Unit-1 (Oracle Architectural Components)

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Oracle Architectural Components

• Oracle server architecture

• Structure that connects user to Oracle servers
• Stages in processing queries, changes, and commits
Oracle Architectural Components
Oracle Server Architecture
Every Oracle database, from the smallest Oracle
application running on a hand-held device to
terabyte data warehouses that run on mainframes
and supercomputers, has memory, various disk,
and process components of the oracle instance.
They allow for applications, ranging from online
transaction processing (OLTP) apps to N-tier apps
to data marts to data warehouses, to process their
data efficiently and effectively.
SGA:- Oracle’s Primary Memory
There are two basic memory structures in Oracle.
1. System Global Area (SGA)
a) Buffer Cache
b) Shared Pool
c) Redo Log Buffer
d) Others
i. Java pool
ii. Large pool
SGA:- Oracle’s Primary Memory
1. Buffer Cache
a) This memory structure consists of buffers, each the size of a
database block, that store data needed by SQL statements
issued by user processes.
b) The size of a buffer cache is indicated in a parameter file as the
number of buffers and not in bytes.
c) Purpose of buffer cache:-
i. To improve performance for subsequent repeated select statements
on the same data
ii. To enable Oracle users to make data changes quickly in memory,
Oracle writes those data changes to disk later.
SGA:- Oracle’s Primary Memory
2. Shared Pool
There are two mandatory structures and one optional structure in the
oracle shared pool.
a) Library Cache
It is used for storing parsed SQL statement text and the
statement’s execution plan for reuse.
b) Dictionary Cache also known as row cache
It is used for storing recently accesses information from the Oracle data
such a table and column definitions, usernames, passwords, and privileges

Note:- The optional shared pool structure contains session information

about user processes connected to Oracle.
SGA:- Oracle’s Primary Memory
3. Redo Log Buffer
It temporarily stores in memory the redo entry information generated by
DML statements run in user sessions until Oracle writes the information to

DML statements include update, delete, and insert statements run by users.

What is a redo entry?

It is a small amount of information produced and saved by Oracle to
reconstruct , or redo, changes made to the database by insert, update,
delete, create, alter, and drop statements.

If some sort of failure occurred, the DBA can use redo information to
recover the Oracle database to the point of database failure.
PGA:- Oracle User’s Memory Area
Program Global Area (PGA)
The program global area (PGA), helps user processes
execute by storing information like bind variable values,
sort areas, and other aspects of cursor handling.

Why do users need their own area to execute?

** The parse information for SQL or PL/SQL may already

be available in the library cache of the shared pool, the
values upon which the user wants to execute the select
or update statement cannot be shared.
Server Process:- Reading Data from
Disk for Users
There are several types of processes running all the
time in Oracle. These types are
1. Background processes
2. Server process
3. Network processes.

** The Server process acts on the user’s behalf to pull

Oracle data from disk into the buffer cache, where the
user can manipulate it.

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