G20 Summit: Moaz Ahmed (BSF2004458) Ahmed Mujtaba (BSF2004507) Hamza Azhar Khan (BSF2004320)
G20 Summit: Moaz Ahmed (BSF2004458) Ahmed Mujtaba (BSF2004507) Hamza Azhar Khan (BSF2004320)
G20 Summit: Moaz Ahmed (BSF2004458) Ahmed Mujtaba (BSF2004507) Hamza Azhar Khan (BSF2004320)
Moaz Ahmed (BSF2004458)
Ahmed Mujtaba (BSF2004507)
Hamza Azhar Khan (BSF2004320)
A Global Economic Forum
G20’s Background
In the early 1970s The economic condition
of the world was worsening.
The biggest reason was the oil crisis of
This crisis started when the Arab
countries imposed an oil embargo. They
stopped selling oil to those countries that
were supporting Israel.
G20’s Background
In early 1973 the finance ministers of the USA, France, the UK and West
Germany ,Italy and Japan met and first G6 meeting took place.
They were struggling with problems like the oil crisis and recession. So
their main aim was to sit together and make economic strategies.
In 1976 Canada joined the group. And the G6 group became the G7 group.
In 1998 Russia was also included in this group. G7 became G8 But in 2014
when Russia invaded Crimea. Russia was expelled from this group.
Inception of G20
The G20 was founded in 1999 after the Asian financial crisis of
1997-98 as an informal forum for the Finance Ministers and Central
Bank Governors of the most important industrialized and developing
economies to discuss international economic and financial stability
Elevation to Leader’s Level
The G20 was upgraded to the level of Heads of State/Government in the wake
of the global economic and financial crisis of 2007, and, in 2009, was designated
the “premier forum for international economic cooperation”.
The G20 Summit is held annually, under the leadership of a rotating Presidency.
The G20 initially focused largely on broad macroeconomic issues, but it has
since expanded its agenda to inter-alia include trade, sustainable development,
health, agriculture, energy, environment, climate change, and anti-corruption.
Group of 20
The G20 or Group of 20 is an intergovernmental forum
comprising 19 countries, and the European Union (EU), and
the African Union (AU).
It works to address major issues related to the global economy,
such as international financial stability, climate change
mitigation and sustainable development.
G20 Members
There are 21 members in the group: Argentina, Australia, Brazil,
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan,
Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey,
the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union and the
African Union.
Guest invitees include the United Nations, the World Bank and
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN )
G20 Members
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The G20 is composed of most of the world's largest economies finance
ministries including both industrialized and developing countries. It
accounts for around:
80% of gross world product (GWP)
75% of international trade
Two-thirds of the global population
60% of the world's land area
Major Objectives of G20
2.Working Groups:
1. Thematic working groups within each track.
2. Comprise representatives from member countries' relevant ministries and international
3. Regular meetings throughout the Presidency term.
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1.Finance Track:
1. Led by the Ministry of Finance.
2. Focuses on financial and economic issues.
3. Addresses topics like fiscal policies, monetary measures, and financial stability.
2.Sherpa Track:
1. Overseen by Sherpas, personal representatives of Leaders.
2. Coordinates the substantive work of the G20.
3. Negotiates agenda items and priorities for the Summit.
3.Engagement Groups:
1. Inclusive groups involving civil societies, parliamentarians, think tanks, women, youth, labor, businesses, and researchers from
G20 countries.
2. Provide diverse perspectives and input on G20 discussions.
3. Promote broader engagement beyond official government channels.
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1.No Permanent Secretariat:
1. The G20 operates without a permanent secretariat.
Year: 1999
Key Focus: Addressing global financial stability and promoting international economic
Notable Outcome: Creation of the G20 as a forum for global economic dialogue.
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2. G20 London Summit (2009) - London, United Kingdom
• Year: 2009
• Key Focus: Responding to the global financial crisis and stimulating economic recovery.
• Notable Outcome: Commitment to coordinated fiscal stimulus and financial regulatory reform.
• Year: 2009
• Key Focus: Further discussions on global economic recovery and financial reform.
• Notable Outcome: Agreement to reform the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and enhance financial market regulation.
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G20 Toronto Summit (2010) - Toronto, Canada
• Year: 2010
• Location: Toronto, Canada Key Focus: Financial system reform, fiscal sustainability, and global economic stability.
• Notable Outcome: Discussions on addressing trade imbalances and promoting sustainable growth.
• Year: 2010
• Key Focus: Balancing global economic growth, addressing currency issues, and reforming the international monetary
• Notable Outcome: Commitment to reduce trade imbalances and IMF governance reforms.
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G20 Cannes Summit (2011) - Cannes, France
Year: 2011 Location: Cannes, France
•Key Focus: Addressing the Eurozone crisis, financial regulation, and job creation.
•Notable Outcome: Commitment to support the Eurozone and reform of international financial institutions.
•Notable Outcome: Discussions on the conflict in Syria and the importance of tax transparency.
•Notable Outcome: Commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable development.
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G20 Antalya Summit (2015) - Antalya, Turkey
•Year: 2015 Location: Antalya, Turkey
•Key Focus: Economic growth, refugee crisis, and terrorism.
•Notable Outcome: Discussion on addressing the Syrian refugee crisis and combating terrorism.
•Notable Outcome: Launch of the "Hangzhou Consensus" and commitment to promote inclusive growth.
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G20 Hamburg Summit (2017) - Hamburg, Germany
•Year: 2017 Location: Hamburg, Germany
•Key Focus: Climate change, trade, and sustainable development.
•Notable Outcome: Agreement on the importance of reforming the World Trade Organization (WTO).
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G20 Osaka Summit (2019) - Osaka, Japan
•Year: 2019 Location: Osaka, Japan
•Key Focus: Trade disputes, digital economy, and climate change.
•Notable Outcome: Agreement to promote free and fair trade, albeit amid ongoing trade tensions.
•Notable Outcome: Commitment to support equitable access to vaccines and debt suspension for poorer
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G20 Rome Summit (2021) - Rome, Italy
•Notable Outcome: Aimed to promote global cooperation, resilience, and sustainable development in a changing