3.laws of Radiation and Their Relevance in Remote
3.laws of Radiation and Their Relevance in Remote
3.laws of Radiation and Their Relevance in Remote
(False colour
As we know that the sun emits visible light (left
image of the Sun), infrared waves, and ultraviolet
waves (right image of the Sun), emits microwaves,
radio waves, and X-rays.
The sun is like a big nuclear furnace and it emits all
sorts of electromagnetic radiation.
However, Plank's Law states that every object emits
over the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
That means we also emit radiation at all
wavelengths -- so does everything around us!
Some emission may not be in measurable amount.
Planck's Law:
Every physical body spontaneously and continuously emits
electromagnetic radiation and the spectral radiance of a body,
Bν describes the amount of energy it emits at different
radiation frequencies.
It is the power emitted per unit area of the body, per unit
solid angle of emission, per unit frequency.
Planck showed that the spectral radiance of a body for
frequency ν at absolute temperature T is given by
Planck's Law:
The spectral radiance can also be expressed per unit
wavelength λ instead of per unit frequency.
In this case, it is given by.
Planck's law accurately
describes black-body
radiation. Shown here are
a family of curves for
different temperatures. The
classical (black) curve
diverges from observed
intensity at high