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Lecture2 1

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Game Theory

Lecture 2

Lecture 1 recap
• Defined games in normal form
• Defined dominance notion
– Iterative deletion
– Does not always give a solution
• Defined best response and Nash equilibrium
– Computed Nash equilibrium in some examples

➔ Are some Nash equilibria better than others?

➔ Can we always find a Nash equilibrium?

1. Coordination games and Pareto optimality
2. Games with continuous action sets
– Equilibrium computation and existence theorem
– Example: Cournot duopoly

1. Coordination games and Pareto optimality
2. Games with continuous action sets
– Equilibrium computation and existence theorem
– Example: Cournot duopoly

The Investment Game
• The players: you
• The strategies: each of you chooses between investing
nothing in a class project ($0) or investing ($10)
• Payoffs:
– If you don’t invest your payoff is $0
– If you invest you make a net profit of $5 (gross profit =
$15; investment $10) if more than 90% of the class
chooses to invest. Otherwise, you lose $10

• Choose your action (no communication!)

Nash equilibrium
• What are the Nash equilibria?

• Remark: to find Nash equilibria, we used a

“guess and check method”
– Checking is easy, guessing can be hard
The Investment Game again
• Recall that:
– Players: you
– Strategies: invest $0 or invest $10
– Payoffs:
• If no invest ➔ $0
$5 net profit if ≥ 90% invest
• If invest $10 ➔
-$10 net profit if < 90% invest

• Let’s play again! (no communication)

• We are heading toward an equilibrium

-+There are certain cases in which playing converges in a
natural sense to an equilibrium 7
Pareto domination
• Is one equilibrium better than the other?

Definition: Pareto domination

A strategy profile s Pareto dominates strategy
profile s’ iif for all i, ui(s)≥ui(s’) and there exists j
such that uj(s)>uj(s’);
i.e., all players have at least as high payoffs and
at least one player has strictly higher payoff.
• In the investment game?
Convergence to equilibrium in the
Investment Game
• Why did we converge to the wrong NE?
• Remember when we started playing
– We were more or less 50 % investing
• The starting point was already bad for the people
who invested for them to lose confidence
• Then we just tumbled down

• What would have happened if we started with

95% of the class investing?

Coordination game
• This is a coordination game
– We’d like everyone to coordinate their actions and invest
• Many other examples of coordination games
– Party in a Villa
– On-line Web Sites
– Establishment of technological monopolies (Microsoft, HDTV)
– Bank runs
• Unlike in prisoner’s dilemma, communication helps in
coordination games ➔ scope for leadership
– In prisoner’s dilemma, a trusted third party (TTP) would need to
impose players to adopt a strictly dominated strategy
– In coordination games, a TTP just leads the crowd towards a
better NE point (there is no dominated strategy)

Battle of the sexes
Player 2
Opera Soccer
Opera 2,1 0,0
Player 1
Soccer 0,0 1,2

• Find the NE

• Is there a NE better than the other(s)?

Coordination Games
• Pure coordination games: there is no conflict whether
one NE is better than the other
– E.g.: in the investment game, we all agreed that the NE
with everyone investing was a “better” NE

• General coordination games: there is a source of

conflict as players would agree to coordinate, but one
NE is “better” for a player and not for the other
– E.g.: Battle of the Sexes

➔ Communication might fail in this case

Pareto optimality

Definition: Pareto optimality

A strategy profile s is Pareto optimal if there
does not exist a strategy profile s’ that Pareto
dominates s.

• Battle of the sexes?

1. Coordination games and Pareto optimality
2. Games with continuous action sets
– Equilibrium computation and existence theorem
– Example: Cournot duopoly

The partnership game (see exercise
sheet 2)
• Two partners choose effort si in Si=[0, 4]
• Share revenue and have quadratic costs
u1(s1 , s2) = ½ [4 (s1 + s2 + b s1 s2)] -
s12 u2(s1 , s2) = ½ [4 (s1 + s2 + b s1 s2)] -
ŝ1 = 1 + b s2 = BR1(s2)
• Best responses:
ŝ2 = 1 + b s1 = BR2(s1)

Finding the best response (with twice
continuously differentiable utilities)
u1 (s1, s2 )  0 • First order condition (FOC)
2 u1 (s1, s2 )
 • Second order condition (SOC)
 s1
• Remark: the SOC is automatically satisfied if ui(si,s-i) is
concave in si for all s-i (very standard assumption)
• Remark 2: be careful with the borders!
– Example u1(s1, s2) = 10-(s1+s2)2
– S1=[0, 4], what is the BR to s2=2?
– Solving the FOC, what do we get?

– When the FOC solution is outside Si, the BR is at the

Nash equilibrium graphically

4 BR1(s2)

2 BR2(s1)

0 s1
1 2 3 4 5

• NE is fixed point of (s1, s2) ➔ (BR(s2), BR(s1)) 17

Best response correspondence
• Definition: ŝi is a BR to s-i if ŝi solves max ui(si , s-i)
• The BR to s-i may not be unique!
• BR(s-i): set of si that solve max ui(si , s-i)
• The definition can be written:
ŝi is a BR to s-i if sˆi  BRi (si )  argmax ui (si,
si )

• Best response correspondence of

i: s ➔ BR (s )
Nash equilibrium as a fixed point

• Game N, S iN , u

i i
• Let’s define S iN i S (set of strategy
and the
profiles) correspondence
iN  B:SS
s  B(s)  iN BRi (si )
• For a given s, B(s) is the set of strategy profiles s’
such that si’ is a BR to s-i for all i.
• A strategy profile s* is a Nash eq. iif s*  B(s* )
(just a re-writing of the definition) 19
Kakutani’s fixed point theorem

Theorem: Kakutani’s fixed point theorem

Let X be a compact convex subset of Rn and let
f : X  X be a set-valued function for which:
• for all x  X , the set f (x) is nonempty convex;
• the graph of f is closed.
Then there exists x*  X such that x*  f (x* )

Closed graph (upper hemicontinuity)
• Definition: f has closed graph if for all sequences (xn) and (yn)
such that yn is in f(xn) for all n, xn➔x and yn➔y, y is in f(x)
• Alternative definition: f has closed graph if for all x we have the
following property: for any open neighborhood V of f(x), there
exists a neighborhood U of x such that for all x in U, f(x) is a
subset of V.
• Examples:

Existence of (pure strategy) Nash
Theorem: Existence of pure strategy NE
Suppose that the game N, Si iN , ui iN 
• The action set S i
satisfies: of each player is a
nonempty convex subset of R n

• The utility ui of each player is continuous

in s
(on S ) and concave in si (on Si )
Then, there exists a (pure strategy) Nash
• Define B as before. B satisfies the assumptions of
Kakutani’s fixed point theorem
• Therefore B has a fixed point which by definition is a
Nash equilibrium!

• Now, we need to actually verify that B satisfies the

assumptions of Kakutani’s fixed point theorem!

Example: the partnership game
• N = {1, 2}
• S = [0,4]x[0,4] compact convex
• Utilities are continuous and concave
u1(s1 , s2) = ½ [4 (s1 + s2 + b s1 s2)] - s 12
u2(s1 , s2) = ½ [4 (s1 + s2 + b s1 s2)] - s 22
• Conclusion: there exists a NE!

• Ok, for this game, we already knew it!

• But the theorem is much more general and
applies to games where finding the equilibrium is
much more difficult
One more word on the partnership
game before we move on
• We have found (see exercises) that
– At Nash equilibrium:
s*1 = s*2 =1/(1-b)
– To maximize the sum of utilities:
sW 1 = sW =1/(1/2-b) > s*
2 1
• Sum of utilities called social welfare
• Both partners would be better off if they
worked sW1 (with social planner, contract)
• Why do they work less than efficient?

• At the margin, I bear the cost for the extra unit of effort
I contribute, but I’m only reaping half of the induced
profits, because of profit sharing

• This is known as an “externality”

➔ When I’m figuring out the effort I have to put I
don’t take into account that other half of profit that
goes to my partner
➔ In other words, my effort benefits my partner, not
just me

• Externalities are omnipresent: public good problems,

free riding, etc. (see more in the netecon course)
1. Coordination games and Pareto optimality
2. Games with continuous action sets
– Equilibrium computation and existence theorem
– Example: Cournot duopoly

Cournot Duopoly
• Example of application of games with continuous
action set
• This game lies between two extreme cases in
economics, in situations where firms (e.g. two
companies) are competing on the same market
– Perfect competition
– Monopoly
• We’re interested in understanding what happens
in the middle
– The game analysis will give us interesting economic
insights on the duopoly market

Cournot Duopoly: the game
• The players: 2 Firms, e.g., Coke and Pepsi

• Strategies: quantities players produce of identical

products: qi, q-i
– Products are perfect substitutes

• Cost of production: c * q
– Simple model of constant marginal cost

• Prices: p = a – b (q1 + q2) = a – bQ

– Market-clearing price

Price in the Cournot duopoly

p Demand curve
Slope: -b Tells the quantity
a demanded for a
given price

0 q1 + q2

Cournot Duopoly: payoffs
• The payoffs: firms aim to maximize profit

u1(q1,q2) = p * q1 – c * q1
p = a – b (q1 + q2)

► u1(q1,q2) = a * q1 – b * q2 –b*q
q –c*q

• The game is symmetric 31

Cournot Duopoly: best responses
• First order condition a  2bq1  bq2  c 
• Second order condition
 2b  0
a  c q2
➔ ˆ 
 q 1  BR1 (q2 ) 2b

 2  1
qˆ2  BR2 (q1 ) a  c q
2b 2
 32
Cournot Duopoly: best response
diagram and Nash equilibrium


qCournot  a  c
c2b 3

0 a a q1
c2b cb 33
Best response at q2=0
• BR1(q2=0) = (a-c)/(2b)
• Interpretation:
a Demand curve monopoly quantity
Slope: -b
► marginal revenue =
Marginal revenue marginal cost
Slope: -2b

Marginal cost: c

0 a q1
When is BR1(q2) = 0?

• BR1(q2=(a-c)/b) = 0
a Demand curve • Perfect competition
Slope: -b quantity
Marginal revenue
►Demand = marginal
Slope: -2b cost
Marginal cost

0 a a q1+q1
c2b cb
If Firm 1 would produce more, the
MONOPOLY PERFECT selling price would not cover her costs 35
Cournot Duopoly: best response
diagram and Nash equilibrium



Monopoly qCournot  a  c
NE 3

0 a q1
c2b competition 36
Strategic substitutes/complements
• In Cournot duopoly: the more the other player
does, the less I would do
➔ This is a game of strategic substitutes
– Note: of course the goods were substitutes
– We’re talking about strategies here
• In the partnership game, it was the opposite:
the more the other player would the more I
would do
➔ This is a game of strategic complements
Cournot duopoly: Market perspective
• Total industry
a maximized for
cb monopoly
Industry profits
are maximized
qCournot  a  c

0 a q1
c2b 38
Cartel, agreement
q2 • How could the
firms set an
agreement to
increase profit?
• What can the
problems be
Both firms
qCournot  a  c with this
produce half 3
of the monopoly b2
agreement ?

0 a q1 39
Cournot Duopoly: last observations
• How do quantities and prices we’ve
encountered so far compare?

Perfect Cournot
Competition Quantity

a 2(a  a
cb c) 3 c2b
Perfect Cournot PRICES
Competition Quantity

• Coordination games
– Pareto optimal NE sometimes exist
– Scope for communication / leadership
• Games with continuous action sets (pure
– Compute equilibrium with FOC, SOC
– Equilibrium exists under concavity and continuity
– Cournot duopoly


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