The document discusses networking fundamentals including networking terminology, physical and logical network topologies, and common networking devices such as hubs, bridges, switches and routers.
The document discusses networking fundamentals including networking terminology, physical and logical network topologies, and common networking devices such as hubs, bridges, switches and routers.
The document discusses networking fundamentals including networking terminology, physical and logical network topologies, and common networking devices such as hubs, bridges, switches and routers.
The document discusses networking fundamentals including networking terminology, physical and logical network topologies, and common networking devices such as hubs, bridges, switches and routers.
be able to perform tasks related to the following:
1. Networking Terminology 2. Digital Bandwidth 3. Networking Models
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 3
Networking Fundamentals
This module discusses the importance of bandwidth and
explains how it is calculated and measured.
It covers the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model and
the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model and presents its differences and similarities.
It also presents a brief history of networking, describes
network devices, as well as cabling, physical, and logical layouts. It also defines and compares LANs, MANs, WANs, SANs, and VPNs.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 4
Networking Terminology Data Networks Data networks developed as a result of business applications that were written for microcomputers. Sneakernet - creation of multiple copies of the data using a floppy disk. Businesses needed a solution on: How to avoid duplication of equipment and resources How to communicate efficiently How to set up and manage a network
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 5
Networking Terminology Data Networks Early solution was the creation of local-area network (LAN) standards that provides an open set of guidelines for creating network hardware and software (compatibility) and allowed stability in LAN implementation.
Next was the creation of metropolitan-area
networks (MANs) and wide-area networks (WANs). Because WANs could connect user networks over large geographic areas, it was possible for businesses to communicate with each other across great distances.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 6
Networking Terminology Network History
1940s: computers were large electromechanical devices (prone to failure)
1947: invention of semiconductor transistor 1950s: mainframe computers (run by punched card programs) Late 1950s: invention of integrated circuits (ICs) 1960s: mainframes with terminals were commonplace, and ICs widely used Late 1960s and 70s: minicomputers came into existence 1977: Apple Computer Company introduced the microcomputer, PC 1981: IBM introduced its first personal computer Mid-1980s: users with stand-alone computers started to share files using modems to connect to other computers (referred to as point-to-point, or dial-up communication)
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 7
Networking Terminology Networking Devices End-user devices - allow users to share, create, and obtain information (e.g. computers, printers, scanners, and other devices that provide services directly to the user)
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 8
Networking Terminology Networking Devices Network devices - all devices that connect the end-user devices together to allow them to communicate and provide transport for the data that needs to be transferred between end-user devices. Network devices provide extension of cable connections, concentration of connections, conversion of data formats, and management of data transfers.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 9
Networking Terminology Networking Devices Repeater is a network device used to regenerate analog or digital signals distorted by transmission loss due to attenuation. It does not perform intelligent routing like a bridge or router.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 10
Networking Terminology Networking Devices Hubs concentrate connections by taking a group of hosts and allowing the network to see them as a single unit. This is done passively, without any other effect on the data transmission. Active hubs not only concentrate hosts, but they also regenerate signals.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 11
Networking Terminology Networking Devices Bridges convert network transmission data formats and perform basic data transmission management. Bridges provide connections between LANs, performs a check on the data to determine whether it should cross the bridge or not (more efficient network).
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 12
Networking Terminology Networking Devices Workgroup switches add more intelligence to data transfer management, by determining whether data should remain on a LAN or not, and transferring the data only to the connection that needs that data (does not convert data transmission formats).
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 13
Networking Terminology Networking Devices Routers can regenerate signals, concentrate multiple connections, convert data transmission formats, and manage data transfers. They can also connect to a WAN, which allows them to connect LANs that are separated by great distances.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 14
Networking Terminology Network Topology
Network topology defines the structure of the network.
1. Physical topology- the actual layout of the wire or
media. 2. Logical topology - defines how the media is accessed by the hosts for sending data.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 15
Networking Terminology Physical Topologies Bus topology uses a single backbone cable that is terminated at both ends. All the hosts connect directly to this backbone.
Ring topology connects one host to the next
and the last host to the first. This creates a physical ring of cable.
Star topology connects all cables to a central
point of concentration.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 16
Networking Terminology Physical Topologies Extended star topology links individual stars together by connecting the hubs and/or switches. This topology can extend the scope and coverage of the network.
Hierarchical topology is similar to extended
star. Instead of linking the hubs and/or switches together, system is linked to a computer that controls the traffic. Mesh topology is implemented to provide as much protection as possible from interruption of service.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 17
Networking Terminology Logical Topologies
1. Broadcast topology simply means that each host sends its
data to all other hosts on the network medium. There is no order that the stations must follow to use the network ( first come, first serve basis). Ethernet works this way. 2. Token passing controls network access by passing an electronic token sequentially to each host. When a host receives the token, that host can send data on the network. If the host has no data to send, it passes the token to the next host and the process repeats itself. Two examples of networks that use token passing are Token Ring and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI).
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 18
Networking Terminology Network Protocols Protocol - formal description of a set of rules and conventions that govern a particular aspect of how devices on a network communicate. Protocols control all aspects of data communication, which include the following: How the physical network is built How computers connect to the network How the data is formatted for transmission How that data is sent How to deal with errors
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 19
Networking Terminology Local-Area Networks (LANs) LANs consist of the following components: Computers Network interface cards Peripheral devices Networking media Network devices LANs make it possible to locally share files and printers efficiently, and make internal communications possible. Some common LAN technologies are Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 20
Networking Terminology Wide-Area Networks (WANs) WANs interconnect LANs, which then provide access to computers or file servers in other locations, because WANs connect user networks over a large geographical area. WANs are designed to do the following: Operate over a large geographically separated areas Allow users to have real-time communication capabilities with other users Provide full-time remote resources connected to local ` services Provide e-mail, World Wide Web, file transfer, and e- commerce services Some common WAN technologies are: Modems, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), Frame Relay, US (T) and Europe (E) Carrier Series – T1, E1, T3, E3, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 21
Networking Terminology Metropolitan-Area Networks (MANs) A MAN is a network that spans a metropolitan area such as a city or suburban area, usually consists of two or more LANs in a common geographic area. Typically, a service provider is used to connect two or more LAN sites using: • private communication lines • optical services • wireless technology
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 22
Networking Terminology Storage-Area Networks (SANs) A SAN is a dedicated, high-performance network used to move data between servers and storage resources. • avoids any traffic conflict between clients and servers • allows high-speed server-to-storage, storage-to-storage, or server-to-server connectivity Features: Performance (enables concurrent access to resources) Availability (disaster tolerance built in, data can be mirrored) Scalability (uses a variety of technologies)
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 23
Networking Terminology Virtual Private Network (VPN) A VPN is a private network that is constructed within a public network infrastructure such as the global Internet. Using VPN, a telecommuter can access the network of the company headquarters through the Internet by building a secure tunnel between the telecommuter’s PC and a VPN router in the headquarters.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 24
Networking Terminology Benefits of VPN VPN is a service that offers secure, reliable connectivity over a shared public network infrastructure because VPNs maintain the same security and management policies as a private network. VPNs are the most cost-effective method of establishing a point-to-point connection between remote users and an enterprise customer's network.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 25
Networking Terminology VPN Technologies Access VPNs – provide remote access to a mobile worker and small office/home office (SOHO) to the headquarters of the Intranet or Extranet over a shared infrastructure. Use analog, dialup, ISDN, digital subscriber line (DSL), mobile IP, and cable technologies to securely connect mobile users, telecommuters, and branch offices. Intranet VPNs – link regional and remote offices to the headquarters of the internal network over a shared infrastructure using dedicated connections. They allow access only to the employees of the enterprise. Extranet VPNs – link business partners to the headquarters of the network over a shared infrastructure using dedicated connections. They allow access to users outside the enterprise.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 26
Networking Terminology Intranets and Extranets Intranets are designed to permit access by users who have access privileges to the internal LAN of the organization (public must have the proper permissions and passwords to access the Intranet of an organization). Extranets refer to applications and services that are Intranet based, and use extended, secure access to external users or enterprises (extension of two or more Intranets).
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 27
Bandwidth Importance of Bandwidth
Bandwidth - the amount of information that can flow through a
network connection in a given period of time.
• Bandwidth is finite.
• Bandwidth is not free.
• Bandwidth is a key factor in analyzing network performance,
designing new networks, and understanding the Internet.
• The demand for bandwidth is ever increasing.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 28
Bandwidth Analogies
Bandwidth is like the width of a Bandwidth is like the number of
pipe. lanes on a highway. 04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 29 Bandwidth Measurement
The basic unit of bandwidth is bits per second (bps). Although
bandwidth can be described in bits per second, usually some multiple of bits per second is used.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 30
Bandwidth Limitations Bandwidth varies depending upon the type of media as well as the LAN and WAN technologies used.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 31
Bandwidth Throughput Throughput refers to actual measured bandwidth, at a specific time of day, using specific Internet routes, and while a specific set of data is transmitted on the network. Factors that determine throughput: • Internetworking devices • Type of data being transferred • Network topology • Number of users on the network • User computer • Server computer • Power conditions
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 32
Bandwidth Data Transfer Calculation Two important points should be considered when doing data transfer calculation: 1. The result is an estimate only, because the file size does not include any overhead added by encapsulation. 2. The result is likely to be a best-case transfer time, because available bandwidth is almost never at the theoretical maximum for the network type. A more accurate estimate can be attained if throughput is substituted for bandwidth in the equation.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 33
Bandwidth Digital versus Analog Analog bandwidth is measured by how much of the electromagnetic spectrum is occupied by each signal. The basic unit of analog bandwidth is hertz (Hz), or cycles per second (kilohertz (KHz), megahertz (MHz), and gigahertz (GHz)). Digital signaling, all information is sent as bits, regardless of the kind of information it is. Voice, video, and data all become streams of bits when they are prepared for transmission over digital media.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 34
Networking Models Using Layers to Analyze Problems in a Flow of Materials
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 35
Networking Models Using Layers to Analyze Problems in a Flow of Materials
The OSI and TCP/IP models have layers that
explain how data is communicated from one computer to another. When computers send information through a network, all communications originate at a source then travel to a destination. The information that travels on a network is generally referred to as data or a packet. A packet is a logically grouped unit of information that moves between computer systems.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 36
Networking Models Using Layers to Describe Data Communication All devices on the network should “speak” the same language or protocol. A protocol is a set of rules that make communication on a network more efficient. A data communications protocol is a set of rules or an agreement that determines the format and transmission of data.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 37
Networking Models The OSI Model The Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model provided vendors with a set of standards that ensured greater compatibility and interoperability among various network technologies and become the primary model for network communications.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 38
Networking Models The OSI Model Advantages: • Breaks network communication into smaller, more manageable parts. • Standardizes network components to allow multiple vendor development and support. • Allows different types of network hardware and software to communicate with each other. • Prevents changes in one layer from affecting other layers. • It divides network communication into smaller parts to make learning it easier to understand.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 39
Networking Models The OSI Layers
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 40
Networking Models The OSI Layers
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 41
Networking Models The OSI Layers
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 42
Networking Models The OSI Layers
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 43
Networking Models The OSI Layers
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 44
Networking Models The OSI Layers
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 45
Networking Models The OSI Layers
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 46
Networking Models Peer-to-peer Communications Each layer of the OSI model at the source must communicate with its peer layer at the destination (referred to as peer-to-peer). During this process, the protocols of each layer exchange information, called protocol data units (PDUs). Each layer of communication on the source computer communicates with a layer-specific PDU, and with its peer layer on the destination computer.
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 47
Networking Models The TCP/IP Model TCP/IP was developed as an open standard and created by U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). • Application layer handles issues of representation, encoding, and dialog control. • Transport layer deals with the quality of service issues of reliability, flow control, and error correction. • Internet layer divides TCP segments into packets and send them from any network. independent of the path they took to get there. • Network access layer is concerned with all of the components, both physical and logical, that are required to make a physical link. 04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 48 Networking Models The TCP/IP Model Most commonly used application layer protocols: • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) • Domain Name System (DNS) • Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Common transport layer protocols include: • Transport Control Protocol (TCP) • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Primary protocol of the Internet layer is: • Internet Protocol (IP)
04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 49
Networking Models Comparing OSI and TCP/IP Models Similarities: Differences: • Both have layers. • TCP/IP combines the presentation and session layer issues into its application • Both have application layers, though they layer. include very different services. • TCP/IP combines the OSI data link and • Both have comparable transport and physical layers into the network access network layers. layer. • Both models need to be known by • TCP/IP appears simpler because it has networking professionals. fewer layers. • Both assume packets are switched. This • TCP/IP protocols are the standards around means that individual packets may take which the Internet developed, so the different paths to reach the same TCP/IP model gains credibility just because destination. This is contrasted with of its protocols. In contrast, networks are circuit-switched networks where all the not usually built on the OSI protocol, even packets take the same path. though the OSI model is used as a guide. 04/14/24 CCNA Semester 1 50 Networking Models Detailed Encapsulation Process • Build the data. • Package the data for end-to-end transport. • Add the network IP address to the header. • Add the data link layer header and trailer. • Convert to bits for transmission.
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