Cyber Threat Intelligence

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Module 4.

Cyber Threat
MIS 689
Cyber Warfare
Module Objectives
 Fundamental CTI
 Exploring & Collecting Hacker Community Data
 Exploring AZSecure Hacker Assets Portal: Identifying Threats, Actors,
and Targets
 CTI Visualization via Tableau (Your Own Analysis)
Fundamental CTI
CTI process
Phase 2: Data Phase 4: Intel
Phase 1: Intel Phase 3: Threat
Collection and Usage and
Planning/Strategy Analytics
Aggregation Dissemination

Description: Identify Description: Analyze

Description: Identify Description: Mitigate
intelligence needs of collected data to
and collect relevant threats and
organization, critical develop relevant,
data for threat disseminate
assets, and their timely, and actionable
analytics intelligence
vulnerabilities intelligence

Approaches: threat Approaches: malware Approaches: manual

Data sources: internal
trending, vulnerability analysis, event and automated threat
network data, external
assessments, asset correlation, responses, intelligence
threat feeds, OSINT,
discovery, diamond visualizations, machine communication
human intelligence
modelling learning standards (e.g., STIX)

Four phased CTI Lifecycle We are here

Popular CTI Analytics
Analytical Approach Description Examples Value Major Companies Using
Summary Statistics High level summary of Number of blocked IP’s, Good overview for All
collected data locations of attacks, executives
counts over time
Event Correlation Analyzes relationships Identifying machine Integrates multiple All
between events sending malicious traffic sources of data together
by checking firewall log (usually internal network)
Reputation Services Identifying the quality of IP “X” has a poor Identify which IP Akamai, NSFOCUS,
an IP reputation addresses to block FireEye, AlienVault
Malware Analysis Analyzing malicious files Decompiling ransomware Bolster technical cyber- FireEye, AlienVault
on a network defenses
Anomaly Detection Detecting abnormal Unusual user logins Detect malicious activity Splunk
Forensics Identifying and preserving Examining RAM from a Identifying how an attack LIFARS, Blue Coat, FireEye
digital evidence malicious system occurred
Machine Learning* Algorithms that can learn Classifying malware Automated analysis Splunk, FireEye, Cylance
from and make
predictions on data

*We will have lectures dedicated to machine learning/data mining

Malware Analysis – Types of Malware
Type Description
Backdoor Allows an attacker to control the system
Botnet Infected computers receive instructions from same Command-and-
Control server
Downloader Malicious code that exists only to download other malicious code
Information-stealing malware Sniffers, keyloggers, password hash grabbers
Launcher Malicious program used to launch other malicious programs
Rootkit Malware that conceals the existence of other code, usually paired with
a backdoor
Scareware Frightens a user into buying something
Spam-sending malware Attacker rents machine to spammers
Worms or Viruses Malicious code that can copy itself and infect additional computers
Malware Analysis – Static vs Dynamic
 Static Analysis – examines malware without running it
 Quick and easy, but fails for advanced malware and can miss important
 Tools: VirusTotal, strings, disassemblers

 Dynamic Analysis – run malware and monitor its effect

 Easy, but requires a safe test environment. Not effective on all malware
 Tools: RegShot, Process Monitor, Process Hacker, CaptureBAT
 RAM Analysis: Mandiant Redline and Volatility
Exploring & Collecting
Hacker Community Data
(Du et al., IEEE ISI 2018)
What are in the underground economy?
POS Skimmer ATM Skimmer
EMV encoder
Target POS device:
Verifone vx510/vx670



Tutorials Sold in
Method of batch
Payment: Liberty
Reserve Blank Credit/Debit Cards (Plastics)
Collection Challenges
 Anti-crawling measures
 IP address blacklisting
 User-agent check
 User/password authentication & CAPTCHA validation
 Denial of service for too many requests

 Potential risks of retaliation

 Constantly probing underground economy platforms may spook platform owners.
 These owners can trace back to us based on network traffic log.

Need for secure, intelligent collection capabilities

Hacker Community Platforms Overview
Platform Description CTI Value Underlying Mechanism:
• Hackers use forums and/or IRC to
Message board allowing Key threat actor identification;
members to post messages sharing of hacking tools; indication freely discuss and share Tools,
Forums (archived) of access to other hacker Techniques, and Processes (TTP).

Plain-text, instant Sharing of hacking knowledge and • Hackers download tools or

messaging, communication potential target; indication of navigate to DNMs to purchase
IRC (not archived) access to other hacker

Markets on Tor that sell Early indicator for breached • These tools help hackers conduct
illicit goods via companies; in-depth
DNMs cryptocurrency understanding of underground
cyber-attacks to attain sensitive
economy data such as credit card and SSN.
Shops selling stolen Monitoring trafficking of internet • Finally, hackers load stolen data to
Carding credit/debit cards and fraud industry; precaution of
Shops sensitive data breaches before happen DNMs and/or carding shops for
financial gain.
Table 1. Hacker Community Platform Summary
Data Collection Overview: Hacker Forums


are code

Figure 1. An example of a hacker forum member sharing ransomware code

Data Collection Overview: IRC

Figure 2. An example of hackers sharing links containing illegal contents

Figure 3. An example of an IRC user demanding hacking service

Data Collection Overview: DNM

Figure 4. An example of a product listing page on DNM

Data Collection Overview: Carding Shop
Card Type

Information of one
card for carders

Figure 5. An example of listing page on carding shop

AZSecure Data Collection Overview
Platform # of # of Languages
Platforms Records In our hacker community data
Forums 51 forums
32,266,852 English/ collection, we successfully
posts Russian/ Arabic
collected 102 platforms for a
IRC 13 channels
lines of English total of 43,981,647 records.

DNM 12 markets
 51 hacker forums,
French  13 IRC channels,
26 shops 8,674,078 English
 12 DNMs
Shops listings
 26 carding shops

Table 2. Hacker Community Data Collection Summary

Data Integration and Visualization

Figure 6. (a) scorecard of active and expired cards, (b) Figure 7. (a) frequency of cards per shop, (b) banks of stolen
locations, (3) search, sort, and filter functions, and (d) cards, (c) average card prices, (d) filter capabilities, and (e)
frequency of cards based on zip code card issuers with most stolen cards
Exploring AZSecure Hacker Assets Portal:
Identifying Threats, Actors, and Targets
(Samtani, et al., JMIS, 34(4), 2017)
Hacker Asset Examples
Hackers and Hacker Assets

Tutorial on how to create

malicious documents

Forum post with source code to

exploit Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3

Forum post with

BlackPOS malware attachment.

Introduction – Hacker Asset Examples

Figure 1. Forum post with source code to create botnets Figure 2. Forum post with BlackPOS malware attachment

Figure 3. Tutorial on how to create malicious

AZSecure Hacker Assets Portal System Design and Features
Data Collection Web Hosting and Access System Functionalities
and Analytics

Browsing Searching Downloading

System Analytics
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and
Support Vector Machine (SVM) Analytics

987 tutorials, 15,576 source code, and Cyber Threat Intelligence VirusTotal Malware Analysis
14,851 attachments Dashboard

Figure 5. AZSecure Hacker Assets Portal System Design and Features

AZSecure Hacker Assets Portal – Data Testbed
Forum Language Date Range # of Posts # of # of source # of # of tutorials
Members code attachments
OpenSC English 02/07/2005-02/21/2016 124,993 6,796 2,590 2,349 628
Xeksec Russian 07/07/2007- 9/15/2015 62,316 18,462 2,456 - 40
Ashiyane Arabic 5/30/2003 – 9/24/2016 34,247 6,406 5,958 10,086 80
tuts4you English 6/10/2006 – 10/31/2016 40,666 2,539 - 2,206 38
exelab Russian 8/25/2008 – 10/27/2016 328,477 13,289 4,572 - 628
Total: - 02/07/2005- 10/31/2016 590,699 47,492 15,576 14,851 987
AZSecure Hacker Assets Portal – Data Mining Approach

Data Collection and Asset Analysis and Evaluations

Pre-Processing Algorithm Accuracy Precision Recall F1

Forum Cleaned Cleaned Cleaned SVM 98.20 96.36 98.20 98.28

Identification Code Attachment Tutorial
Posts Posts Posts k-Nearest 64.00 83.47 64.00 72.24
Obfuscated Latent Dirichlet
Support Vector
Crawling and Allocation Naïve
Machine (SVM)
Bayes 86.00 88.57 86.00 87.26
Evaluations Decision
Subset creation Perplexity and Tree 82.60 86.41 82.60 84.42
and data pre- Inter-rater
processing Reliability
Hacker Assets Portal V2.0 – Overview
(a) Home page, linking to (b & c) Assets, (d) Dashboard, and (e) Malware Families:

(e) Malware Families, for

depicting relationships
among assets over time
(Crypter Family shown)

(b) Assets page, linking to

Source Code and

(c) Source Code page; sortable by

asset name, exploit type, date, etc.

(d) Dashboard for drill-down analysis of hackers

& assets over time
Searching, Sorting & Browsing Hacker Assets

(d) Browsing: Asset metadata and forum link

(a) Searching
(b) Sorting (e) Browsing: Raw Code

(c) Browsing
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Dashboard
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Example – Bank Exploits

1. Filtering on 2014, when BlackPOS was posted, shows assets and threat actors at that time.
2. Filtering the actor who posted BlackPOS reveals that he posts other bank exploits (e.g., Zeus).
• Provides intelligence on which hacker to monitor.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Example – Crypters


1. Filtering on a specific time point (highest peak):

2. Filtering on a specific asset (crypters, a key technology for
3. Filtering a specific crypter author (Cracksman) shows the trends and
types of assets he posted.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Example – Mobile Malware

1. Filtering for 2016 mobile malware shows assets and threat actors at that time.
2. Filtering on a specific actor (BH-HACKER) allows us to see the assets posted.
CTI Data Exploration &
Visualization via Tableau
(Your Own Analysis)
Tableau Background
 Tableau is a powerful data visualization software.

 Capable of creating various interactive visualizations from a multitude

of data sources.

 Tableau is a commercial software, but is available to students for free.

 Download from (

 Tableau is primarily a drag-and-drop software.

Data Sources and Types of Visualizations
 Tableau can connect to variety of data sources, including:
 Local files – Excel, text, Access
 Traditional databases – SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2
 Cloud technologies – Amazon Aurora, EMR, Redshift, BigQuery
 Big Data Technologies – Hadoop, Hive, Spark SQL

 Tableau can create a variety of visualizations including:

 Basic bar and line charts (e.g., temporal, box plots, etc.)
 Geospatial analysis
 Word clouds
 Treemaps
 Network analysis, although there are better tools for this (e.g., Gephi)!

 These visualizations can be combined into interactive dashboards.

 Can later be published online or shared easily.
Tableau Interface • Blue: discrete data
• Green: continuous data

 Dimensions
 Data fields that cannot
be aggregated
 Qualitative values (such
as names, dates, or Drag-n-drop
geographical data)

 Measures
 Data fields that can be
measured, aggregated,
or used for math Worksheet
operations Encode Plot types
 Numeric, quantitative
Walkthrough Example: NFL Sports
 The data used in this example is an Excel spreadsheet about NFL
Offensive players from 1999-2013. It contains:
 ~40,000 rows of data
 Player information (physically measurable traits, birthplace, college attended)
 Positions played
 Wins achieved in career
Connecting to a Data Source

 We will have to connect to a data source to start making visualizations.

1. Since our data is in an Excel workbook, we will select that.
2. Second, we will join two of the sheets in the workbook such that we can get access to a
larger set of data. Drag the “Unique players” and “Zip codes” sheets to the right. Select the
“Inner” join option.
3. We will join the sheets based on zip code.
Creating a Bar Chart

 Suppose we want to know which major college conferences have most combined wins since 1999.
1. First, drag the “Conference” dimension into the “Rows” bar, and the “College Wins” into the
columns. Hit the drop down on the “College Wins” and select “Sum.”
2. Second, select bar chart on the right hand side.
3. To add a little bit of color, drag the “Conference” into the “Color” mark.
Creating a Word Cloud

 Suppose now we want to get a general sense of the most popular conferences in
terms of player enrollment is concerned. A word cloud is a great way to visually
represent this.
1. First, switch the “Marks” option to “Text”.
2. Second, drag the “Conference” dimension into the “Text” marks box.
1. Then drag the “Conference” dimension into the “Size” marks box.
2. Adjust the measurement on this by hitting the drop down and selecting “Measure (Count)”
Creating a Geospatial Visualization
 Consider now that we are 1
interested in the birthplaces of all
of the NFL players.
 We can easily create a map
1. Drag the “Longitude” dimension
to columns, and “Latitude” 2
dimension to the rows. Select
the map visualization.
2. Add in some color by dragging
the “Birth Zip Code” into the
“Color” Marks.
Combining Visualizations into a Dashboard
 To tell a more comprehensive
story, we can create a
dashboard combining all of the

 Simply open a dashboard view

and start dragging sheets into
the dashboard.

 You can format and add filters

into the dashboard as you
Further Examples
 It is useful to explore other Tableau visualizations to get ideas.
 contains many great visualizations.

Endangered Safari US Flights Delayed by Precipitation Domestic Violence in Spain

Tableau Resources
 Gallery of Tableau visualizations:

 Tableau training videos:


 Sample Tableau data sources:


 Reference book:
 Tableau Your Data!: Fast and Easy Visual Analysis with Tableau Software. Daniel Murray, 2 nd edition,
 Available online through UA Library
 Companion materials:

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