Group2 WebServices
Group2 WebServices
Group2 WebServices
<getDetail> [
<id>DataStructureCourse</id> "employee":
</getDetail> "id": 00987
"name": "Jack",
"salary": 20000,
RESTful Web Services SOAP Web Services
• REST defines an architectural approach
REST stands for REpresentational whereas SOAP poses a restriction on the
format of the XML. XML transfer data
State Transfer. It is developed between the service provider and service
by Roy Thomas Fielding who also consumer. Remember that SOAP and
developed HTTP. The main goal of REST are not comparable.
RESTful web services is to make • SOAP: SOAP acronym for Simple Object
web services more effective. Access Protocol. It defines the standard
RESTful web services try to define XML format. It also defines the way of
services using the different concepts building web services. We use Web
Service Definition Language (WSDL) to
that are already present in HTTP. define the format of request XML and the
REST is an architectural approach, response XML.
not a protocol.
Web Service Description Language