Chapter 2 PJJ New

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True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize

how little we understand about life, ourselves, and

the world around us- Socrates

When we are no longer able to change a situation -

we are challenged to change ourselves-
Viktor E. Frank
Intrapersonal Skills
Intra means “within”;
- intrapersonal skills are within the
individual and include characteristics such as
personality, attitudes, self-concept, and integrity.

- Intrapersonal skills also been called self-

management abilities.
• An attitude is “a learned predisposition to
respond in a consistently favorable or
unfavorable manner with respect to a given
• Attitude object: physical objects, issues, ideas,
events, people, places
• Attitude – a strong belief or feeling toward
people, things, and situations
• People interpret our attitudes by our behavior
• Employers place great emphasis on attitude
• Employee attitudes affect customer attitudes
• Attitudes are primarily developed through
• It can be changed
Attitudes (Cont.)
• Parts of an attitude
– Cognitive: perceptions and beliefs about an
attitude object
– Affective: feelings about an attitude object
– Behavioral intentions: how the person wants to
behave and what a person says about an attitude
Attitudes (Cont.)
• Attitude change
– Something persuades the person to shift his or her
attitudes (persuasive communication)
– Norms of a social group can affect a person’s
attitude (social norms)
– Person becomes uncomfortable with some
aspects of her or his beliefs (cognitive dissonance)
Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction: a set of attitudes toward work

• High Job  Low Job

Satisfaction  Absenteeism
– Lower absenteeism increases
– Less turnover  Greater turnover

– Punctuality  Slowdowns and

– Job dedication strikes

 Theft and sabotage
– Good Org.
 Low performance
Six Job Satisfaction Determinants

The work

Growth and Pay

upward mobility Job

Coworkers Supervision

Attitude toward work

• Self-concept – your overall attitude about
• Also called:
– Self-esteem
– Self-image
• Self-concept includes perceptions about several
aspects of oneself
• Having a positive self-concept is part of
emotional intelligence
Self Esteem
• A person’s overall sense of self worth or personal value
• Your opinion of yourself
• High self esteem is a good opinion of yourself & low self
esteem is a bad opinion of yourself
• Self esteem is influence by:-
1) Job
2) Self image
3) Personality
4) How do we see our strengths & weaknesses
5) Social status
• Self-efficacy – your belief in your capability to
perform in a specific situation
• Self-efficacy affects your-
– effort
– persistence
– expressed interest
– the difficulty of goals you select
• Satu proses membenarkan orang lain tahu apa yg
kita fikirkan, rasakan dan mahukan.
• Teras (kunci) =kepercayaan.
• Tetingkap Johari (Johari’s Window of Self)
• Diperkenalkan oleh John Luft & Harry Ingham
• Model ini ialah satu percubaan untuk menerangkan
tentang kesan Self-disclosure ke atas hubungan
individu dengan diri sendiri serta dengan org lain.
• “How much we know and how much we show”
Johari’s Window of Self


information that characterizes others know, but you don’t
me: information, behaviors, know about yourself
attitudes, feelings, motivations e.g: habits (rubbing your nose
e.g: name, age, sex, religion, when you’re angry), your
grade, favorite baseball team, defense mechanisms,
etc. expressions, etc.
information you know about represents truths that exist but
yourself but keep to yourself. that neither you nor others
e.g: secrets know, we learn through
dreams, psychological tests or
General Guidelines to Improve Your Self-
1. View mistakes as learning experiences
2. Accept failure and bounce back
3. Control negative behavior and thoughts
4. Use any religious or spiritual beliefs you have
that can help you develop a more positive
• 3 perkataan dalam proses pembentukan
motivasi; keinginan dalam diri, tindakan,
• 2 jenis; dalaman dan luaran (pulangan
Teori Hierarki Keperluan

Abraham Maslow
• Fisiologi
• Keselamatan
• Sosial
• Self-esteem
• Self-actualization
Teori X Dan Y
Douglas McGregor (the Human Side of
• TEORI X= andaian yang negatif-pekerja perlu
dipaksa melakukan kerja
• TEORI Y= pandangan lebih optimis- pekerjaan
sebahagian drpd kehidupan… majikan perlu
beri bimbingan dan motivasi
Teori Dwi Faktor

1. Faktor Hygiene
– keperluan2 asas kerja, jika diabaikan menyebabkan
penurunan motivasi
– gaji, ganjaran dan kemudahan sampingan, keselesaan
tempat kerja, pangkat, peraturan & polisi organisasi.
2. Faktor Motivators
– alat motivasi jangka panjang
– keseronokan bekerja itu sendiri, tanggungjawab yang
dipikul, peluang bangunkan diri, pencapaian prestasi
kerja, pengikhtirafan yg diterima.
"Personality is the entire mental organization of a human
being at any stage of his development. It embraces every
phase of human character: intellect, temperament, skill,
morality, and every attitude that has been built up in the
course of one's life
• made up of the characteristic
patterns of thoughts, feelings
and behaviors that make a
person unique
• personality arises from within
the individual and remains
fairly consistent throughout
Dimensi Utama Personaliti

1. extroversion vs introversion- kecenderungan keadaan

emosi seseorang.. periang vs pemalu
2. agreeableness vs antogonism- kecenderungan
pergaulan… mudah berunding vs suka bermusuh
3. conscientiousness vs undirectness- tahap keprihatinan
& kebolehpercayaan; hati-hati & tangungjawab vs cuai
4. emotional stability vs instability- keyakinan diri vs
murung, gelisah
5. openess vs reservedness- sikap keterbukaan seseorang.
spontan, suka perubahan vs. berhati-hati, tipikal
Jenis-jenis Personaliti

1. TYPE A: keinginan kepada pencapaian yang tinggi,

daya saing yang tinggi, bertindak dengan cepat,
tidak sabar, bekerja bersungguh-sungguh, sukakan
tekanan, cabaran, cenderung memilih sesuatu
yang berisiko, inginkan kesempurnaan, agresif.

2. TYPE B: tenang dalam buat sesuatu, boleh

bersabar, punyai matlamat, tidak terlalu tertekan
dalam hadapi kerja, tidak tergopoh-gapah,
mampu bersosial.
Kebijaksanaan Emosi
(Emotional Intelligence)

• Emotions is a motivator to behavior.

• Ex. Women are more affected by emotional
• How to identify emotions?
• EQ- The ability to monitor one's own and others'
feelings and emotions, to discriminate among
them and to use this information to guide one's
thinking and actions (Salovey & Mayer, 1990)
Cont… EQ
• The ability to perceive emotion, integrate
emotion to facilitate thought, understand
emotions, and to regulate emotions to
promote personal growth
• Emotion management refers to the ways in
which people manage and influence their own
feelings and expressions and the ways in
which they influence other people’s feelings
(Totterdell, 2000).
How to Deal With Emotions?
• Perceiving emotions (Mengenalpasti emosi)
• Using emotions (Menggunakan emosi)
• Understanding emotions (Memahami emosi)
• Managing emotions (Mengurus emosi)
• Communicating with oneself
• Thinking
• Self-talk
“…the self is not something that one finds.
It is something that one creates.”
Thomas Szasz
• Intrapersonal communication can be defined as
communication with one’s self, and that may include
self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and
even recall and memory (McLean, S., 2005).
• Intrapersonal communication is the way of
communicating that we do with our inner self. It
takes place inside our heads, for instance solving
any complex problem in your head or thinking about
what to have for dinner, or analyzing your thought
process or belief.
Who are you?
• In one word describe yourself.
• In three words describe yourself.
• In ten words describe yourself.
• Was one word hard?
• Do you ever wish you could be someone else?
• Why?
• Do you think it’s society’s role to help raise
your self esteem?
• Why?
Do you…
• Do you talk to yourself?
• Do you have thoughts in your head?
• Do you judge people before you meet them?
• Can you tap into how you are feeling?
• YES. You do all of these things. This is called
intrapersonal communication.
Factors Influence
Intrapersonal Communications
1. Self Appearance- tidy, sloppy
2. Personality – trait, image
3. Intellectual capacity -logical, reflective,
4. Feelings/Mood- mad, sad, funny
5. Roles- student, parents, leader
6. Values- religion, culture

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