M2.solar - Part1
M2.solar - Part1
M2.solar - Part1
Solar Radiation:
• “Solar Radiation” is the electromagnetic radiation which is
emitted by the sun.
• Depending upon the nature of the surface, the radiation will
be absorbed, reflected or transmitted through the object.
• These effects take place when solar radiation strikes any
Class 2. Class 4. Class 5. Class 6. Class 7.
Class 1. Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Eccentricity refer to some noticeable deviation in behavior, style, or manner from what is
normal or expected.
Class 2. Class 4. Class 5. Class 6. Class 7.
Class 1. Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
A solar constant is a measurement of the solar electromagnetic radiation available in a meter squared at Earth's distance
from the sun. The solar constant is used to quantify the rate at which energy is received upon a unit surface such as a solar
Class 2. Class 4. Class 5. Class 6. Class 7.
Class 1. Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
The Local Meridian is an imaginary Great Circle on the Celestial Sphere that is
perpendicular to the local Horizon.
It passes through the North point on the Horizon, through the Celestial Pole, up to the
Zenith, and through the South point on the Horizon.
The Local Meridian is an imaginary Great Circle on the Celestial Sphere that is
perpendicular to the local Horizon.
It passes through the North point on the Horizon, through the Celestial Pole, up to the
Zenith, and through the South point on the Horizon.
Zenith: The point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer.
Class 1. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and Class 2. Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Systems Cell Characteristics
Different types of radiation at the earth surface: orange - short wave; blue - long
Class 1. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and Class 2. Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
Energy is recovered by solar collectors, which are mechanical devices that
capture radiant solar energy and convert it to useful thermal energy.
This energy can be stored (if appropriate or required) and converted to satisfy
electricity, thermal, or mechanical energy demands.
Different types of solar collectors can be applied, depending on the application.
Types of collectors
Stationary Collectors (Non-Concentrating)
Stationary Collectors (Concentrating)
Sun Tracking
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
Integration of energy storage systems with CSP technologies enables the
prolongation of the operation hours of solar power plants and could
mitigate the dependence and direct relationship between CSP technologies
and climatic conditions, such as clouds or low solar irradiation.
Solar Collectors
Types of collectors
Absorber Concentration
Motion Collector type temperature
type ratio
range (°C)
Flat plate collector (FPC) Flat 1 30-80
Stationary Evacuated tube collector (ETC) Flat 1 50-200
1-5 60-240
Compound parabolic collector (CPC) Tubular
5-15 60-300
Single- Linear Fresnel reflector (LFR) Tubular 10-40 60-250
tracking Parabolic trough collector (PTC) Tubular 15-45 60-300
Cylindrical trough collector (CTC) Tubular 10-50 60-300
Two-axes Parabolic dish reflector (PDR) Point 100-1000 100-500
tracking Heliostat field collector (HFC) Point 100-1500 150-2000
Note: Concentration ratio is defined as the aperture area divided by the receiver/absorber area
of the collector.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
This figure represents the concept involved in the solar concentrator and
important types of solar collectors.
Solar collectors: (A) parabolic troughs; (B) parabolic dishes; (C) tower; and (D) linear Fresnel reflectors.
Courtesy R. Guerrero-Lemus, J.M.M. Martı´nez-Duart, Concentrated solar power, in: Renewable Energies and CO2, Springer-Verlag, London, 2013, pp. 135e151.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
Parabolic trough collectors
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
Parabolic trough collectors
Solar Collectors
Parabolic dish collectors
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
Parabolic dish collectors
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
Tower type solar collectors
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
Tower type solar collectors
Solar Collectors
Tower type solar collectors
Solar thermal tower power plant with pressurized receiver using combined gas and steam turbine cycle.
Courtesy V. Quaschning, Solar thermal power plants: technology fundamentals, Renew. Energy World (2003) 109e113.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
linear Fresnel reflectors
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
linear Fresnel reflectors
Silver and aluminum are the most common materials with high
reflectance, thus, used for solar reflectors
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
CSP Technology Integration Advantages Disadvantages
Storage Possibility
Parabolic Trough Possible •Relatively low installation • Relatively large area
Collector cost occupied
• Large experimental • Low thermodynamic
feedback efficiency due to low
operating temperature
Linear Fresnel Possible Relatively low installation Low thermodynamic
Reflector cost efficiency due to low
operating temperature
Solar Power Highly High thermodynamic • Large space area
Tower possible with efficiency due to high occupied
low storage operating temperature • Relatively high
cost. installation cost
• High heat losses
Parabolic Dish Difficult • Relatively small area • Relatively high
occupied installation cost
• High thermodynamic • Little experimental
efficiency due to high feedback
operating temperature
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy:
Depletion of Solar Solar Water Heater,
Class 5. Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Extra-terrestrial and
Terrestrial Radiations
Radiation, Solar Time, Class 3. Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning
Solar Furnaces, Solar
Green House, Solar
Systems: Solar Cell
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Solar Collectors
This figure shows that the concentration ratio always increases the global
plant efficiency, and that there is a trade-off relationship between the two
efficiencies (heat engine + absorber), leading to optimum operation
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Passive Solar Water Heater
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Passive Solar Water Heater
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Passive Solar Water Heater
Using solar energy to heat water can be extremely cost-effective.
One of the reasons it can work cheaply is that it doesn’t require pumps.
The water can be circulated while it is being heated using the principle of
the thermosyphon.
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Passive Solar Water Heater
The reason the thermosyphon works is because a cold fluid is denser
than a warm fluid.
As a result, you get a pressure difference in the two legs of the system.
This pressure difference works to constantly circulate the water.
The water sinks on the cold, denser side, and rises on the warm, less
dense side.
Thermosyphon water systems are great in the developing world because
they can be built very cheaply, using plastic pipe and 55-gallon drums.
It needs a one-way valve.
At night, the solar collector reverses function, and it becomes a thermal
It radiates away the heat towards outer space during night time.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Passive Solar Water Heater
This makes the “Return” leg of the circuit (shown in red) colder and
therefore denser than the “Advance” leg of the circuit (shown in blue).
Absence of a one-way valve reverses the circulation entirely.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Passive Solar Water Heater
As a result, during the night-time, the circuit as shown takes warm water
from the top of the tank and circulates it to the thermal radiator.
There it is cooled by radiation to space and returned to the bottom of the
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Passive Solar Water Heater
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Active Solar Water Heater
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Active Solar Water Heater
In active solar water-heating systems, pumps circulate water from the
storage tank to the collector.
In a direct system, the water to be used by the building occupants runs
directly through the solar collectors.
In an indirect system, either water or another heat-conducting liquid runs
through the collectors and then passes through a heat exchanger to heat
the water used by building occupants.
A heat exchanger requires more piping than shown in the diagram above.
Excessive heat buildup also can harm a system.
Controllers are usually solid-state devices that direct the pumps in a solar
water-heating system to operate in a manner that optimizes the transfer of
heat from the collector to storage to avoid dangerous levels of heat
buildup in the collector.
Home assignment: Why heat exchangers need to be used? (Not what is its purpose)
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
, efficiently.
Idle fluid in the collector can freeze, because it radiates heat up to a cold,
dark sky.
Freezing can be prevented by using antifreeze instead of water as
the heat transfer fluid.
Antifreeze also contains liquid alcohols like ethylene glycol, propylene glycol,
and methanol
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Heating Systems
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Heating Systems
Passive systems are typically less costly and less complex than active
Passive Solar Space Heating takes advantage of warmth from the sun
through design features:
such as large south-facing windows, and materials in the floors or walls that absorb
warmth during the day and release that warmth at night when it is needed most.
Use insulated glass that lets heat energy pass in and then holds it inside.
Use floors and interior walls of masonry or concrete to soak up and store heat during
the day and thick, airtight insulation in outer walls to seal in heat overnight.
Additional insulating windows on the other three walls, not shown here, provide
Passive solar design systems usually have one of the three designs:
Direct Gain
Indirect Gain
Isolated Gain
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Heating Systems
Direct Gain: stores and slowly releases heat energy collected from the sun
shining directly into the building and warming materials such as tile or
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Heating Systems
Indirect Gain: uses materials that hold, store, and release heat; the
material is located between the sun and living space.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Heating Systems
Isolated Gain: collects solar energy remote from the location of the
primary living area.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Active Solar Space Heating Systems
Active solar space heating systems consist of collectors that collect and
absorb solar radiation combined with electric fans or pumps to transfer
and distribute that solar heat.
Active systems also generally have an energy storage system to provide
heat when the sun is not shining.
The two basic types of active solar space-heating systems use either liquid
or air as the heat-transfer medium in their solar energy collectors
Liquid-based systems heat water and air-based systems heat air in the
Both of these systems collect and absorb solar radiation, then transfer the
solar heat directly to the interior space or to a storage system, from which
the heat is distributed.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Cooling Systems
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Cooling Systems
The goal of passive cooling is to cool the home or building without using
air conditioning and instead using shading, natural ventilation and
adequate construction materials.
Trees: Use deciduous trees on the sunniest side of the structure (for the
Northern Hemisphere that's the south side and for the Southern Hemisphere
the north side) and also on the east and west for the maximum shade.
Overhangs: If properly built and dimensioned overhangs can block out most
of the sum in the summer when the sun is at its highest.
Low Thermal Materials: Materials like wood and metal have low thermal mass
meaning they are hard to heat up and cool down quickly. This is ideal in materials
for a passive cooling building. Wood frames with a metal roof are used often.
Reflective Exterior Surfaces: Large amount of the sun's heat can be reflected away
with the right surfaces. Shiny or smooth surfaces and the color white work the
best. By making roofs reflect the sunlight instead of absorbing it can really cut
down on our energy consumption and therefore lessen our CO2 output.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Cooling Systems
Passive cooling systems are least expensive means of cooling a home
which maximizes the efficiency of the building envelope without any use of
mechanical devices.
The primary focus of passive cooling is:
Slow heat transfer into the house.
Remove unwanted heat from the building.
Various passive technologies that can be adopted in the various climatic
zones in India are as follow:
Shading system
Solar chimney
Thermal mass
Wind towers
Evaporative cooling system
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Cooling Systems
Shading system: The most effective method of cooling a building is to
shade windows, walls and roof of building from direct solar radiation.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Cooling Systems
Shading system: The most effective method of cooling a building is to
shade windows, walls and roof of building from direct solar radiation.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
Solar Passive Space – Cooling Systems
Passive ventilation: when air is exchanged in a building through openings in
the building envelope using the stack and wind pressures.
These are the passive cooling ventilation strategy:
Cross-Ventilation Stack Ventilation
strategies place air inlets on the windward cool air is pulled throughout the home while
side and air outlets on the leeward side of warmer air rises above the cool air to exit
the home. through an opening near the top of the structure.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5. Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Class 4. Solar Refrigeration and Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Cell Characteristics
Solar Water Heater, Solar Passive Space – Heating and Cooling Systems
A condenser is a device or unit used to condense a gaseous substance into a liquid state
through cooling. In so doing, the latent heat is released by the substance and transferred to the
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space – Class 5. Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
An evaporator is a device used to turn the liquid form of a chemical substance such as water
into its gaseous-form/vapor. The liquid is evaporated, or vaporized, into a gas form of the
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 6.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space – Class 5. Solar Furnaces, Solar
Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Green House, Solar
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Dryer, Solar Distillation.
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
Layout of a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) solar cooker with no batteries, using an electronic controller
including a charging port for externals.
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics
reflection or refraction?
Class 1. Class 2. Class 4. Class 7.
Basics of Solar Energy: Class 5.
Extra-terrestrial and
Depletion of Solar
Radiation, Solar Time,
Class 3. Solar Water Heater,
Solar Passive Space –
Solar Refrigeration and Class 6. Solar Photovoltaic
Systems: Solar Cell
Terrestrial Radiations Solar Collectors Air Conditioning
Solar Radiations Heating and Cooling Fundamentals, Solar
Systems, Solar Cookers
Measurement Systems Cell Characteristics