Civic Presentation

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The first discussion paper: Our Journey to Forge

Our Path Towards Democracy

To start off I'm going to talk about the first discussion paper that speaks about "Our
Journey to Forge Our Path Towards Democracy". It outlines a set of principles that are
essential to developing the right practices for democracy. starting with the launch of
this new election campaign, are the practices of good citizenship that are the
foundations for a vibrant and effective democracy, and to work sincerely to guarantee
that these practices become our modus vivendi. His Majesty believes that there are
four practices we must embrace as citizens to help build our democratic system,
which are the follows:
• Respect for all fellow citizens is the essence of our unity.
• Citizenship and accountability go hand in hand.
• Harnessing disagreement into compromise while maintaining constant dialogue.
• Shared gains and sacrifices.
Respect for all fellow citizens is the essence
of our unity
We need to understand that we as Jordanians we are all fellow
travelers in the Journey ahead, regardless of family, neighborhood,
gender or religious belief. We must expand our circle of trust and
respect and build an inseparable bond between us to treat all fellow
Jordanians with civility and dignity, irrespective of whether we know
them well or not and whether we like them or not.
We Also need to understand what respect in the public sphere means,
it means that we focus on issues not personalities. In addition, we need
to understand and respect the opinion of others.
Citizenship and accountability go hand in
We as citizens need to engage actively in important decisions and
problem-solving activities in our society. We need to start by making
our voices heard in the election campaigns, but don't get me wrong,
democracy is much more than elections and voting and it does not end
with casting our ballots.
We need to hold our elected officials to their commitments and remain
engaged in all the activities and issues facing our families, communities
and our nation. We as citizens need to uphold practices that will keep
our society engaged and vibrant.
Harnessing disagreement into compromise
while maintaining constant dialogue
It is important to combine the communication of our own opinions to others with
a commitment to disagreeing respectfully with others, as we seek compromise
solutions. The diversity of opinion, belief, and culture that exists in Jordan is our
fundamental strength, not weakness.
We need to understand that disagreeing isn't a problem nor disloyalty. As long as
we disagree respectfully it will always be our basis for dialogue.
We also need to understand the word compromise, compromise means give and
take, it means we do not get everything that we want, nor does anyone else. It's
important to use debate and dialogue to resolve differences of opinions long
before we engage in protests, but even if it reached to protests and strikes, we
need to remember that once the strike is over, we need to go back to working
together to reach an agreement proceed hand in hand to forge our shared destiny.
Shared gains and sacrifices
There is never a permanent winner or loser in democracy. We must constantly adapt to
changing circumstances. There are five practices that will help us determine if we are
on the right path, which are:
• A shared sense of dignity and pride in what we are doing together as a nation;
• A sense of achievement in overcoming the challenges and hurdles we confront
together, through shared commitment and shared sacrifice, on our path to prosperity
and greater security through a stronger democracy;
• Active engagement in shaping the future of Jordan through voting in elections – a
commitment to democracy as a national paradigm and a way of life;
• Fruitful and respectful debates and discussions taking place in person and online;
• Civility between citizens characterized by a strong volunteering culture and growing
generosity and trust to, and from, people we do not personally know.
The sixth discussion paper: Rule
of Law and Civil State

The sixth discussion paper talks about four points which are:
• Rule of law: the essence of prudent state administration
• Wasta and nepotism
• Advancing the judiciary and enhancing rule of law
• Rule of law: the sine qua non of civil state
Rule of law: the essence of prudent
state administration
As his Majesty said, every citizen, official and state institution must fulfil
the duty of protecting and enhancing the rule of law, which is the
essence of a prudent administration that adopts justice and equality as
the pillars of its approach.
Accepting the rule of law is an essential requirement for a successful
democratic transformation. No democracy that respects human rights
can work outside this framework. Hesitation in applying the law in a
just, transparent and competent manner leads to the loss of rights and
weakens people’s trust in state institutions.
Wasta and nepotism
We cannot address the issue of rule of law without recognizing that wasta
and nepotism jeopardize development efforts. Wasta does not only
impede the country’s progression, but it also erodes achievements by
undermining the values of justice, equal opportunity and good citizenship,
which are the enablers of development in any society.
There are programs that are created by experts with the aim of cementing
values of good citizenship. These programs should also empower young
people to realize their potential and expand their horizons and immune
them against extremist evil ideologies. These programs should also
empower young people to realize their potential and expand their
horizons and immune them against extremist evil ideologies.
Advancing the judiciary and
enhancing rule of law
Rule of law cannot be upheld unless a qualified, impartial and efficient
judicial apparatus is in place, and Jordan has always been renowned for
its qualified judicial apparatus.
It has become imperative to formulate a clear strategy on judicial
reform for the coming years to reform and develop the judicial
institution and supporting agencies. Such a strategy is expected to help
enhance the judicial environment to increase its integrity and
effectiveness and contribute to the creation of the modern institution
that our judiciary is worthy of.
Rule of law: the sine qua
non of civil state
The civil state is one that upholds rule of law and is governed by a
constitution and laws. It is a state that endorses active citizenship, pluralism
and difference in opinions. It is a state where citizens have equal rights and
duties, without any discrimination based on religion, language, color,
gender, race, class, political affiliation or intellectual views.
We remain fully committed to the values that define us as a nation and
people: values of peace, moderation, compassion, solidarity, pluralism,
acceptance of others, perseverance, openness and good citizenship. Those
values are what truly means to be a Jordanian. They are inseparable from
our heritage, and we will continue to instill them in our young generations.
To sum up, in the first and sixth discussion papers his Majesty talked
about how we can become a better nation, and how to treat each other
in a better way. His Majesty also talked about how Jordan is a great
country with a great community. And from what we've talked about
earlier we should understand by now that we need to give our best to
this community and stay engaged in all the issues and discussions that
takes place to keep improving it as a nation.

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