for resources that are available
in school and improvising where necessary. It is important to observe an experienced
teacher as part of your learning resources, examine several course outlines and textbooks
The components of a scheme of work are as follows:
Every detail of your classroom activities should be planned. There are various lesson plan
formats for different lessons.
Lessons plans for exposition lessons, revision lessons, practical lessons, open approach
lessons emphasis different activities for students.
A lesson plan is a professional tool for reflective teaching.
A lesson plan is a document that translates the goals and content of course of instruction
into an operational plan. It outlines the flow of the lesson specifying the methods and
activities to be carried out in order to achieve the objectives.
• Teachers are responsible daily for selecting and designing subject matter and suitable
learning experiences in order to provide optimal learning opportunities.
• They are expected to account for what their students learn and do.
• Effective teaching and meaningful learning requires lesson planning.
• Successful teachers seek improvement and opportunities to reflect on and refine
instructional practice.
• This motivate students to engage in mathematical thinking and reasoning.
• They also provide learning opportunities that challenge students at all levels of
The structure of lesson plan may vary depending on content, age and ability of students,
teaching style, time, space available and the material resources available.
. Any given lesson plan should be concerned with the following:
Topic/ subtopic.
Objectives- expressed clearly and concisely.
Teaching resources/ references.
Introduction – starters/ appetizer for stimulation, curiosity.
Presentation _ main body.
Conclusion : summary and assignment.
Remarks / evaluation.
Lesson planning must include the following clearly displayed Student activities.
A beginning, middle and an end.
Approximate time allotted for each activity.
Descriptions of activities.
Remember it is the student who is learning NOT THE TEACHER
Records of work
Prepare a scheme of work for mathematics in either form 1 or 2 for a period of 2 weeks
Prepare a 10mins lesson plan for micro teaching