Strategic Planning Toolkit - Overview and Approach

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Strategic Planning Toolkit

Created by ex-McKinsey, Deloitte & BCG Management Consultants.

Most companies struggle to be good at both defining and executing their strategy. These companies usually
underperform and never really reach their full potential.

Companies that are in this quadrant

totally outperform their competitors, in
terms of both profit growth and total
Strategy/Execution matrix shareholder return.

But being good at both defining and

executing a corporate and business
strategy is challenging, with only a
About 30% of companies have a About 10% of companies have a
Good minority of companies able to do it.
good strategy but poor execution* good strategy and good execution*


About 30% of companies have a About 30% of companies have a

poor strategy and poor execution* poor strategy but good execution*

Poor Good

As we often say in the corporate world, “Strategy without execution is a dream. And execution without a strategy is a nightmare!”.

*Based on the experience of our management consultants advising 200+ companies over the past 20 years 2
Our Solution
Our management consulting firm decided to create a Strategic Planning Toolkit that will help you define and implement
the corporate and business strategy of your organization (or your client if you are a management consultant).

Best Practices Frameworks

Advice from
Management What’s
inside our

Real-life Templates

Video Training

The Strategic Planning Toolkit includes frameworks, tools, templates, tutorials, real-life examples, video
training, and best practices to help you:

• Improve your Strategic Planning capability, and become the subject matter expert of your organization with a simple and
comprehensive 4-phase strategic planning approach: (I) Set up your strategic planning project, (II) Gather & analyze data and
provide key insights, (III) Define your strategic plan, and (IV) Implement, Track & Manage Progress
• (I) Set up your strategic planning project: (1) Strategic planning team, (2) Guiding principles, (3) Strategic plan structure, (4)
Strategic plan key inputs, (5) Strategic planning project plan
• (II) Gather & analyze data and provide key insights: (1) Market analysis, (2) Competitor analysis, (3) Customer feedback, (4)
Company data analytics team, (5) Employee feedback, (6) Executive feedback, (7) SWOT summary of the key business insights
• (III) Define your strategic plan: (1) Mission, vision and values, (2) Strategy map including the strategic objectives to reach our
vision, (3) Balanced scorecard including the key performance indicators linked to the strategic objectives, (4) List of potential
initiatives to reach our strategic objectives, (5) Business cases and financial models to help us prioritize our list of potential
projects, (6) Project prioritization, (7) Business roadmap including our prioritized projects
• (IV) Implement, Track & Manage Progress: (1) Governance, (2) Dashboards, (3) Projects plans, (4) Project implementation:
Agile, Design thinking and Traditional methodologies, (5) Quarterly update of the strategic plan based on new data, (6) Post
projects evaluation and lessons learnt, (7) Post strategic planning evaluation and lessons learnt

The Strategic Planning Toolkit helps executives, consultants and entrepreneurs define and
implement their Mission, Vision, Values Strategic Objectives, and Key Initiatives

Mission, Vision and Values

Strategic Objective #1 Strategic Objective #2 Strategic Objective #3

Key Performance Key Performance Key Performance

Indicators and Targets Indicators and Targets Indicators and Targets

Key initiatives Key initiatives Key initiatives

Human and Financials Human and Financials Human and Financials

Resources Resources Resources

4-phase approach
The Strategic Planning Toolkit includes a 4-phase approach that we have built and refined over the past 20 years through constant
trial and error. The good news is that you don’t have to waste your time and money going through that lengthy trial-and-error process.
You can simply leverage our work and customize it based on the specificities of your organization.

I. Set up your strategic II. Gather & analyze data and IV. Implement, Track &
III. Define your strategic plan
planning project provide key insights Manage Progress

4-phase approach
Each phase includes multiple steps. The Toolkit will dip dive in which one of them.

I. Set up your strategic II. Gather & analyze data and IV. Implement, Track &
III. Define your strategic plan
planning project provide key insights Manage Progress

1. Strategic planning team 1. Market analysis 1. Mission, vision and values 1. Governance
2. Guiding principles 2. Competitor analysis 2. Strategy map including the 2. Dashboards
strategic objectives to reach our
3. Strategic plan structure 3. Customer feedback 3. Projects plans
4. Strategic plan key inputs 4. Company data analytics team 4. Project implementation
3. Balanced scorecard including
5. Strategic planning project plan 5. Employee feedback the key performance indicators • Agile methodology
linked to the strategic objectives
6. Executive feedback • Design Thinking
4. List of potential initiatives to
7. SWOT summary of the key reach our strategic objectives • Traditional methodology
business insights
5. Business cases and financial 5. Quarterly update of the strategic
models to help us prioritize our plan based on new data
list of potential projects 6. Post projects evaluation and
6. Project prioritization lessons learnt

7. Business roadmap including our 7. Post strategic planning

prioritized projects evaluation and lessons learnt

In the next slides, you’ll see a small preview of Phase I

I. Set up your strategic II. Gather & analyze data and IV. Implement, Track &
III. Define your strategic plan
planning project provide key insights Manage Progress

1. Strategic planning team 1. Market analysis 1. Mission, vision and values 1. Governance
2. Guiding principles 2. Competitor analysis 2. Strategy map including the 2. Dashboards
strategic objectives to reach our
3. Strategic plan structure 3. Customer feedback 3. Projects plans
4. Strategic plan key inputs 4. Company data analytics team 4. Project implementation
3. Balanced scorecard including
5. Strategic planning project plan 5. Employee feedback the key performance indicators • Agile methodology
linked to the strategic objectives
6. Executive feedback • Design Thinking
4. List of potential initiatives to
7. SWOT summary of the key reach our strategic objectives • Traditional methodology
business insights
5. Business cases and financial 5. Quarterly update of the strategic
models to help us prioritize our plan based on new data
list of potential projects 6. Post projects evaluation and
6. Project prioritization lessons learnt

7. Business roadmap including our 7. Post strategic planning

prioritized projects evaluation and lessons learnt

Our strategic planning team includes a leadership team, a core team and a
measurement team

Leadership Team Core Team Measurement Team

Role Role Role

• Champion the strategic planning • Lead the execution of the strategic • Develop detailed definition of the key
process planning process performance indicators (KPIs)
• Participate in workshops • Develop the strategic plan • Identifies data sources
• Make strategic decisions • Lead the measurement team • Update regularly the KPIs dashboard
• Approve the strategic plan
• Provide resources and support to the Who? Who?
core team and the measurement team
• Insert name • Insert name
• Insert name • Insert name
Who? • Insert name • Insert name
• Insert name
• Insert name
• Insert name

Best Practices

Our strategic planning team includes a leadership team, a core team and
a measurement team

Leadership Team Core Team Measurement Team

Role Role Role

• Champion the strategic planning • Lead the execution of the strategic • Develop detailed definition of the key
process planning process performance indicators (KPIs)
• Participate in workshops • Develop the strategic plan • Identifies data sources
• Make strategic decisions • Lead the measurement team • Update regularly the KPIs dashboard
• Approve the strategic plan
• Provide resources and support to the Who? Who?
core team and the measurement team
• Insert name • Insert name
• Insert name • Insert name
Who? • Insert name • Insert name
• Insert name Best practice: the core team should include
executives or experienced mid-level managers
• Insert name Best practice: The leadership team representing the different Business units. It should Best practice: The
should include members of the also include the management consultants leading the measurement team should
• Insert name
executive committee and some of process. These management consultants can be from include finance managers and
their direct reports. your internal management consulting team (if you data analytics managers
have one) or from an external management consulting
Strategic planning team organizational chart
Person accountable

[Insert name]

Leadership Team

Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role
[Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name]

Core Team

Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role
[Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name]

Measurement Team

Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role Insert role
[Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name]

Real-life example

Strategic planning team organizational chart

Person accountable

[Insert name]

Leadership Team
Chief Strategy Chief Human Chief Marketing Chief Financial Chief Operating Chief Digital
Officer Resources Office Officer Officer Officer Officer
[Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name]

Core Team
Management Management
Strategy Executive Executive Executive Management
consultant consultant
[Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] consultant
[Insert name] [Insert name]
[Insert name]

Measurement Team
Data analytics
Finance Executive Finance Manager Data Analyst Data Analyst Data Analyst
[Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name] [Insert name]
[Insert name]

Real-life example

We identified 5 [insert your own number] strategic planning guiding


1 Stakeholder
Engage as many people as possible from our organization. The more people we engage in defining the
strategic plan, the more people will be involved in its execution.

2 Shared vision Create a shared vision up front, so everyone is clear on what we want to achieve.

3 Strategic alignment Ensure perfect alignment between your mission, vision, strategic objectives and initiatives.

4 Focus
Prioritize rigorously so you are clear on what the company should do, and even more importantly, what
the company should not do.

5 Iterative process
Ensure that our strategic plan is not written is stone. The strategic plan should evolve incrementally
each time new data and insights have been identified.

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See below 4 screenshots from Phase I.

Strategic Plan Key Inputs Data Gathering Process

Strategic Plan Structure Strategic Planning Project

In the next slides, you’ll see a small preview of Phase II

I. Set up your strategic II. Gather & analyze data and IV. Implement, Track &
III. Define your strategic plan
planning project provide key insights Manage Progress

1. Strategic planning team 1. Market analysis 1. Mission, vision and values 1. Governance
2. Guiding principles 2. Competitor analysis 2. Strategy map including the 2. Dashboards
strategic objectives to reach our
3. Strategic plan structure 3. Customer feedback 3. Projects plans
4. Strategic plan key inputs 4. Company data analytics team 4. Project implementation
3. Balanced scorecard including
5. Strategic planning project plan 5. Employee feedback the key performance indicators • Agile methodology
linked to the strategic objectives
6. Executive feedback • Design Thinking
4. List of potential initiatives to
7. SWOT summary of the key reach our strategic objectives • Traditional methodology
business insights
5. Business cases and financial 5. Quarterly update of the strategic
models to help us prioritize our plan based on new data
list of potential projects 6. Post projects evaluation and
6. Project prioritization lessons learnt

7. Business roadmap including our 7. Post strategic planning

prioritized projects evaluation and lessons learnt

Target Market Size & Growth
Replace this text with the key takeaway of this Powerpoint slide.

Description: Insert your own text

Total Available Market Size: Insert your own text
(TAM) Growth: Insert your own text

Description: Insert your own text

Serviceable Available Size: Insert your own text
Market (SAM) Growth: Insert your own text

Description: Insert your own text

Target Market Size: Insert your own text
Growth: Insert your own text

Description: Insert your own text
Size: Insert your own text
Growth: Insert your own text


Target Market Size & Growth

Replace this text with the key takeaway of this Powerpoint slide.
TAM refers to the global revenue opportunity available for a
product or service.
Some sources of information such as government data, trade
associations, financial data from major players and customer
surveys should help you to provide a rough estimation.
Description: Insert your own text
Total Available Market Size: Insert your own text
(TAM) SAM refers to the percentage
Growth: Insertofyour
the Total
own Available
text Market (TAM)
that you can actually serve

Description: Insert your own text

Serviceable Available Size: Insert your own text
Market (SAM) Target market refers to the group of customers that you want to
market your Insert
products to your own text

Description: Insert your own text

Target Market Size: Insert your own text
Growth: Insert share
Your market your own text
refers to a percentage of your target market

Description: Insert your own text
Size: Insert your own text
Growth: Insert your own text

Competitor Identification
Replace this text with the key takeaway from this PowerPoint slide.

1. Key National Competitors 2. Key International Competitors

Competitor A Competitor E
Competitor B Competitor F
Competitor C Competitor G
Competitor D Competitor H

3. Substitutes 4. New Entrants

Competitor I Competitor L
Competitor J Competitor M
Competitor K Competitor N
Competitor O

Competitor Comparison (2/2)
Replace this text with the key takeaway of this Powerpoint slide.

Insert title
Insert company name


Gaining market share

Company Growth (%)

Insert company name

Average market
10 Insert company name growth

5 Losing market share

Insert company name

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Market Share (%)

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See below 4 additional screenshots from Phase II.

Market profitability Business Insights Summary

Strategic Planning Project - Phase 2 Methods for Gathering Feedback

In the next slides, you’ll see a small preview of Phase III

I. Set up your strategic II. Gather & analyze data and IV. Implement, Track &
III. Define your strategic plan
planning project provide key insights Manage Progress

1. Strategic planning team 1. Market analysis 1. Mission, vision and values 1. Governance
2. Guiding principles 2. Competitor analysis 2. Strategy map including the 2. Dashboards
strategic objectives to reach our
3. Strategic plan structure 3. Customer feedback 3. Projects plans
4. Strategic plan key inputs 4. Company data analytics team 4. Project implementation
3. Balanced scorecard including
5. Strategic planning project plan 5. Employee feedback the key performance indicators • Agile methodology
linked to the strategic objectives
6. Executive feedback • Design Thinking
4. List of potential initiatives to
7. SWOT summary of the key reach our strategic objectives • Traditional methodology
business insights
5. Business cases and financial 5. Quarterly update of the strategic
models to help us prioritize our plan based on new data
list of potential projects 6. Post projects evaluation and
6. Project prioritization lessons learnt

7. Business roadmap including our 7. Post strategic planning

prioritized projects evaluation and lessons learnt

Real-life example

Strategy map including our Strategic Objectives

Perspective Strategic objectives

Increase Increase profit

Decrease Costs
Increase number Increase revenue Decrease fixed Decrease
of customers per customer cost variable cost

Become a Sell new
Customer customer
trusted brand products

Shift to digital Decrease Create new
Internal Process customer
channel delivery time products

Learning Improve Improve

Create a customer- Align the
employee customer
& Growth satisfaction information
focused culture organization

Caption: Significantly below target Slightly below target Meeting target or above target

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See below 4 additional screenshots from Phase III.

Lean Business Case Prioritization Matrix

Detailed Initiatives Plan Project Initial Investment

In the next slides, you’ll see a small preview of Phase IV

I. Set up your strategic II. Gather & analyze data and IV. Implement, Track &
III. Define your strategic plan
planning project provide key insights Manage Progress

1. Strategic planning team 1. Market analysis 1. Mission, vision and values 1. Governance
2. Guiding principles 2. Competitor analysis 2. Strategy map including the 2. Dashboards
strategic objectives to reach our
3. Strategic plan structure 3. Customer feedback 3. Projects plans
4. Strategic plan key inputs 4. Company data analytics team 4. Project implementation
3. Balanced scorecard including
5. Strategic planning project plan 5. Employee feedback the key performance indicators • Agile methodology
linked to the strategic objectives
6. Executive feedback • Design Thinking
4. List of potential initiatives to
7. SWOT summary of the key reach our strategic objectives • Traditional methodology
business insights
5. Business cases and financial 5. Quarterly update of the strategic
models to help us prioritize our plan based on new data
list of potential projects 6. Post projects evaluation and
6. Project prioritization lessons learnt

7. Business roadmap including our 7. Post strategic planning

prioritized projects evaluation and lessons learnt


Business roadmap dashboard

High-level view Caption: Completed On Track Late

Phase 3
Phase 2
Phase 1 • Insert initiative name
• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name • Insert initiative name

• Insert initiative name

Insert timeline Insert timeline Insert timeline


Business roadmap dashboard
Detailed view (For more details, open the excel document “Business Roadmap”)

Best practice

Business roadmap dashboard

Detailed view (For more details, open the excel document “Business Roadmap”)

The Powerpoint version of

the Business Roadmap is
usually used for high-level
presentations. However,
when more detailed are
required, the Excel
version should be used.

Significantly behind target

Projects dashboard Slightly behind target

Finance Perspective Meeting target or above target

Strategic Objectives Initiatives Status

F1 - Insert Strategic Objective F1.1 - Insert the name of the initiative
F1.2 - Insert the name of the initiative
F1.3 - Insert the name of the initiative

F2 - Insert Strategic Objective F2.1 - Insert the name of the initiative

F2.2 - Insert the name of the initiative
F2.3 - Insert the name of the initiative

F3 - Insert Strategic Objective F3.1 - Insert the name of the initiative

F3.2 - Insert the name of the initiative
F3.3 - Insert the name of the initiative

F4 - Insert Strategic Objective F4.1 - Insert the name of the initiative

F4.2 - Insert the name of the initiative
F4.3 - Insert the name of the initiative

Structure of the Toolkit
The Strategic Planning Toolkit includes 300 Powerpoint slides, 12 Excel sheets and 1.5 hours of Video training
organized in multiple folders that you can download on your device immediately after your purchase.

+ +
300 editable Powerpoint slides* 12 Excel sheets* 1.5 hours of Video training

0. Overview and I. Set up your strategic II. Gather & analyze data III. Define your IV. Implement, Track &
approach planning project and provide key insights strategic plan Manage Progress

*Please note that the number of PowerPoint slides and Excel sheets listed is the number of unique slides and sheets. For example, a PowerPoint slide
that has been duplicated to facilitate our clients’ understanding only counts for 1 slide.

Key Benefits of our Management Consulting Toolkits

Improve the growth &

Make a great investment for
efficiency of your Get a competitive advantage.
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organization by leveraging It’s like hiring Management
cost us US$8M+ over the
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past 10 years to create all
Toolkits created by ex- practical Frameworks, Tools
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fraction of this cost.

Get the job done quicker and

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again with our ready-made have already worked 30,000+
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and fully editable hours over the past 10 years
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What our clients say about our Toolkits
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Join the 200,000+ Executives, Consultants & Entrepreneurs already leveraging our
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Trusted by small and large organizations Customer satisfaction

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