Dictionaries in Python

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 It is an unordered collection of items where each item consists of a key and a

value. It is mutable (can modify its contents ) but Key must be unique and

 The data type dictionary falls under mapping. It is a mapping between a set of
keys and a set of values. The key-value pair is called an item. A key is
separated from its value by a colon(:) and consecutive items are separated by
commas. Items in dictionaries are unordered
 To create a dictionary, the items entered are separated by commas and enclosed in curly
braces. Each item is a key value pair, separated through colon (:). The keys in the dictionary
must be unique and should be of any immutable data type i.e., number, string or tuple. The
values can be repeated and can be of any data type.

a = {‘Subject': ‘Informatic Practices', 'Class': ‘11’ }

 The items of a sequence (string, list and tuple) are accessed using a technique called indexing.
The items of a dictionary are accessed via the keys rather than via their relative positions or
indices. Each key serves as the index and maps to a value.

dict3 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta’:95}


If the key is not present in the dictionary, we get Key Error.

 The membership operator in checks if the key is present in the dictionary and returns True,
else it returns False. The not in operator returns True if the key is not present in the dictionary,
else it returns False.

Dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
print('neha' in dict1)

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
print('Mohan' not in dict1)
 Dictionaries are mutable which implies that the contents of the dictionary can be changed after
it has been created.
A) Adding a new item
dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
dict1['Meena'] = 78

(B) Modifying an existing item

The existing dictionary can be modified by just overwriting the key-value pair.
dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
#Marks of Suhel changed to 93.5
dict1['Suhel'] = 93.5
 We can access each item of the dictionary or traverse a dictionary using for loop.

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92, 'Sangeeta':85}

for key in dict1: print(key,':',dict1[key])

Mohan: 95 Ram: 89 Suhel: 92 Sangeeta: 85

 len() : Returns the length or number of key: value pairs of the dictionary passed as the

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}

keys() Returns a list of keys in the dictionary

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
 values() Returns a list of values in the dictionary

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}

get() Returns the value corresponding to the key passed as the argument If the key is not present in the
dictionary it will return None

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
 clear() Deletes or clear all the items of the dictionary

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}

del() Deletes the item with the given key To delete the dictionary from the memory we write: del Dict_name

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
del dict1['Mohan']

dict1 = {'Mohan':95,'Ram':89,'Suhel':92,'Sangeeta':85}
del dict1
 Consider the following dictionary state Capital:

stateCapital = {"Assam":"Guwahati", "Bihar":"Patna","Maharashtra":"Mumbai",


Find the output of the following statements:

a) print(stateCapital.get("Bihar"))
b) print(stateCapital.keys())
c) print(stateCapital.values())
e) print(len(stateCapital))
f) print("Maharashtra" in stateCapital)
g) print(stateCapital.get("Assam"))
h) del stateCapital["Assam"] print(stateCapital)
 Two dictionaries can be merged in to one by using update ( ) method. It merges the keys and
values of one dictionary into another and overwrites values of the same key.
Syntax: Dic_name1.update (dic_name2)


print (d1)
PROGRAM 22 : Write a program to enter names of employees and their
salaries as input and store them in a dictionary.

num = int(input("Enter the number of employees whose data to

be stored: "))
count = 1
employee = dict() #create an empty dictionary
for count in range (num):
name = input("Enter the name of the Employee: ")
salary = int(input("Enter the salary: "))
employee[name] = salary
for k in employee:
PROGRAM 23 : Write a Python script to merge two Python dictionaries.

print (d1)
PROGRAM 24 : Create a dictionary with the roll number, name and marks of n students in a class and display the names of students who have
marks above 75.
n = int(input("Enter number of students: "))
result = {}

for i in range(n):
print("Enter Details of student No.", i+1)

rno = int(input("Roll No: "))

name = input("Name: ")
marks = int(input("Marks: "))

result[rno] = [name, marks]


# Display names of students who have got marks more than 75

for student in result:

if result[student][1] > 75:

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