Edwin Morgan MR Oneill
Edwin Morgan MR Oneill
Edwin Morgan MR Oneill
Scottish Poetry
Edwin Morgan
• Who is Edwin Morgan?
Angry at him
Dislikes him
Amused by him
Finds him interesting
It’s hard to tell
Read over the drunk man’s dialogue.
What do you notice about the sentence
structure? Think about punctuation, sentence
length, etc.
What does it convey to us about the man?
A few more pointers…
1. Look at the end of the poem. How does
the writer’s word choice make it clear
that the drunk man is not completely out
of control/that he can look after himself?
2. What is the mood at the end of the
poem? Explain your answer.
3. The drunk man says that the working
man is “bliddy ignorant.” Do you think the
poet/poem agrees with this idea?
‘Trio’ by Edwin Morgan
Read the poem with your teacher and
answer the following in groups:
1. When and where is the poem set? Use a
quotation to support your answer.
2. What would you say is the mood of the
poem? Provide evidence for your answer.
3. Why is the poem called ‘Trio’?
4. In what way do the ‘Trio’ described link to
the Christmas/Christian story?
5. Pick out any other words and phrases the poet uses to
create this mood.
Trio – lines 15-20
6. “The vale of tears is powerless before
you.” What does the poet mean when he
uses this metaphor?
7. How is the same idea continued later in
this section? Quote and comment.
Final stanza
1. Look at the last stanza – do you notice
anything unusual about the sentence
2. Another simile is used in this section. Copy it
down and then comment on its meaning.
3. What is the mood at the end of this poem?
Explain your answer.
4. Can you see any similarities between this
poem and the last poem – e.g. content,
themes, language, layout?
• Now you have read and analysed the
poem. Discuss the following:
‘In the Snack-bar’
In this poem the poet uses various
language techniques to highlight the
nature of the disabled man’s situation.
• Slithering
• Clatter
• Looming
• Shambles
• Uncouth
• Clinical gleam
• He asks doubtfully
• Contraption
• What do the following examples of
imagery help us understand?
Ben Nevis ►►
The voice
• The speaker in the poem is the voice of Scotland. When the
voice says ‘We saw Lewis laid down’ – he is talking about
Scotland as a nation, a collective.
• He’s trying to show us that the land is a lot greater than us.
We’re just a part of the great cycle of the Earth.
1. What does the poet mean when he says, “We
saw Lewis laid down”?
2. What does the poet mean by, “Watched long
seas plunder faults”?
3. Comment particularly on the use of the word
plunder? What do we usually think of when we
hear this word?
4. “Drumlins blue as bruises were grated off like
nutmegs.” What technique is the poet using here?
What does it say about the power of the glaciers?
5. What does the poet mean by “the rough back”?
• Enjambment is the continuation of a
sentence or clause over a line-break.
• Trio
• Good Friday
• In the Snack-bar
• Hyena
• Winter
• Slate