Introduction PPT

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Introduction :Distribution system..

• Briefing : Already discussed last class: Review again
High-side and low-side switching:
• In Figure 1.2, the high-voltage switching is done with a simple switch.
More extensive substations may use high-voltage circuit breakers in a
variety of high-voltage bus designs. The low-voltage switching in
Figure 1.2 is accomplished with relay-controlled circuit breakers. In
many cases, reclosure will be used in place of the relay/circuit
breaker combination. Some substation designs will include a low-
voltage bus circuit breaker in addition to the circuit breakers for each
feeder. As is the case with the high-voltage bus, the low-voltage bus
can take on a variety of designs.
Voltage transformation
• : The primary function of a distribution substation is to reduce the
voltage down to the distribution voltage level. In Figure 1.2, only one
transformer is shown. Other substation designs will call for two or
more three-phase transformers. The substation transformers can be
three-phase units or three single-phase units connected in a standard
connection. There are many “standard” distribution voltage
Voltage regulation
• As the load on the feeders vary, the voltage drop between the substation and the user will
vary. In order to maintain the user’s voltages within an acceptable range, the voltage at the
sub-station needs to vary as the load varies. In Figure 1.2, the voltage is regulated by a “step-
type” regulator that will vary the voltage plus or minus 10% on the low-side bus. Sometimes
this function is accom-plished with a “load tap changing” (LTC) transformer. The LTC changes
the taps on the low-voltage windings of the transformer as the load varies.
• Many substation transformers will have “fixed taps” on the high-voltage winding for Off load

• These are used when the source voltage is always either above or below the nominal
• The fixed tap settings can vary the voltage plus or minus 5%. Many times instead of a bus
regulator, each feeder will have its own regulator. This can be in the form of a three-phase
gang-operated regulator or individual phase regulators that operate independently.
• The substation must be protected against the occurrence of short
circuits. In the simple design of Figure 1.2, the only auto-matic
protection against short circuits inside the substation is by way of the
high-side fuses on the transformer. As the substation designs become
more complex, more extensive protective schemes will be employed
to protect the transformer, the high- and low-voltage buses, and any
other piece of equipment. Individual feeder circuit breakers or
reclosers are used to provide interruption of short circuits that occur
outside the substation.
• : Every substation has some form of metering. This may be as simple as
an analog ammeter displaying the present value of sub-station current as
well as the minimum and maximum currents that have occurred over a
specific time period.
• Digital recording meters are becoming very common. These meters
record the minimum, average, and maximum values of current, voltage,
power, power fac-tor, etc., over a specified time range. Typical time
ranges are 15 min, 30 min, and 1 h.
• The digital meters may monitor the output of each substation
transformer and/or the output of each feeder.

The substation of Figure has two LTC transformers, serves four dis-tribution feeders, and is fed
from two sub transmission lines. Under normal conditions, the circuit breakers (CB) are in the
following positions:

Circuit breakers closed: X, Y, 1, 3, 4, 6

Circuit breakers open: Z, 2, 5

feeder may consist of the following:

• Three-phase primary “main” feeder

• Three-phase, and single-phase laterals
• Step-type voltage regulators
• In-line transformers
• Shunt capacitor banks
• Distribution transformers
• Secondaries
• Three-phase, single-phase loads
• why distribution system analysis is required?
• Already study the power system analysis; however, this distribution system
analysis will be different from earlier power system analysis
• What differences?
• The voltage level of the generationisaround11kVto 25 kV. Now, these
voltages which are 11 to 25 kV will be stepped up to the transmission
level,i.e.,220kVto765kV;which are the voltages for bulk transmission
• Then there will be stepped down to the sub-transmission level, the sub-
transmission level is 66 kV to 132 kV.

• Then it will be further step down to the distribution level. So, voltages at the
distribution system, and secondary distribution system. The primary distribution
system will be having a voltage level between 4 to 33 kV and secondary
distribution system will be having voltages, i.e.,400 Volt, 3-phase, and 230 Volt, 1-
• And if you see the structural difference between your transmission network and
distribution network, transmission network is basically interconnected means it
will forming some kind of loop here, distribution system, distribution system will
be radial. So, it will be radial or weakly meshed
• Efficient means losses in the distribution should be as less as possible
• Deliver the quality power to the customer means your voltage should not contain
any harmonics, it should not contain any sags, swells or flickers.
• Then we should provide a customer reliable power, power should be cheap to the
customer. So, it should be economical and it should be a secure power to the
• the topological difference between your transmission and distribution network
• Transmission network is basically interconnected.
• actually one bus will be connected to many other buses which are forming
interconnected kind or loop kind of system
• This is basically done to increase the reliability ofthe system because as we know
all the generators are dispersed over wide distances and whenever there are
contingencies like few lines or few generators if they go out of the system there is
a possibility that system becomes unbalanced
• Distribution system will be radial one; radial means it will not be forming any
kind of loop or it is a kind of weakly meshed system. Weakly meshed means
there will be only a few loops unlike in case of the transmission system. So, since
the transmission system is highly interconnected kind of system.
• The basic reasons to make the distribution system radial are as follows; first is if
you see the cost of the system, the cost difference between interconnected
system and this radial system, the radial system will be very cheap,
• Easier to protect, so protection system will be cheap as well as easy to protect
• In this case current will be actually having only one direction.
• whenever there is fault occurs at some location; so the current will be fed from only
one direction to the fault. So, in that case, your protection will become easier.
• The primary distribution system basically consists of 11 kV network,
we also call it as HT level; High Tension lines. It starts from your 33 to
11 kV substation and it will be basically 3-phase 3-wire system.
• So, there will be three wires R, Y, and B at 11 kV level. This feeder will
be basically connected to different substations which are 11 kV by 400
Volts substations;
• There will be many sub substations connected to this feeder. We also
provide power to bigger consumers like malls or big industrial
consumers at 11 kV, 3-phase level. So, they're actually shown in the
figure, there is one bigger industrial consumer which is taking power
at 11 kV level and at 3-phases.
• Similarly, there is one commercial consumer which is shown it here which is 3
phase; if you see the secondary distribution system, secondary distribution
system start with 11kV by 400 Volt substation and it is basically 3-phase 4-wire
• So, there are three phases R Y B and one neutral phase. So, 3-phase 4-wire
system, it will be providing power to some big consumers as well as some
domestic consumers like our houses.
• So, if you see here the factory which is a little bit big consumer, we are
providing the power to this big consumer at 3-phase levels means all 3 phases
are there with your neutral connection. And to our domestic consumers, we
feed the power at single phase level.
• One house,itistakingthepoweratRandNphasewhichissinglephaseR.
• Second house Y and N phase and
• 3rd house is taking power from B and N phase.
• So, this is the structure of your distribution system which is a secondary
distribution system.
• Transmission system is basically interconnected kind of system.
• These transmission lines are basically transposed ones; transpose means
these lines will be changed at a different location. So, every conductor of
this line will be taking the location of every other conductor
• Balanced Loads…
• X/R ratio of the transmission system will be very-very high because of
this X/R high ratio decoupling is possible.
• Pand Q canbe differently controlled
• Real power (P) and V for (Q)
• Only a few components we need to model during the transmission
system analysis; those are basically reactors and your transformers or
maybe sometimes capacitor banks.
• Single Phase equivalent considered for transformer..
• Constant power load..not variable load..Voltage dependancy not
considerd…Load flow iteration power is not changed..
• where the distribution system is required or where it is applicable or where it is used?
• Basic analysis is load flow analysis and short circuit analysis.

• So, load flow analysis is required for taking various decisions during the operational stages of
the distribution system as well as the design stage of the distribution system.
• So, during the operational stage like load balancing or reconfiguration of the distribution
system, we need a load flow analysis.
• During the design stage while we are selecting conductor size of the distribution conductors
or transformer sizes we need to know the load flow solution.
• Voltage regulation and tap operation during the operational stage we need result from load
flow analysis,
• Power loss reduction we need load flow analysis;
• then nowadays capacitor placement as well as DG placement, we need results from load flow
• Then short circuit analysis is required while during the settings for protective relays or
• During the relay coordination in a distribution system also to calculate short-circuit current in
the upstream network.
• So, we need actually result from short circuit analysis during these design stages.

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