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Interrelation Between Rasadi

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Dr. Ardra Ajayakumar
Assistant Professor WITH RESPECT TO
Department of
Dravyaguna Vijnana THEIR STRENGTH
SCPM Ayurvedic Medical
 Dravya exhibit various actions on consumption.
 To identify which factor is responsible for a
particular karma, it is necessary to have
knowledge about internal relation between rasa,
guna, vipaka, veerya and prabhava.
 There are 4 rules in understanding the inter-
 किञ्चित् रसेन कु रुतेकर्म वीर्येण चापरम् ।
 द्रव्यं गुणेन पाके न प्रभावेण च किं चिन ।। C.Su.26/11
 The drugs exhibit their actions by virtue of their
Rasa(Taste) or by their Virya (Potency) or by
their Guna (quality) or by their Vipāka (specific
change after digestion) or by virtue of their
Prabhāva (unexplainable action).
 शीतं वीर्येण य्द्द्रव्यं मधुरं रसपाकयोः ।
 तयोरम्लं यदुष्णं च यद्द्रव्यं कटुकं तयोः ॥
 तेषां रसोपदेशेन निर्देश्यो गुणसंग्रहः ।
 वीर्यतो अविपरीतानां पाकतश्चोपदेक्ष्यते ॥
 यथा पयो यथा सर्पिर्यथा वा चव्यचित्रकौ ।
 एवमादीनि चान्यानि निर्दिशेद्रसतो भिषक् ॥ (C.Su.26/45-52)
Rasa Vipaka Veery
Madhur Madhura Seeta Dravya Rasa Vipaka Veerya
Paya Swadu Swadu Seeta
Amla Amla Ushna
Sarpi Swadu Swadu Seeta
Lavana Madhura Ushna
Chavya Katu Katu Ushna
Katu Katu Ushna
Chitraka Katu Katu Ushna
Tikta Katu Seeta
Kashaya Katu Seeta
 If a dravya follows this rule, knowledge of any
one factor will lead to the assessment of other
factors automatically.
 Applicable only to Samana-pratyaya-arabda
 Vichitra-pratyaya-arabda dravyas are exception
to this rule.
 रसं विपाकरत्तौ वीर्यं प्रभावास्तानपोहति ।
 बलसाम्ये रसादीनामिति नैसर्गिकं बलम् ।।च. सू. २६/७१-७३, A.H.Su.11/30

In case the Rasa, Vipāka, Vīrya and Prabhāva possess

equal strength by their nature,
 Vipaka supersedes Rasa,
 Virya supersedes both Rasa & Vipäka
 Prabhāva overcomes Rasa, Vipaka and Veerya to bring
out its own Karma.
Astänga Sangrahakära interpret this concept by various
 Madhu (Honey) eventhough Madhura in Rasa (Taste) won't
aggravate Kapha because of Kațu Vipäka which supersedes
Madhura Rasa in bringing out Kapha Śāmaka Karma.
 Anupamamsa (Meat of animals living in Marshy region)
eventhough Madhura in Rasa and Vipäka but aggravates
Pitta owing to its Usna Vīrya which overcomes both Rasa &
 Danti (Baliospermum montanum) having Katu Rasa, Katu
Vipaka and Usna Vīrya acts as Reçaka owing to its Prabhāva
which defeats Rasa, Vipäka and Virya in bringing out its
Recana Karma.
 यद्यद् द्रव्ये रसादीनां बलवत्वेन वर्तते ।
 अभिभूयेतरांस्तान् तत् कारणत्वं प्रपद्यते ।।
 विरुद्ध गुण संयोगे भूयसाल्पं हि जीयते ।

अ. सं. सू. १७/३१-३२; अ.हृ.सू. १/२३-२४

 If the factors residing in Dravya – rasa, guna,
veerya, vipaka, prabhava are possessing
different strengths, then the one which is
stronger will overpower other factors and brings
out the Karma.
Dalhana in commentary of Su.Su.40/14.
 Karma because of Prabhāva Pradhanyata-in Khadira
Prabhāva overcomes Tikta & Kaşāya Rasa, Katu Vipāka
and Šīta Vīrya making it as best Kuşthaghna Dravya.
 Karma because of Virya Pradhanyata-Brhatpañcamüla has
Tikta Kaşāya Madhura Rasa and Katu Vipāka acts as Väta
Śāmaka because of its Uşņa Vīrya.
 Karma because of Vipāka Prādhānyata-Sunthī though of
katu rasa acts as Vātahara due to its Madhura Vipāka.
 Karma because of Rasa Prādhānyata-Eventhough Guducī
is Usna in Vīrya acts as Pitta Śāmaka because of its Tikta
 विरुद्धापि चान्योन्यं रसाद्याः कार्यसाधने ।
 नावश्यं स्युर्विघाताय गुणदोष मिथो यथा ।।अ. सं. सू. १७/२३
 Even though the factors residing in dravya are having
opposite nature, they won't affect the final outcome
of the dravya.
 Just like Satwa, Raja & Tama and Vata, Pitta & Kapha
dosas, even they are opposite to one another but they
maintain homeostasis of the body.
Eg : Guduchi
 Tikta rasa : Kapha-pittahara
 Madhura vipaka : Vrishya
 Ushna veerya : Vatahara
 Prabhava : Vataraktahara

 This rule can be well appreciated in the drug

having multiple pharmacological actions.
 Thus rasa, guna, veerya, vipaka and prabhava
residing in a dravya exhibit a balanced interplay
to produce the required therapeutic effect.

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