C Programming

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C Programming

C Input Output (I/O)

Now we will learn to use scanf() function to take input from the user, and printf() function to display output to the

C Output
In C programming, printf() is one of the main output function. The function sends formatted output to the
screen. For example,

Example 2: Integer Output

How does this program work?
● All valid C programs must contain the main() function. The code execution begins

from the start of the main() function.

● The printf() is a library function to send formatted output to the screen. The function

prints the string inside quotations.

● To use printf() in our program, we need to include stdio.h header file using the #include

<stdio.h> statement.
● The return 0; statement inside the main() function is the "Exit status" of the program.

It's optional.
We use %d format specifier to print int types. Here, the %d inside the quotations will be
replaced by the value of testInteger.

Example 2: C Output
To print float, we use %f format specifier. Similarly, we use %lf to print double values.

Example 3: float and double Output

To print char, we use %c format specifier.

Example 4: Print Characters

C Input
In C programming, scanf() is one of the commonly used function to take input from the
user. The scanf() function reads formatted input from the standard input such as
Example 5: Integer Input/Output

Here, we have used %d format specifier inside the scanf() function to take int input from the user. When
the user enters an integer, it is stored in the testInteger variable.
Example 6: Float and Double Input/Output

We use %f and %lf format specifier for float and

double respectively.
Example 7: C Character I/O
Example 8: ASCII Value

● When a character is entered by the user in the

above program, the character itself is not stored.
Instead, an integer value (ASCII value) is stored.
● And when we display that value using %c text
format, the entered character is displayed. If we
use %d to display the character, it's ASCII value is
I/O Multiple Values

Here's how you can take

multiple inputs from the user
and display them.
C Comments
In programming, comments are hints that a programmer can add to make their code easier to
read and understand. For example,

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
Output :
// print Hello World to the screen Hello World
printf("Hello World");
return 0;
Types of Comments

There are two ways to add comments in C:

1. // - Single Line Comment

2. /*...*/ - Multi-line Comment

1. Single-line Comments in C
In C, a single line comment starts with //. It starts and ends in the same
line. For example,

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

// create integer variable

int age = 25;

// print the age variable

printf("Age: %d", age);

return 0;
2. Multi-line Comments in C
In C programming, there is another type of comment that allows us to comment on multiple lines at

once, they are multi-line comments.

To write multi-line comments, we use the /*....*/ symbol. For example,

/* This program takes age input from the user
It stores it in the age variable
And, print the value using printf() */

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

int age;

C Programming Operators
Operator Meaning of Operator
An operator is a symbol that operates on a value or a variable. For
example: + is an operator to perform addition. + addition or unary plus

C has a wide range of operators to perform various operations. - subtraction or unary


C Arithmetic Operators * multiplication

/ division

An arithmetic operator performs mathematical operations such as % remainder after

addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc on numerical division (modulo
values (constants and variables). division)
// Working of arithmetic operators
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 9,b = 4, c;

c = a+b;
Example 1: Arithmetic Operators printf("a+b = %d \n",c);
c = a-b;
printf("a-b = %d \n",c);
c = a*b;
printf("a*b = %d \n",c);
c = a/b;
printf("a/b = %d \n",c);
Output : c = a%b;
printf("Remainder when a
a+b = 13 divided by b = %d \n",c);
a-b = 5
a*b = 36
a/b = 2 return 0;
Remainder when a divided by b=1 }
C Increment and Decrement Operators
C programming has two operators increment ++ and decrement -- to change the value of

an operand (constant or variable) by 1.

Increment ++ increases the value by 1 whereas decrement -- decreases the value by 1.

These two operators are unary operators, meaning they only operate on a single operand.
Example 2: Increment and Decrement Operators

// Working of increment and

decrement operators
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
Here, the operators ++ and { Output
-- are used as prefixes.
int a = 10, b = 100;
These two operators can
float c = 10.5, d = 100.5;
also be used as postfixes ++a = 11
like a++ and a--. --b = 99
printf("++a = %d \n", ++a); ++c = 11.500000
printf("--b = %d \n", --b); --d = 99.500000
printf("++c = %f \n", ++c);
printf("--d = %f \n", --d);

return 0;
C Assignment Operators
An assignment operator is used for assigning a value to a variable. The

most common assignment operator is =

Operator Example Same as

= a=b a=b

+= a += b a = a+b

-= a -= b a = a-b

*= a *= b a = a*b

/= a /= b a = a/b

%= a %= b a = a%b
C Relational Operators Operat Meaning of Operator Example

A relational operator checks the == Equal to 5 == 3 is evaluated to

relationship between two operands. If 0

the relation is true, it returns 1; if the
> Greater than 5 > 3 is evaluated to 1
relation is false, it returns value 0.

Relational operators are used in < Less than 5 < 3 is evaluated to 0

decision making and loops.
!= Not equal to 5 != 3 is evaluated to

>= Greater than or equal 5 >= 3 is evaluated to

to 1

<= Less than or equal to 5 <= 3 is evaluated to

C Logical Operators
An expression containing logical operator returns either 0 or 1 depending upon whether expression
results true or false. Logical operators are commonly used in decision making in C programming.

Operato Meaning Example


&& Logical AND. True only if all If c = 5 and d = 2 then, expression ((c==5)
operands are true && (d>5)) equals to 0.

|| Logical OR. True only if either If c = 5 and d = 2 then, expression ((c==5)

one operand is true || (d>5)) equals to 1.

! Logical NOT. True only if the If c = 5 then, expression !(c==5) equals to

operand is 0 0.

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