1 SPL 1
1 SPL 1
1 SPL 1
At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
o Connect the elements of strategic leadership: vision, strategy,
o Use and practice strategic analysis and action models
o Craft a strategy that provides a sense of direction and builds
o Create strategic actions to effectively execute strategic initiatives
o Identify and harness individual strengths to enhance leadership
o Craft an effective strategy for building leadership capacity in
o Develop an action plan (strategy execution) for deepening projects
Unit One: The Concept of Strategic Project Leadership
Unit objective
Manager The product is, in other words, their baby, from start to end.
This is a leadership philosophy in which the main goal is to serve the individual’s
3. Servant needs rather than just the interests of the company.
This doesn’t mean that you can forget about hitting deadlines and milestones.
Instead, think of it as the same quality that makes a great scrum master.
You’re not only helping guide the group as a whole but also making adjustments
based on the feedback you get from each member of your team.
In a project leader role, don’t think of yourself as just a teacher; you’re also a
student, and you can learn a lot from every member of your team.
The 7 essential project leadership skills
Nearly every project hits what’s called the “messy middle”. This is where the
clarity and energy that was there from the start suddenly disappears and your
team feels like every day is a slog towards nowhere.
This can happen for a number of reasons. Maybe early feedback on their work
isn’t what was expected. Or a stakeholder came in wanting to change the
scope. Or maybe they’re simply losing steam from long hours and high
4. expectations.
Whatever the case, a good team leader will be able to read the signs of
discouragement—and even burnout—and implement strategies to make sure
that people stay both inspired and on track.
This is more than just a pat on the back or a “good job!” You need to be aware
of the psychology of motivation and how to keep your team focused and
The 7 essential project leadership skills
It includes persuading team members to collaborate in a way they’re
not accustomed to, negotiating with different project
stakeholders on timelines and expectations, and removing any
5. Communication ambiguity about what’s expected from each team member.
Take the time to look beyond the surface of an issue and discover why it
happened in the first place. Remember, project leaders are servant
leaders. Underneath it all, your responsibility is to the team and the
individuals that make it up
5 ways to show you’re a project leader
1. Demonstrate your interest and ability in managing
human resources and team dynamics
2. Set clear expectations for yourself and your team,
and then make sure they’re met
3. Contribute to resolving—not creating—conflicts
4. Act as a cheerleader for every team member,
ensuring that they’re both recognized and rewarded
for accomplishments
5. Take ownership over every aspect of the team’s
progress, demonstrating that the buck stops with
you and that you’re up to the task
Project Leadership Matrix
On the left side, there’s leadership through task management, a more authoritative, directive method. The
top of the matrix represents the proactive leader who focuses on the project’s strategic mission.
The bottom half of the matrix represents people who are more reactive and deal with the immediate issues
as they arise in a project.
While we’re all different and there’s likely none of us who fall squarely in one corner, the most effective
project leaders fall within a mix of quadrants three and four.
Being pro-active while both authoritative and engaging, is clearly better than playing catch up and reacting
to the crisis of the day.
Where do you think you land on this matrix? And what strategies can you put in place to help guide you
into being a more proactive project leader?
Stratgic Project Leadership
Why is Project Management Weak?
Traditional approach to project There are several reasons why the
management is insufficient in classic approach is insufficient.
dealing with today's dynamic
business requirements. First, the conventional approach to
project management is based on a
In fact, the truth is that even if predictable, fixed, relatively simple,
and certain model. Furthermore, it is
you do everything by the book
often decoupled from the dynamic
and precisely follow all the formal
changes in markets, technology, or
guidelines of project business environments. The reality
management, your project may is that most projects today are
still fail! The questions are: unpredictable, changing, and
involve a great deal of uncertainty
Why? What is missing? and complexity.
Why is Project Management Weak?
Second, the current guidelines Finally, although almost all project
treat all projects as the same, launches are motivated by a
and use a “one size fits all” business need or opportunity, the
current project management
approach. In reality, however,
approach is not designed to deal
there are significant formally with business needs,
differences among projects focusing instead on operational
and “one size cannot not fit efficiency and on meeting a
all.” To succeed in a project, project's time, budget, and
you must recognize the requirement objectives (commonly
differences that exist among called “the triple constraint”).
projects and adapt your style However, achieving the triple
constraint is insufficient and is only
to the specific project
one aspect in a project's success.
The Science and Art of Project Management
The main objective of SPL to focus projects on They should become responsible, not only for
business results by creating value, competitive getting the job done, but also for achieving the
advantage, and winning in the marketplace. expected business results, and inspiring and
motivating the project team.
SPL combines the strategic, business-related They are also expected to adapt their style to
aspects of projects, the operational needs of the right context and manage the project in a
getting the job done, and the leadership aspects dynamic and flexible way.
of inspiring and leading the project team.