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4 Types of research
Research can be classified in terms of:
goal of research, specific objective of research, approaches of research, designs, the type of data used in research, and fields of study. 1.4.1 Classification of research based on the goal of research
The nature of the problem that the researcher attempts
to solve could be theoretical or practical-building a theory or solving immediate practical problems. These two types of problems that the researcher tries to solve leads to two broad classifications of research: basic research, and applied research, 1.4.2 Classification of research based on the specific objectives of research Your interest could be describing a phenomenon of interest or explaining causal link b/n two variables. Or you may be interested in comparing two or more groups on the basis of particular phenomenon. Research, therefore, can be classified differently when the issues at hand are specific objectives of research. Hence, according to the specific objectives research can be classified as: descriptive, explanatory, Exploratory Exploratory Research: This type of research aims to explore a relatively uncharted or unfamiliar topic. It is conducted when there is limited existing knowledge or understanding of the subject. Descriptive Research: Descriptive research focuses on describing and documenting the characteristics, behaviors, or phenomena of interest. Descriptive research often involves surveys, observational studies, and case studies to collect data and describe the variables of interest. Explanatory Research: Explanatory research seeks to explain the relationships or causal connections between variables. It investigates the reasons behind observed phenomena and aims to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Experimental studies and quasi-experimental designs are commonly used in explanatory research to manipulate independent variables and observe their effects on dependent variables. Note: A phenomenon refers to an observable event, occurrence, or fact that is considered noteworthy, interesting, or significant. It can be something that happens in the natural world, social interactions, or any other aspect of life. Phenomena can be studied, analyzed, and explained through scientific, philosophical, or sociological methods. Causal: refers to the relationship between cause and effect, or the idea that one event or factor (the cause) directly influences or leads to another event or outcome (the effect). Establishing causal relationships is a fundamental aspect of scientific research, particularly in fields such as experimental design, epidemiology, and social sciences. 1.4.3 Classification of research based on approaches research
Research can be classified as qualitative research and
quantitative research when the issue at hand is the approaches to be employed in conducting research. 1.4.4 Classification of research based on designs Another way of classifying research is by design. Once the researcher has determined the specific question to be answered and has operationalized the variables and research questions into a clear, measurable hypothesis, the next task is to consider a suitable research design. Although there are endless ways of classifying research designs, they usually fall into one of three general categories: experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental 1.4.5 Classification of research by type of data
Depending on the type of data generated and used research
can be classified as Primary research (also called field research) and secondary research (also known as desk research). Primary research involves the collection of data that does not already exist whereas secondary research involves the summary, collection and/or synthesis of existing data rather than generating primary data, where data are collected from, for example, research subjects or experiments. Primary research involves collecting new and original data directly from the source. It is conducted by the researcher or research team to address specific research objectives or questions. Primary research methods include surveys, interviews, experiments, observations, and focus groups. 1.4.6 Classification of research by field of study Research can also be classified based on fields of study. Therefore, there are: natural science research, social science research, educational research, behavioral science research, health science research, etc. 1.5 Basic and Applied Research Basic research (also called fundamental or pure research) is experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge without looking for long term benefits other than the advancement of knowledge. Thus, it is exploratory and often driven by the researcher’s curiosity, interest or hunch. It is conducted without a practical end in mind although it can have unexpected results that point to practical applications Basic (fundamental or pure) research is driven by a scientist’s curiosity or interest in a scientific question. The main motivation is to expand man's knowledge, not to create or invent something. Cont…
There is no obvious commercial value to the discoveries that
result from basic research. For example, basic science investigations probe for answers to questions such as: How did the universe begin? What are protons, neutrons, and electrons composed of? How do slime molds reproduce? What is the specific genetic code of the fruit fly? At what point in human history did logical thought arise? Are living organisms the rule or the exception? What is the mind-body connection? There have been many historical examples in which basic research has played a vital role in the advancement of scientific knowledge. Here are just a few important examples: Our understanding of genetics and heredity is largely due to the studies on plants in the 1860's by G. Mendel, and the experiments with fruit flies in the early 20th century by T.H. Morgan. Many of today's electrical devices (e.g., radios, generators and alternators) can trace each conducted by Michael Faraday in 1831. He discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction, that is, the relationship between electricity and magnetism. Thus, applied research is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for knowledge's sake. One might say that the goal of the applied scientist is to improve the human condition. For example, applied researchers may investigate ways to: improve agricultural crop production, treat or cure a specific disease, improve the energy efficiency of homes, offices, or modes of transportation. An Applied Microbiologist, for example, could evaluate microorganisms for their possible application in the production of useful industrial product, antibiotics, improving soil fertility, use in food or beverage industry, etc. Here, the target of the research is not mere characterization or description of the microbes to know their biology, rather for their use to solve a particular problem to satisfy societal needs. Applied research is often carried out by academic or industrial institutions. More often an academic institution such as a university will have a specific applied research program funded by an industrial partner. Common areas of applied research include electronics, informatics, computer science, and process engineering and applied sciences. In general, basic research: Represents a rigorous and structured type of analysis; Employs careful sampling procedures in order to extend findings beyond the group or situation; and Has little concern for the application of the findings or social usefulness of the findings; whereas; Applied research: Is conducted in relation to actual problems and under the conditions in which they are found in practice; Employs methodology that is not as rigorous as that of basic research; Yields findings that can be evaluated in terms of local applicability and not in terms of universal validity. Unit 2 Steps in scientific research
The unit is designed in a way that it guides you to the actual
practice of writing a research proposal enabling you write a research proposal at the end of the course. At each section of the unit, you will develop fragment components of a proposal to be finalized with full coverage of components of typical proposal. The latter part of the section deals with how to write and present scientific papers. This helps you to develop skills of organizing your research data to be communicated to the scientific community. Thus, with completion of each section of the unit, you will be equipped with additional tips and knowledge that will help you to develop sound proposal and write scientific paper with full confidence of presenting the research outputs. 2.1 Problem identification and developing research title In this section, you will learn about the concept of problem identification in a research project. Then, the importance of problem identification and definition of problems will be discussed. Finally, criteria to be used for prioritization of research problems will be given due emphasis and information to be included in the selected research problem will be elaborated. Moreover, discussion will be made on the concept of hypothesis, nature of hypothesis, the need to develop a research hypothesis, and types of hypothesis will be briefed. In addition, the procedure or techniques of how to utilize academic library will be discussed. 2.1.1 Problem identification Problem identification is a process of research topic selection. The topic to be investigated can be obtained from different sources. One of the most common sources of research ideas is the experience of practical problems in the field. Another source for research ideas is the literature in a specific field. Certainly, many researchers get ideas for research by reading the literature and thinking of ways to extend or refine previous research. In addition, the source of research problems/topics could be: Research interest of a professor/mentor, Discussion with earlier graduates, Researcher’s professional experience and interests, Current issues in sciences Once the research problem is identified, it must be formulated as a question that the scientific method can answer. Moreover, the identified research problem should be specific, and achievable. In general, it needs to be SMART. Dear learner, look at the following examples; it begun with non- question and gradually developed into a well formulated research question. Non-question: Climate change affects plant distribution. This statement is a general fact. When this statement is changed into a question, it can have the format of either of the following questions: Cont…
1. Does climate change have effect on plants distribution?
(Poorly formulated question) If you examine this question, it seems a research question as it is written in the form of question that will be answered at the end of the study. However, it has some limitations. It is neither specific nor achievable. Here, assessing the distribution of all plant (non- specific) found on earth in relation to climate change is unthinkable (not achievable). 2. Does climate change have effect on distribution of indigenous trees species of Ethiopia? (Well formulated question). This question is example of well formulated research question. Because, the topic is specific, it deals with effect of climate change only on indigenous trees of Ethiopia. In addition, it is achievable although it needs intensive effort and requires collaboration of different expertise. SMART is an acronym commonly used to guide the setting of objectives and goals. S - Specific: Goals should be clear and well-defined, addressing the what, why, and how of the objective. Being specific helps provide focus and clarity. M - Measurable: Goals should be quantifiable or have some means of measurement. A - Achievable: Goals should be realistic and attainable. R - Relevant: Goals should be aligned with the broader purpose, mission, or objectives. T - Time-bound: Goals should have a specific time frame or deadline. The following are among the purposes of stating and defining a research problem: 1. It is the foundation for the further development of the research proposal (research objectives, methodology, work plan, budget, etc.), 2. It makes easier to find information and reports of similar studies to be used while designing your study, 3. Enables you to systematically point out why the proposed research on the problem should be undertaken and what you hope to achieve with the study results. This is important to emphasize when you present your proposal to concerned bodies, community members, relevant ministries and donor agencies that need to support your study or those who will give their consent. 2.1.2 Criteria for prioritizing topics for research Each topic proposed for a research has to be judged according to certain guidelines or criteria before making decision. Each proposed topic must be compared with all other options. The following guidelines or criteria are suggested to help you in the process of selection of problem or research topic: Significance/ relevance Originality Urgency of data needed Acceptability of the study Practicability Applicability of results Ethical acceptability 2.1.3 Prioritizing Topics for Research Once research problems are identified and formulated, the next step will be rating each research topic based on set criteria or guidelines. Priority setting is an important activity when resources are limited. Since it is difficult to conduct a research on every problems identified at once, researcher should set prioritization criteria. Then, rating or scaling each problem against the set criteria is mandatory. There are different types of rating: Sum of ranks method/modified Point allocation method. The usual type of rating is point allocation method. In this type of rating, final score given for each item is determined by adding up points assigned for each topic. The topic that got highest mark could be considered as priority problem and then proposal will be developed to it. 2.1.4 Developing null and alternative hypotheses Different experts defined hypothesis in different ways. For instance: Eric (1966) defined hypotheses as ‘single tentative guesses, good hunches assumed for use in devising theory or planning experiments intended to be given a direct experimental test when possible. Macleod and Hockey (1981) defined hypothesis as it is a statement or explanation that is suggested by knowledge or observation but has not, yet, been proved or disproved. Ary, Jacobs and Razavieh (1984) defined hypothesis as ‘a tentative proposition suggested as a solution to a problem or as an explanation of some phenomenon. Sarantakos (1993) described hypothesis as a tentative explanation of the research problem, a possible outcome of the research, or an educated guess about the research outcome. Moreover, Creswell (1994) also defined hypothesis as it is a formal statement that presents the relationship between an independent variables. Dear learner, from the above definitions, it is possible to summarize that hypothesis is an educated guess, or a prediction of causal relationships that can be tested; an unanswered question that arises from a literature review of a topic leads to such predictions. Nature of hypothesis
Since the hypothesis is a clear statement of what is intended
to be investigated, it should be specified before launching of the planned research. This allows identifying the research objectives, the key abstract concept involved in the research and its relationship to both the stated problem and the literature review. A hypothesis needs to fulfill some basic qualities. Accordingly, a hypothesis: should be testable –verifiable or falsifiable is neither moral nor ethical question neither too specific nor to general is a prediction of consequences Cont… should be considered valuable even if proven false Purpose and importance of hypothesis in a scientific research A research hypothesis has the following importance in research project; It provides a tentative explanation of phenomena and facilitates the extension of knowledge in an area It provides the investigator with a relational statement that is directly testable in a research study. It provide direction to the research It provides a frame work for reporting conclusions of the study It could be considered as the working instrument of theory, hypothesis can be deduced from the theory and from other hypothesis. It could be tested and predictable There are two types of hypothesis: the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Null hypothesis (H0) The null hypothesis represents a theory that has been put forward, either because it is believed to be true or because it is to be used as a basis for argument, but has not been proved. It has serious outcome if incorrect decision is made. Alternative hypothesis (H1) The alternative hypothesis is a statement of what a hypothesis test is set up to establish. It is opposite of Null Hypothesis, and accepted only if H0 is rejected. Frequently “alternative” is the actual desired conclusion of the researcher. Dear learner, look at the following practical examples concerning the development of hypothesis: If the research problem targets the analysis of ‘Effect of Urea on water body’, the null hypothesis could be that ‘Urea has no effect on water body’, or ‘Urea has minimal effect than animal manure’. It is possible to write it formally as: H0: there is no difference between Urea and animal manure. The alternative hypothesis might be that: The Urea has a different effect, on average, compared to animal manure. It could also be written as: H1: the two fertilizers have different effects, on average. The animal manure has less effect, on average, than Urea on water body’. It is also possible to write the same alternative hypothesis as follows: H1: Urea has great effect on water body, on average. In most cases, special consideration is given to null hypothesis. This is due to the fact that: the null hypothesis relates to the statement being tested, where as the alternative hypothesis relates to the statement to be accepted if / when the null is rejected, The final conclusion, once the test has been carried out, is always given in terms of the null hypothesis. We either 'reject H0 in favor of H1' or 'do not reject H0'; we never conclude 'reject H1', or even 'accept H1'. If we conclude 'do not reject H0', this does not necessarily mean that the null hypothesis is true, it only suggests that there is not sufficient evidence against H0 in favor of H1; rejecting the null hypothesis then, suggests that the alternative hypothesis may be true.