CH-6 E Marketing

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6.1. Payment Systems
6.2. Credit Card E-commerce Transactions
6.3. E-commerce B2C Payment Systems
6.4. E-commerce B2B Payment Systems
6.1. Electronic Payment Systems (EPSs): An Overview

 6.1. Electronic Payment Systems (EPSs): An Overview

 In traditional brick-and-mortar establishments, a customer sees a
product, examines it, and then pays for it by cash, check, or credit
card. In the e-commerce world, in most cases the customer does
not physically see the actual product at the time of transaction, and
the method of payment is performed electronically. Therefore,
issues of trust and acceptance play a more important role in the e-
commerce world than in traditional businesses as far as payment
systems are concerned.
 EPSs utilize integrated hardware and software systems that enable
a customer to pay for the goods and services online. Although
these systems are in their infancy, some significant progress has
been made. The main objectives of EPS are to increase efficiency,
improve security, and enhance customer convenience and ease of
 There are several methods and instruments that can be used to
enable EPS implementation. As mentioned previously, in
conventional businesses customers pay for goods and services
by cash, check, or credit cards. Online shoppers may use one of
the following EPSs to pay for goods and services purchased
 • Electronic funds transfer (EFT) involves electronic transfer of
money by financial institutions.
 • Payment cards include stored financial value that can be
transferred from the customer’s computer to the merchant’s
 • Credit cards are used by charging against the customer credit
and are by far the most popular method used in EPSs.
 • Electronic money (e-money or e-cash) is standard currency
converted into an electronic format to pay for online purchases.
• Electronic gifts are one way of sending electronic currency
or gift certificates from one individual to another. The
receiver can spend these gifts in their favourite online stores
provided they accept this type of currency.
 • Online payment of monthly utility, Internet, or phone bills.
 • Smart cards include stored financial value and other
important personal and financial information used for
online payments.
 • Electronic wallets (e-wallets) are similar to smart cards in
that they include stored financial value for online payments.
 • Micro payment systems are similar to e-wallets in that they
include stored financial value for online payments; however,
they are used for small payments, such as pennies and
fractions of pennies.
Electronic Funds Transfer

 Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is one of the oldest EPSs

and is used for transferring money from one bank account
directly to another without any paper money changing
hands. EFT is the foundation of the cashless and checkless
society where checks, stamps, envelopes, and paper bills
are eliminated. The most popular application of EFT is the
direct deposit option used by millions of workers in the
United States. (Please note different names may be used
outside of the United Sates.) Instead of receiving a pay
check and depositing it into an account, the money is
deposited to an account electronically. The Federal
Reserve’s Fedwire and New York Clearing House
Interbank Payment Systems (CHIPS) are two major users
of EFT systems.
 Customers, companies, and government agencies use EFT for all
kinds of applications. EFT is considered to be a safe, reliable, and
convenient way to conduct business. Direct deposit is used for
payroll, travel, and expense reimbursements, annuities and
pensions, dividends, and government payments such as Social
Security and veterans benefits. Other types of EFT are frequently
used for bill payments, retail purchases, Internet purchases,
corporate payments, and treasury management, and for the
disbursement of food stamps and other government cash assistance.
In broad terms EFT refers to any transfer of funds initiated through
an electronic terminal, including credit card, ATM, Fedwire, and
point-of-sale (POS) transactions. It is used for both credit transfers,
such as payroll payments, and for debit transfers, such as mortgage
payments. Many utility companies and sport clubs also use EFT.
The advantages of EFT include the following:
 • Reduced administrative costs
 • Increased efficiency
 • Simplified bookkeeping
6.2. Credit Card E-commerce Transactions
E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce sites use electronic payment where
electronic payment refers to paperless monetary transactions. Electronic
payment has revolutionized the business processing by reducing paper work,
transaction costs, labour cost. Being user friendly and less time consuming than
manual processing, helps business organization to expand its market reach /
expansion. Some of the modes of electronic payments are following.
 Credit Card
 Debit Card
 Smart Card
 E-Money
 Electronic Fund Transfer EFT
 B2C and B2B are two forms of commercial transactions. B2C, which stands
for business-to-consumer, is a process for selling products directly to
consumers. B2B, which stands for business-to-business, is a process for
selling products or services to other businesses. The business systems that
support B2B or B2C communications, transactions and sales administration
differ in complexity, scope, scale and cost, so it is important that you
Credit Card
 Credit Card

 Payment using credit card is one of most common mode of electronic

payment. Credit card is small plastic card with a unique number
attached with an account. It has also a magnetic strip embedded in it
which is used to read credit card via card readers. When a customer
purchases a product via credit card, credit card issuer bank pays on
behalf of the customer and customer has a certain time period after
which he/she can pay the credit card bill. It is usually credit card
monthly payment cycle. Following are the actors in the credit card
 The card holder - Customer
 The merchant - seller of product who can accept credit card
 The card issuer bank - card holder's bank
 The acquirer bank - the merchant's bank
 The card brand - for example , visa or mastercard.
 Credit card payment process
Step Description
 Step 1 => Bank issues and activates a credit card to customer on
his/her request.
 Step 2 => Customer presents credit card information to merchant site
or to merchant from whom he/she want to purchase a product/service.
 Step 3 => Merchant validates customer's identity by asking for
approval from card brand company.
 Step 4 => Card brand company authenticates the credit card and paid
the transaction by credit. Merchant keeps the sales slip.
 Step 5 => Merchant submits the sales slip to acquirer banks and gets
the service chargers paid to him/her.
 Step 6 => Acquirer bank requests the card brand company to clear the
credit amount and gets the payment.
 Step 7=> Now card brand company asks to clear amount from the
issuer bank and amount gets transferred to card brand company.
Debit Card
Debit Card
 Debit card, like credit card is a small plastic card with a unique
number mapped with the bank account number. It is required to
have a bank account before getting a debit card from the bank.
 The major difference between debit card and credit card is that
in case of payment through debit
 card, amount gets deducted from card's bank account
immediately and there should be sufficient balance in bank
account for the transaction to get completed. Whereas in case of
credit card there is no such compulsion.
 Debit cards free customer to carry cash, cheques and even
merchants accepts debit card more readily. Having restriction on
amount being in bank account also helps customer to keep a
check on his/her spending.
Smart Card

 Smart Card
 Smart card is again similar to credit card and debit
card in apperance but it has a small microprocessor
chip embedded in it. It has the capacity to store
customer work related/personal information. Smart
card is also used to store money, which is reduced
as per usage. Smart card can be accessed only
using a PIN of customer. Smart cards are secure as
they stores information in encrypted format and are
less expensive/provides faster processing. Mondex
and Visa Cash cards are examples of smart cards.
 E-Money
 E-Money transactions refers to situation where payment is
done over the network and amount gets transferred from one
financial body to another financial body without any
involvement of a middleman. E-money transactions are faster,
convenient and saves a lot of time. Online payments done via
credit card, debit card or smart card are examples of e-money
transactions. Another popular example is e-cash. In case of e-
cash, both customer and merchant both have to sign up with
the bank or company issuing e-cash.
 Electronic Fund Transfer
 It is a very popular electronic payment method to transfer
money from one bank account to another bank account.
Accounts can be in same bank or different bank. Fund transfer
can be done using ATM Automated Teller Machine or using
 Now a day, internet based EFT is getting popularity. In this
case, customer uses website provided by the bank. Customer
logins to the bank's website and registers another bank account.
He/she then places a request to transfer certain amount to that
account. Customer's bank transfers amount to other account if it
is in same bank otherwise transfer request is forwarded to ACH
Automated Clearing House to transfer amount to other account
and amount is deducted from customer's account. Once amount
is transferred to other account, customer is notified of the fund
transfer by the bank.
6.3. E-commerce B2C Payment Systems
In B2C, consumers who buy products from you pay the same price as other
consumers. In B2B, price may vary by customer. Customers who agree to place
large orders or negotiate special terms pay different prices to other customers.
Payment mechanisms also differ. In B2C transactions, consumers select
products and pay for them at the point of sales using payment mechanisms
such as credit or debit cards, checks or cash. B2B transactions require a more
complex business system. Customers select products, place an order and
arrange delivery through an agreed logistics channel. Customers do not pay at
the time of the order, but receive an invoice which they settle within agreed
payment terms.
 B2C e-commerce is a process for selling products directly to consumers
from a website. Consumers browse product information pages on your
website, select products and pay for them before delivery at a checkout,
using a credit or debit card, or other electronic payment mechanism.
Consumers enter their address details and select one of the delivery options
you offer. The basic B2C business system is relatively simple. You need a
method of displaying products and prices on your website, a mechanism for
recording customer details, and a checkout to accept payment.
6.4. E-commerce B2B Payment Systems
 6.4. E-commerce B2B Payment Systems
 You can use a similar website-based business system if you sell low-value
products to business customers and you take payment with orders.
However, B2B transactions normally require a more complex business
system. The system must be capable of accepting orders in different
formats such as email, documents or electronic orders. It must integrate
order capture with your other administrative systems such as invoicing,
customer records and accounting.
 At a more advanced level, you can offer groups of products customized
to different customers. The business system selects the appropriate
products to display when a customer logs in. This streamlines the
process for business customers, as they do not have to browse a complete
catalogue to find the products they want to buy from you .
 study:-Consider to select one
business organization delever product or
service and To accommodate by using
internet marketing technology;How can to
achieve vission,mission and core value
about the organization?
Q2.Imagine,to discuss in group explian
importance about E-marketing?
Q3.List and explian different Electronic
Payment Systems (EPSs)?

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