Group 6 Environmental Science

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• The distribution of animals and plant forms is

determined largely by climate, topography and the

soil The same or very similar ecological niches may
be occupied by different species in geographically
separated biomes.

• The world is divided into manageable units called

the ecosystems.
• Biomes consist of broad regional groups of related
manageable units called ecosystems.

• A biome is one of several immense terrestrial

environments, a habitat characterized throughout its
extent by similar plants, animals, climate and soil
• An ecosystem consists of all the organisms and the
physical environment with which they interact.

• These biotic and abiotic components are linked

together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.
• Energy enters the system through photosynthesis and is
incorporated into plant tissue.


Extensive tropical forests have major effects on the entire
biosphere. Scientists are concerned about the loss of
tropical rain forests because of their global ecological
importance and the rapid rate at which they are being
The Luzon montane rain forests is a tropical
moist broadleaf forest ecoregion on the island
of Luzon in the Philippines. The ecoregion is
located on several volcanic and non-volcanic
mountains of the island. Luzon is the largest
and northernmost major island of the
Philippines, located in the western Pacific
• Deserts generally occur in semi-tropical and
temperate regions having rainfall of less than
about 20 cm a year. Its climate has the least
precipitations and is unpredictable from year to

There are two kinds of deserts:

1. Cold Deserts - These are dominated by sagebrush,
rabbitbrush and smaller perennial plants.
2. Hot Deserts - These are dominated by creosote,
cacti, acacias, agave, and yucca.

Desert soil is fogely unprotected by vegetation. Tutto

severe on from wind and occasional rain. It has a this
top layer of decaying plant material called humus
Grasslands are dominated by grasses and
a rich array of deep-rooted beautifully
flowering non-grass species. They have a
few trees because of inadequate rainfall
and frequent grass fire that kills woody
-forest are region where trees
grow as a result of adequate
temperature and minimal
precipitation of 75 centimeters
or more.
1.Tropical rainforest is a forest with high, fairly
constant rainfall and temperature that permit trees
to grow throughout the year. Annual rainfall may
exceed 400 centimeters.
2.Tropical seasonal forest is also known as the
monsoon forest. Seasonal rainfall is concentrated
during a certain part of the year after which follows
an increasing pronounced dry season.
3.Tropical savanna consist of grassland dotted
with scattered small trees and shrubs such as
acacias. Some savannas are entirely grassland;
4.Tropical thronwood shrubland and tropical
shrub. The proportion of trees depends on the
competition between trees and the grass for water
- The climate of the of a temperate forest is typically
moderate in terms of temperature. This forest occurs
in regions of abundant rainfall and contains both
delicious and evergreen trees.
1.temperate deciduous forest occurs in a moderately
humid area where precipitation takes place
throughout the year but winters are coki, restricting
plant growth during the summers.
2.temperate evergreen forest occurs where the
condition favors conifers or broad-leaf evergreens
over deciduous trees. Temperate evergreen plants
include ponderosa and pine trees
3.temperate rainforest occurs in cold
climates near the sea with an abundant
winter rainfall and summer clouds or frog.
4.temperate woodhand occurs where the
climate is too dry to support a forest yet
provibes sufficient moisture to support trees
as well as grasses.
5.temperate shrubland is represented by the chaparral
communities that occurs in all five region of the world
having fairly dry climate with little or no summer rain.

6.temperate grassland is also known variable as praire

in north america, stepped in asia, pampasin in South
America, and veldt in south africa.The grassland biome
is often referred to as the world's breadbasket as it is
best for agriculture
-The term "taiga" comes from the russian
world "primeval forest".it is also known as
boreal is dominated by conifers that
can survive extreme coki in wintee.
-The tundra is a treeless biome that occurs far
north in the arctic region where winters are too dry
and cold to permit the growth of trees. It is a biome
of low-growing plants where water reaches plant
roots for only a few months of the year because the
soil is frozen for the rest of the time.

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