M1. RES Lecture 2
M1. RES Lecture 2
M1. RES Lecture 2
-Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
-Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional and
Non-Conventional Energy Sources
-Salient Features of Non-Conventional Energy Sources
As the world's finite supplies of traditional fossil fuels
are consumed at a voracious rate by a continually
industrializing world, the development and use of
non-conventional sources of energy is becoming ever
more important for the future of the planet.
Some research has shown that fuels such as oil and
gas, and even nuclear, have a remaining lifespan of as
little as 70 years
Reasons to go for Non-conventional
(i) The growing consumption of energy has resulted in
the country becoming increasingly dependent on fossil
fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
(ii) Rising prices of oil and gas and their potential
shortages have raised uncertainties about the security of
energy supply in future, which has serious repercussions
on the growth of the national economy.
(iii) Increasing use of fossil fuels also causes serious
environmental problems.
Hence, there is a primary need to use renewable energy
sources like solar, wind, tidal, biomass and energy from
waste material. They are called non-conventional sources
of energy.
Reasons to go for Non-conventional
Those sources of energy which are being produced
continuously in nature and will never be exhausted,
are called non-conventional sources of energy.
Non-conventional energy also called Renewable
energy sources, are sources that are continuously
replenished by natural processes.
Though non-conventional energy sources, such as
solar and wind power, make up a small part of the
overall market, they offer benefits not found in
traditional sources.
Advantages of Conventional Energy
Pollution: not environmentally friendly
When used on a longer run, can deplete soon:
Conservation of fuel is desirable(for example, coal)
Health hazards
Safety issues (nuclear)
Limited availability (Uranium)