Family Planning Notes
Family Planning Notes
Family Planning Notes
Family planning refers to the use of various methods of
fertility control that will help couples to have the number of
children they want, when they want them in order to ensure
the well being of children and parents.
Family planning is achieved through:
Contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary
infertility .
Sexual education.
Prevention and management of STIs.
Preconception counseling and management.
Infertility management.
Describe the methods of family planning
Discuss health benefits of family planning.
Discuss factors that promote or hinder family
planning practices.
Explain principles of counseling client for F.P
Discuss emerging issues in reproductive health
Describe methods of family planning.
Micronor and
Mechanism of action.
Alteration of the hormonal levels throught the
menstrual cycle leading to:
Suppression of ovulation
Thickening of cervical mucus
Thinning of the endometrial lining.
Highly effective if correctly used
Immediate return to fertility on discontinuation
Pelvic examination is not required to initiate use
In addition, there are also several noncontraceptive
Non contraceptive benefits.
Do not affect breast feeding
• Lighter, shorter periods
• Decrease in breast tenderness
• Do not increase blood clotting
• Decrease dysmenorrhoea
• Protect against endometrial cancer
Limitations of COCs
The main limitations of POPs are that they provide a
slightly lower level of contraceptive protection than
combined oral pills.
They also require strict pill taking, preferably at the
same time every day.
Effectiveness may be lowered by the use of other
drugs, for example, antituberculosis and anti-
epileptic drugs.
In addition, they do not provide any protection
against STIs including Hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS.
Women of reproductive age
Women of any parity, nulliparous included
Breast feeding mothers after six weeks post partum
Heavy smokers of any age
Women who can't use combined oral pills due to
oestrogen related contra indications
Post abortion patients
Women with sickle cell disease, hypertension, and
valvular heart
Breast feeding mothers who are less than six weeks
post natal
Women who are pregnant or suspected to be
Women with unexplained abnormal vaginal
Women who have breast cancer or history of
breast cancer
Women with active liver disease
Danger signs to report.
A: Severe abdominal pain
C: Chest pain
H: Severe headache
E: Eye problems
S: Severe leg pains.
These contraceptives contain the hormone
progesterone only.
The method is administered intramusculary.
Dose is dependent on the type e.g 150 mg for Depo
5) Provide the method that the client The provider helps clients make their own
wants.. informed choices and the provider respects those
choices--even if a client decides against using
family planning or puts off a decision
6) Help the client understand and The provider shows sample family planning
remember. materials, encourages the client to handle them,
and shows how they are used.
Client’s rights.
The right to decide whether or not to practise FP
The freedom to choose which method to use.
The right of privacy and confidentiality.
The right to refuse any type of examination.
Phases of Family planning counseling.
Initial counseling
Method specific counseling
Follow-up counseling.
Steps of FP counseling
G: greet
A: Ask
T: tell.
H: Help
E: Explain
R: Return visits.
Greet, welcome and make the client feel
comfortable. Establish a good rapport.
Ask the patient about themselves and any FP
experiences. Get all the information about the
Tell patient of the available methods and
reproductive choices.
Help the patient make informed choices through
history taking, general examination and finding out
the real needs. Avoid biases.
Explain in detail the method of choice and give
detailed instructions on how to use the method.
Return visits explained and discussion encouraged.