Capital Punishment

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Capital Punishment

Friday 5 April 2024

To Do Now Task:
Using these pictures, can you work out what capital
punishment is?

Have a go at answering the quiz sheet.
CAPITAL punishment

Friday 5 April 2024

L/O: To understand capital punishment and the arguments for

and against it
CHALLENGE: To argue either for or against capital punishment

WHY? : To help us become aware of different cultures and to

develop our reasoning and thinking skills.

Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3

To know what To understand a Choose a side of
capital case study on the
punishment is
the argument and
death penalty and
and why explain the justify your
countries have arguments for and decision.
it. against.

Keywords – punishment, abolish, crime

Work Whilst You Watch

Answer these questions.

• What countries still have the death penalty? (name
at least 3)
• What kinds of things were people sentenced to
death for? (write down at least 2)
• Why does Amnesty International oppose the death

What interesting or surprising facts did you spot in
the video?
Why might the death penalty not have an effect on
crime rate?
What is Capital Punishment?

Capital punishment is when someone is killed

for committing a crime.

The countries in red still have the death

Progress Pit Stop

2 minutes

What have you learnt

since the start of the

Sentence starter: Since the start of the lesson

I have learnt that……………………………………
Arguments for and against

Before watching the clip

1. In groups/pairs write down the arguments can you think

of for capital punishment

2. What arguments can you think of against capital

punishment? Write them down in your books

While watching the clip

Did you hear any more arguments either for or against?

If you did, add them to your lists.

Are some arguments more important than others?
Main task

Look at the case study your group has been given.

Task 1
Read the case study

Task 2
Write down the arguments for and against killing that individual.

Task 3
Come to a decision as a group, giving reasons to support your
• Agree – they should have been killed.
• Disagree- they should not have been killed.
• Undecided
Help with your arguments
Arguments for the death penalty Arguments against the death penalty
• Capital punishment is the right • Execution is a violation of the right to
punishment for those who take away life.
life. Those who have taken a life • It is a cruel, inhuman and degrading
should be killed – a life for a life. punishment, whether by the hangman’s
rope, the firing squad, poison gas, lethal
• Capital punishment stops others injection, the sword, stoning or the
from committing crimes because electric chair.
they are scared of dying. • Capital punishment does not deter crime.
• The person cannot kill again. All studies show the death penalty does
• Public opinion wants executions. help to reduce crime.
• Courts can make mistakes. Innocent
• The families of those killed need people are being executed. Since 1900,
justice and retribution (revenge). 23 of them were executed in the USA.
• It would surely cost a lot more • We are hypocrites if we say killing is
money to keep murderers in prison wrong and then we kill.
serving a life sentence than it would • Often people with other issues such as
to execute them. mental health issues are sentenced to
• It is kinderto put someone to death death.
than to keep them locked up for • If someone is put to death, they have no
years. chance to change their life and make up
Final Plenary

Traffic light your learning against the objectives.

I feel unsure because…

I feel I’m getting there because…
I feel confident because…

By the end of the lesson I will be

able to...
 Know what capital punishment is. Next steps….
 Understand the arguments for Where do you
and against capital punishment. need to go
 Reflect on the arguments for and from here?
against capital punishment What support,
 Argue for/against capital if any, do you
punishment. need to get

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