CH 4
CH 4
CH 4
A computer network is a group of computers and associated peripheral devices connected
by a communication channel.
Benefits of a Computer Network
Linking computers into networks provides benefits in the following areas:
Hardware sharing like printer
Software sharing.
File sharing e.g.: - Assignment is found on server.
Central disk storage – dedicated file server
Administrative support
E-mail services
Internet access 2
Types of computer Networks
Network Media
• Data signal must enter and leave a computer at a point to allow networked communication to occur.
• The data signal travels through transmission media.
• Transmission media is a medium or a material through which data can be transmitted over the long
• The speed or rate at which data is transmitted over a communication channel is denoted by a parameter
called bandwidth.
Transmission media is categorized as:
Bounded (Guided) transmission media
Unbounded (Unguided) transmission media
Guided Transmission Media
Guided transmission media uses a cabling system that guides the data signals along a specific path.
Coaxial cable
Twisted-pair cable
Fiber-optic cable
Unguided Transmission Media
consists of a means for the data signals to travel but nothing to guide them along a specific path.
Infrared:- uses infrared light signals
Radio Frequency:- uses low frequency density range
Microwave:- uses high frequency radio signals
Network Topologies
• A network topology is the arrangement of computers, cables, and other components on a network.
a. Bus
• In a bus topology, all of the computers in a network are attached to a continuous cable, or segment, that connects them in
a straight line
b. Star
• In a star topology, cable segments from each computer on the network are connected to a central component, or hub
c. Ring
d. Mesh
• In a mesh topology, each computer is connected to every other computer by a separate cable
e. Hybrid
• In a hybrid topology, two or more topologies are combined to form a complete network design. Networks are rarely
designed using only one type of topology. 7
Components that enable you to expand the network
Network Protocols
• Like network needs hardware, it also needs software. Because each task in network is governed by a set of
rules called protocols.
HTTP:-is hypertext transfer protocol which helps to communicate two computers application.
Internet and its applications
It is possible to connect these small networks (LANs) within an organization or between
organization using different methods depending on distance, efficiency etc.
Connections of networks, communicating using (TCP/IP) the protocols of the Internet, within
an organization where by the organization have an overall authority (control) of the media.
The interconnection of Intranets, based on an agreement between organizations for the
purpose of sharing resources.
The network of networks that connects hundreds of thousands of networks, and millions of
computers around the world.
Uses of Internet are:
Browsing information from world wide web (WWW)
Electronic mail (E-mail)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Telnet to any Internet Host-remote login
USE NET and So on.
WWW is:
• A set of protocol and software that allows the global computer network called the
Internet to display multimedia documents.
• The information on WWW is spread over computers all over the world.
Language of the internet - Terminologies
Web Page: A single Web document
Home Page: The starting, introductory or welcome page for a Web site.
Link, Hot Link, Hyper Link: A part of a Web page that can be clicked to get somewhere else.
Requirements for Internet connection
Hardware Requirements -Dial up connection
A computer with a serial port for modem or computer with built in modem
Telephone line
Software Requirements- both for dial up and broadband
Windows XP (OS)