Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy
Table of contents
Vaginal bleeding
Missed period
tenderness or pain
Shoulder pain
Diagnostic Tests
Blood Test
01. 02.
Surgery Medicine
Salpingectomy (removal of ruptured
fallopian tube)
Subjective: Acute pain After 8 hours of INDEPENDENT: • To determine presence of After 8 hours of
related to nursing intervention • Monitor maternal vital hypotension and nursing
“Sakit akong tiyan” ruptured of the patient will feel signs. tachycardia caused by intervention the
(my tummy hurts) as fallopian tube relief or lessen the ruptured or hemorrhage patient pain has
verbalized by the pain. • Monitor for presence and • To further assess the been eased as
patient. amount of vaginal present situation indicating evidence by
bleeding. hemorrhage. decrease pain
Objective: scale of 6/10 from
- Facial Grimacing • Monitor for increase pain • Increased pain and 9/10.
- Guarding behavior and abdominal distention abdominal distention
- Pain scale 9/10 and rigidity. indicates rupture and • Goal partially
- v/s taken as follows possible intra-abdominal met.
T- 36.5 • Monitor CBC
P- 85 • To determine the amount of
R- 23 blood loss.
BP- 110/90
• Provide comfort • Promotes relaxation and
measures like back rubs may enhance patient’s
and deep breathing. coping abilities by
refocusing attention.
• Administer analgesic as • To maintain acceptable
indicated. level of pain.
Previous ectopic S&S typically begins 4-6 weeks after LMP
Lower abd pain and guarding
Anatomic alteration of fallopian tubes
Fallopian tube surgery (tubectomy)
Vaginal bleeding
Endometriosis Inflammation Disruption of SM contraction and
Tenderness in ectopic area
damages ciliary beat within tubes that assists
Ruptured appendix transport of oocytes or embryo.
fallopian tubes Enlarged uterus
Upregulation of pro- Promotes embryo Cervical motion tenderness
Bicornuate uterus inflam of cytokines implantation (closed cervix)
History of PID Normal Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy – a pregnancy in which
(salpingitis) S&S (B,A,N,U)
the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterine