CLE GRADE 7 - Lesson 14 - Jesus A Man of Prayer

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Jesus: A Man

of Prayer
What is a prayer?

Where are the

qualities of a good
Meaning of Prayer

Prayer is personal faith relating to God

(NCDP 321).

It is loving, conscious, personal relationship

with God, our all-loving, good Father, who has
adopted us through His beloved son, Jesus
Christ, in the Holy Spirit (CFC 1475).
Prayer as God's gift
"Prayer is the raising
of one's mind and
heart to God or the
requesting of good
things from God."2

We pray "out of the

depths" of a humble
and contrite heart, not
from the height of our
pride and will.
Humility is the
foundation of prayer,
Only when we humbly
acknowledge that "we
do not know how to
pray as we ought,"5 are
we ready to receive
freely the gift of prayer.

He who humbles
himself will be exalted.

"Man is a beggar
before God."
Prayer as

Whether prayer is
expressed in
words or
gestures, it is the
whole man who
It is the heart
that prays. If
our heart is far
from God, the
words of prayer
are in vain.
- CCC 2562
Prayer as

It is the living
relationship of the
children of God with
their Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit,
who is good beyond

- CCC 2565
It is an intimate
with God whom
we know loves
- St. Teresa of
Types of Prayer
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we express
our deepest selves to God in prayers in
various ways.
1. Adoration
2. Thanksgiving
3. Petition
4. Contrition
5. Offering
Matching Type. Match column B with the corresponding item in
column A. Write the letter of your answer for each number.

1. Adoration _________ A. We raise to God all our needs

and hope.
2. Thanksgiving _________ B. We adore God.

3. Petition _________ C. We ask God for forgiveness.

4. Contrition _________ D. We offer God our whole being.

5. Offering _________ E. We thank God.


1. Adoration B

2. Thanksgiving E

3. Petition A

4. Contrition C

5. Offering D
1. Adoration- We adore God, our Creator,
who made all things possible.
2. Thanksgiving- We thank God whose love
for us is boundless and immeasurable.
3. Petition- We raise to God all our needs
and what we hope for.
4. Contrition- We ask God through Jesus,
the Divine Savior, for forgiveness.
5. Offering- We offer God all our thoughts,
words, deeds, and our whole being.
should we
It is not easy to pray. This
difficulty is oftentimes expressed
in the following questions raised
by people wanting to pray:
How do you find time for prayer?
What is the best method of
What is best posture for prayer?

But the main problem should be

focused on time, place, and
“We do not pray as
we ought; but the
Spirit Himself makes
intercession for us
with groanings that
cannot be expressed
in speech.”
(Romans 8:26) – Saint
How do we pray?

We pray by invoking
and LISTENING to the
Holy Spirit, and be
open to His inspiration
and promptings, and
pray not only for
yourself, but also for
Jesus the Man of

Jesus is the perfect

model of prayer. Jesus,
“full of the Holy Spirit”,
prays before every major
act of His public life.
Jesus showed that He is
man of prayer during,
• His baptism (Luke 3:21),
• His forty days in the
desert (Luke 4:1-2), and
• on the cross (Luke
Answer in a piece of crosswise
paper. To submitted next meeting.

1. Why is it important to pray?

2. What do you pray about most of
the time?
3. What will our life be without
To be Answered in Genyo on Wednesday

Constructed Response. Kindly explain the

following idea/topic briefly and concisely.

1. What role does prayer play in your daily life?

2. How often do you pray, and in what contexts
or situations do you find yourself turning to
3. How has you’re understanding or practice of
prayer evolved over time?
• Afire with Gratitude: We Experience the
Saving Love of God pages 155-156
• CCC- Catechism of the Catholic Church

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