1. Literacies
2. Approaches to student writing
3. Creative writing
4. Writing as a collaborative activity
5. Building the writing habit
6. Writing-for-learningr writing-for-writing
7. The roles of the teacher
8. Writing sequences
9. Portfolios and journals
10. Writing activities
1. Literacies
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Text construction
4 • Text assembly and coherence.
• Genre sequence and cohesion.
• Cohesive devices like lexical chains and pronouns.
2. Approaches to student writing
1. pre-
2. drafting 3. revision
4. editing
• e genre in which they are going to
Students need to know the
write that is a part of the prewriting phase.
• Essential features of genre writing:
+ Think carefully about the context they are writing for
+ Identify the audience they are writing for
+ Look at how typically effective examples of writing in the
genre are constructed.
3. Creative writing
what is“creative writing”?
-> imaginative tasks, such as writing poetry, stories and
class notice
website board
1 2 3
Promoting Writing Habit: Encouraging regular writing practice is crucial to normalize writing in
2 the classroom. Activities like quick writesr responding to musicr or dictating half-sentences can
help build enthusiasm and confidence in writing.
Building Fluency: Incorporating quick write activities into lessons can improve students'
3 writing range and speed. Providing time limits and encouraging continuous writing without
looking back or crossing out words can help students develop fluency.
Providing Patterns and Schemes: Offering models or frameworks for writingr such as
4 postcard-writing or simple poemsr can give students confidencer especially at lower levelsr by
providing structure and support.
5. Building the writing habit
Using Pictures as Stimuli: Utilizing pictures as prompts for writing activitiesr such as describing
5 images or creating stories based on themr can stimulate students' imagination and engagement
in writing
Implementing Writing Games: Incorporating writing gamesr such as story reconstruction activities
6 or group story creationr can make writing enjoyable and foster collaboration among students.
Focusing on Enjoyment and Practice: Emphasizing writing for fun and practice rather than
7 solely as a skill can motivate students to engage more in writing tasks
Providing Adequate Support: Ensuring students have enough informationr language supportr
8 and ideas to complete writing tasks without feeling overwhelmed or lacking direction is
essential. Howeverr balancing support with fostering creativity is also important.
5. Building the writing habit
Encouraging Creativity: While providing support and guidancer it's important not to stifle
9 students' creativity by overwhelming them with too many ideas. Encouraging them to explore
their own thoughts and ideas while writing is crucial.
1 2 Example
a. Motivator
- One of the principal roles in writing
- Requires special and prolonged effort
7. The roles of teacher
b. Resource
- Ready to supply information
and language where necessary
7. The roles of teacher
c. Feedback provider
-Giving feedback on
writing tasks demands
special care.
- Responding positively and
encouraginglyr especially to the
content of what the students
have written.
7. The roles of teacher
Feedback and error correction
Circulate and
Put the When they have prompt the
students in chosen their students with
individual or time periodr your own Discuss what
pairs or small ask them to suggestions. Help they will put in
groups and ask have ideas them with any the thesis of
them to choose about what language they their topic.
a topic. they choose. are having
difficulty with.
8. Writing sequences
5 6 7 8
Accuracy Activities: Students understand the structure and language features. The
teacher should focus on correcting the structures and language
Fluency features focused on in the lesson.
The teacher set up a similar activity where ‘ free’ or uncontrolled
Activities: practice is offered to students. Student practice again without
immediate feedback and allows the student to follow on from
practice activities and examples.
Accuracy Activities
Beginners Elementary
Intermediate Advanced
• Crafting essays
1. what is appropriate oder of writing process?
pre-writing - drafting - revision - editing - publication
7. the teacher shows one word or topic to sts. they then have 2 mins to write as many sentences
on that topic as they can. the idea is to practice fluent writing on any topic using correct
sentence structure. this activity is called:
7. the teacher shows one word or topic to sts. they then have 2 mins to write as many sentences
on that topic as they can. the idea is to practice fluent writing on any topic using correct
sentence structure. this activity is called:
8. we can get