1st Class Introduction To Ceramicsoii

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Degree Program : BSc – Materials Science and


Year III, Semester II

Instructor : Dr. Praveen Balakrishnan

E-mail : [email protected]

Contact : +251 940757528

Degree Program : B.Sc. Materials Science and


Materials Science and Engineering

MScE8072 Thermal Processing of Ceramic Materials

D r. P R AV E E N B A L A K R I S H N A N
Assistant Professor
School of Materials Science and Engineering
J I M M A U n i v e r s i t y, J I M M A
Mechanical method, Spray drying techniques,
Freeze Drying techniques, Sol gel method
Thank You

• History of Ceramics

• Definition of Ceramics

• Types of Ceramics

• Classification of Ceramics
History of Ceramics

• The word ceramic is derived from the Greek term keramos,

means “Potter’s clay” and keramikos means “clay products”

• Till 1950s, the most important types of ceramics were the

traditional clays, made into pottery, bricks, tiles etc.

• Ceramic artifacts play an important role in historical

understanding of the technology and culture of the people
who lived many years ago.
History of Ceramics
What is Ceramic?
What is Ceramics?
Pottery or clay
sculpture fired at
high temperatures
in a kiln to make
them harder and
Ceramics Around the World

Ceramics have been used, throughout the world, for tens of thousands of years.
Archeologists have uncovered human-made ceramics in the form of animal and human figurines that date back to
at least 24,000 BC.
Examples of African and
Middle Eastern Ceramics

1800 BC
Democratic Republic
of Congo Saudi
Examples of Asian Ceramics

China – Ming Dynasty

1300 AD

Terra Cotta Warriors
210 BC
Examples of North and
South American Ceramics

United States
(Native American

Peru (Incan)
400 AD
Examples of European Ceramics

Netherlands Greece
Examples of Contemporary Ceramics
Examples of Contemporary Ceramics
BASIC Materials
• Kiln: a specially designed oven capable of reaching
temperatures over 2000° F (can be electric, gas, or

• Clay: moist, sticky dirt (mud) composed of fine-

grained minerals, which can be shaped when wet and
hardened when dried or heated

• Tools: mainly used to shape clay

Common Types of Clay
• Earthenware: clay fired at relatively low
temperatures (1800°F-2100°F), often contains iron
and has a porous surface when fired

• Stoneware: a buff, gray or brown clay which is

heavy, opaque, and highly plastic in nature with a
high firing temperature (2200°F-2400°F)

• Porcelain: a very fine white clay with a high firing

temperature (2200°F-2550°F), is non-porous,
strong, and translucent when fired
Tools, Tools, Tools….

modeling tools

loop tools


sponge wire clay cutter

Clay Shaping Methods

• Wheel Throwing

• Slip Casting

• Hand Building
Wheel Throwing
Wheel Thrown Pottery
Slip Casting
Slip: a liquid mixture of clay and water
Slip Cast Ceramics
Hand Building

• Pinch Pot

• Coil Construction

• Slab Construction
Pinch Pot
• Pinching is a pottery technique fundamental to manipulating clay. Making a
pinch pot consists of pressing the thumb into a ball of clay, and drawing the
clay out into a pot by repeatedly squeezing the clay between the thumb
and fingers.
Pinch Pots
Coil Construction
Coils are long, snake-like ropes of clay that are used in making pottery. It
involves building the walls of a form with a series of coils into the required
shape. The surface can either remain coil-textured or they can be smoothed.
Coil Ceramics
Slab Construction

A pottery technique in which a form is built up by joining shapes cut from thick
sheets of damp clay.
Slab Ceramics
Decorating Methods
• Stain: raw pigments, can be
• Glaze: a glass water or acrylic based
coating that is
especially made to
stick onto ceramic

• Underglaze: colored
slips applied
beneath a glaze • Burnishing: rearranging and
layer compressing clay particles by
rubbing the surface of a clay
object until it becomes glossy
Stages of Clay
• Wet clay: soft/plastic clay

• Leather hard (greenware): clay is dry enough to maintain form and

wet enough to be smoothed, carved, and added to
• Bone dry (greenware): clay has dried as much as possible before
first firing and is extremely brittle
• Bisque: first firing where all remaining water molecules are released
from the clay transforming it into ceramic (Why are air bubbles
dangerous during a bisque fire?)
• Glazed: second firing where glaze has melted into the ceramic
surface making it non-porous
• Hazards of clay dust:
– Silica particles = extremely tiny pieces of glass, which
became airborne and easily inhaled….extremely hazardous
to lungs
• Solution:
– WET clean-up prevents dust from building up and
becoming airborne
– Use wet sponges, spray bottles, wet paper towel
Groups in the Ceramic Family

Degree Program : BSc – Materials Science and


Year III, Semester II

Instructor : Dr. Praveen Balakrishnan

E-mail : [email protected]

Contact : +251 940757528

Degree Program : B.Sc. Materials Science and

Class - 2
• A ceramic material is an inorganic, non metallic
material and is often crystalline
• Traditional ceramics are clays

• The earliest application was in pottery

• Most recently, different types of ceramics used are alumina,

silicon carbide etc.

• Latest advancements are in the bio-ceramics with examples

being dental implants and synthetic bones
Typical Perception of Ceramic Properties
General Properties
Property Ceramic Metal Polymer

Density Low High Lowest

Hardness Highest Low Lowest

Ductility Low High High

Wear Resistance High Low Low

Corrosion Resistance High Low Low

Thermal Conductivity Mostly Low High Low

Electrical Conductivity Mostly low High Low

Ceramics in Your Life ???

• Pottery products, sanitary ware, floor and roof tiles

• Crucibles, Kiln linings, other refractories

• High end applications such as a in ceramic matrix

composites, tiles in space shuttle, bullet proof
jackets, disk brakes, ball bearing applications,
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Ceramics in terms of Applications Areas
Classification of Ceramics Materials

• Ceramics can be classified in diverse ways

i.e. there are number of ways to classify the ceramic

• Most commonly, the ceramics can be classified on

the following basis :

– Classification based on composition

– Classification based on applications

Classification based on compositions

Silicate Ceramics

Oxide Ceramics

Non-oxide Ceramics

Glass Ceramics
The main types of Silicate Ceramics are :

• Clay-based ceramic

• Talc-based technical ceramics

• Special groups are zircon-and mullite based

fine ceramics
The main types of Oxide Ceramics are :

• Oxide ceramics include alumina, zirconia

• Properties : High melting points and wide range of electrical


• For example, glazes and protective coatings seal porosity,

improve water or chemical resistance, and enhance joining
to metals or other materials.
The main types of Non- Oxide Ceramics are :

• Non-Oxide ceramics include Carbides and Nitrides

Glass Ceramics

• Glass-ceramics holds the processing advantage of glass and

has special characteristics of ceramics.

• Properties of material zero porosity, high strength,

toughness, translucency or opacity, superconductivity etc.

• Properties can be altered by controlling composition and by

controlled heat treatment of the base glass.

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