Nursing Audit
Nursing Audit
Nursing Audit
Ms. Neelam Chaturvedani
Child Health Nursing
Govt.College Of Nursing
Increase in the cost of medical treatment and public
awareness of their rights under the consumers act
necessity that the nurses become accountable for their
practice they have public account lity in addition to their
personal accountability audit has become a
mechanism of assessing and improving the quality of a
work and identifying the way of improving the efficacy
of care.
nursing Audit one of the control tool responsible for
controlling the activity of the nurses that focus on
providing the best possible nursing care the HR
nursing rented is compared with the standards this is
mainly refer to clinical nursing audit the nursing
management audit is in evaluation of the nursing
management as a whole its an critical examination
and the entire nursing management process
According to Ekson
“Nursing audit refers to the assessment of the quality of clinicas nursing”
According to Goster Walfer
“Nursing audit is the means by which nurses themselves can define
standards from there point of view and describes the actual practice of
According to phaneuf (1976)
A method for evaluating quality of care through of aursing appraisal of
nursing process as it i reflected in the patient care palients records for
discharged patient.
1. Evaluate Nursing care given.
2. Achieves describe and feasible qualIity of nursing care.
3. Stimulate to better record.
4. Focuses in care provided and not in care provider
5. Contributes to research.
6. Necessitating adequate documentation of nursing care provided to the
client though the center nursing process.
7. Directing attention to the design andatility of the charting record,
8. Encouraging the use of the problem oriented nursing system.
9. Suppeeting and becoming an instegral part of nursing by objective
• The improve the quality of nursing
• It compares actual practice with agreed standards of practice
• It involves pees review
• It requires the identificación of Variations between practice
and standard followed by the analysis of causes of such
• It provide feedback for those whose record are audited.
• It includes follow-up or repeated or repeated an audit
sometimes later to find out if the practice is fulfilling the
agreed standards.
• This refers to an in-depth assessment of the quality after the patient has been
discharged, have the patients chart to the source of data.Retrospective audit is a
method for evaluating the quality of nursing care by examining the nursing care as it
is reflected in the patient care records for discharged patients. In this type of audit
specific behaviors are described then they are converted into questions and the
examiner looks for answers in the record.
For example the examiner looks through the patient’s records and asks :-
a. Was the problem solving process used in planning nursing care?
b. Whether patient data collected in a systematic manner?
c. Was a description of patient’s pre-hospital routines included?
d. Laboratory test results used in planning care?
e. Did the nurse perform physical assessment? How was information used?
f. Were nursing diagnosis stated?
g. Did nurse write nursing orders? And so on.
This refers to the evaluations conducted on behalf of patients who are still
undergoing care. It includes assessing the patient at the bedside in relation to pre-
determined criteria, interviewing the staff responsible for this care and reviewing the
patients record and care plan.
Method to Develop Criteria :
• 1.Define patient population.
• 2. Identify a time framework for measuring outcomes of care,
• 3. Identify commonly recurring nursing problems presented by the defined patient
• 4. State patient outcome criteria,
• 5. State acceptable degree of goal achievement,
• 6. Specify the source of information.
• 7. Design and type of tool-
• a. Quality assurance must be a priority,
• b. Those responsible must implement a programme not
only a tool,
• c. A co-ordinator should develop and evaluate quality
assurance activities,
• d. Roles and responsibilities must be delivered,
• e. Nurses must be informed about the process and the
results of the programme,
• f. Data must be reliable,
• g. Adequate orientation of data collection is
• h. Quality data should be annualized and used by
nursing personnel at all levels.
• Audit can be categorised as per the auditors appointed for auditing these
are internal and external audit .
1.Internal audit:-
Review of a work is done by pears or nursing personal continuously the
internal auditors abstract and classify clinical records and evaluate the quality
of nursing care.
2.External Audit :-
The external audit is carried out by the outside agency usually periodically
test completeness and accuracy of internal audit is done review is done by
non nursing administrator.