G11 Physical Education

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ASTU Special school

physical education
lesson note
Grade 11

03/24/2024 1
Unit 1
understanding physical education
and physical fitness
 SPORT AND OHYSICAL EDUCATION play a large role in
many people’s lives,
 school physical education allows to study the interrelationship of
sport and culture.
 Eventually participation in sports brings fitness
 Fitness improves the health condition
 Exercise is where prevention and rehabilitation cross over, i.e.
Regular exercise maintains health conditions

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Factors That Affect Health Are Also Affected By Exercise:
1. Lower blood pressure/hypotension/
2. Complete body conditioning
3. Control of body management
4. Stress management
5. etc

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Chapter 1
Basic concepts of physical education
 Sports are cultural phenomena whose highest expression is to
be found in olympism in the today’s modern world.
 The Greeks in ancient time had the idea of getting men
together every four years to hold and witness sporting events
 Today the games have brought a tremendous change in quality
and quantity……

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1.1 Olympic Games
 As there is no stars in the sky warmer than the sun likewise
there is no competition greater than the Olympic Games.
 Thus The Olympic Games have become the world biggest
sporting events of our time .
 They are the largest of all sporting events in terms of:
1. The number of sports on the program
2. The number of athletes present
3. The number of different countries reunited in a single
geographical area.
 The Games takes place every four years.
 The prospect of being selected for Olympic selected for
Olympic games is the ultimate goal for the majority of athletes.
 The most important thing in the Olympic Games is taking part .
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1.2 history of Olympic games
1.2.1 ancient Olympics
 There are many different stories about the beginning of the Olympics
 The Olympic games were held at Olympia.
 Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in ancient Greek
 The first recorded Olympic Game took place in 776BC.
 Olympics were of fundamental religious importance with sacrifices
and ceremonies which were celebrated in honour of zeus chief god of
Greeks whose big status stood at Olympia and pelops the divine hero
and mythical king of Olympia, famous for his legendery chariot race,
in whose honor the games were held.
 The games were held every four years. The period b/n two
celebrations become known as Olympiad.
 Greeks used Olympiads as methods to count years.
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 The Olymics of that period were considered to be the greatest
cultural exchange among the various Greeks
 the games originally started footrace at its base . Latter over a
period of years, stadium was constructed. Other events
included the discuss throw, javelin throw, long jump, wrestling
boxing, chariot and horse racing and pentathlon (short run, long
jump, discus& javelin throw and wrestling).
 The games gradually lost its importance as the Roman
conquered the Greeks. When Christianity become the official
religion of Roman Empire in 394 A.D, the emperor Theodosius
I outlowed the Olympic Games considering the to be pagan
events and they were finally abolished.

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1.2.2 modern Olympic games
 Nowadays , Olympic games have become a symbol of peace
and solidarity .
 The modern Olympic games were revived by French nobleman
Baron de Coubertin.
 Coubertin tried to make people conscious of what he called
 Thus Olympism is the social responsibility of a sport;
international relations Olympism, the Olympic Games and the
Olympic Movement.
 Olympism as Coubertin called it, characterized by religion,
peace, and beauty. The love of beauty, especially as expressed
in the beauty of movement.
 In 1896, Coubertin formed IOC.
 World war I and II forced cancellation of the Olympic in 1916, 1940 and
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1944, but resumed in 1948.
The purpose of Olympic games
 The purpose of Olympic games is to foster the ideal of
a ‘sound mind in a sound body’ and promote
friendship among nations.
 In the wider context of the Olympic movement , the
purpose is to :
 Link sport with culture and education
 Promote the practice of sport and the joy found in
 Help to build world through sport practiced in the spirit
of fair play and friendship.
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1.3 Olympic symbols/festoons

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 The Olympic Movement uses many symbols.
 Most of them represent Coubertin’s idea of
international solidarity.
 The best known symbol is that of the Olympic Rings.
 The five intertwined rings represent the unity of five
continents of Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia and
Europe .
 They appear in a five colours on a white field on the
Olympic flag. These colours are Red, Blue,
Green,Yellow and Black.

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1.4 Ethiopia in the Olympic
 When 14 nation took part in the first modern Olympic
Games in 1896 in Athens , the time and place was too
distant for us, Ethiopians
 Our country was forced to boycott the

1. Montreal (1976)

2. Los Angeles (1984)

3. Seul (1988) Olympics

The Olympic motto “ in life what count is not necessarily

winning but participation” .

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Participation and rewards

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 When Coubertin revived the Olympic Games, only summer
sports were included. In the 1920s, however, snow and ice
sports began to enjoy soaring popularity.
 A number of IOC members decided to react to this new
phenomenon. In 1924, it was decided to hold an International
Winter Sports Week in Chamonix (France) : 258 athletes from
16 countries (mainly in Europe and North America) attended.
 The week was a great success and, two years later, it was
retroactively named the first Olympic Winter Games.
 The future of an Olympic event dedicated exclusively to snow
and ice sports was assured.
At the Winter Games in Salt Lake City (United States of
America) in 2002, a total of 2399 participants came together
from a range of countries as diverse as Jamaica and Australia !
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Between Festival And Tradition
 A party atmosphere is a feature of the Olympic
Games. Each Olympic Games has an opening
ceremony during which the sports stadium is filled with
music, singing, dancing and fireworks. A closing
ceremony in the same spirit takes place on the last
day of the Games.
 The opening and closing ceremonies are an invitation
to discover the culture of the country
hosting the Games.
 Although most of the ceremony is creative and
imaginative, there are some very strict rituals that
have to be followed :
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1.Opening Of The Games
 the entry of the athletes into the stadium with their
delegations (in alphabetical order except for Greece
which goes first, and the host country which brings
up the rear)
 the declaration of the opening of the Games by the
Head of State of the host country
 the entry of the Olympic flag into the stadium
 the Olympic anthem
 the release of doves (a symbol of peace)
 the oath sworn by an athlete and an official from
the host country (respect for the rules)
 the entrance of the flame and lighting of the cauldron (reference
to the Ancient Games)
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2. Closing Of The Games
 handing over of the Olympic flag to the next Olympic
host city (continuity of the Games)
 gathering of the athletes in the stadium (friendship)
 the extinguishing of the flame
 the declaration of the closing of the Games by the
IOC President.
The Olympic Games have now been held on every
continent except Africa.
Today, satellites can transmit images with just a few
seconds’ delay.
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Think about it
 Page 9
 Q 1-7

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Chapter 2
Basic Concepts Of Physical Fitness
Exercise is to the body as reading is to the mind.

You will only get out of training what you put into it.

Many people are about as happy as they make up their

minds to be.
If it is to be, it is up to me.

Thus exercising regularly must become one of those

things that you do without question like eating and

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2.1 contribution of regular exercise
 Regular exercise has miraculous effects in improving
physical, organic efficiency and motor fitness.
 Children run, climb, swim, and chase one another.
That is until adults introduce them some materials to
study. Thus exercise comes naturally.
 The human body was created for physical labour .
This means to move, run, and stretch.
 Nature has instilled a natural desire to exercise in
each of us.
 It is our secular lifestyle that draws us away from
exercise .
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The effects of exercise are:
 Increased energy levels
 Strength the heart and system circulation
 Increases the use of oxygen in the body
 Strengthens and build bones
 Lowers blood pressure
 Improves muscle tones and strength
 Helps to reduce body fat
 Helps to reduce stress, tension, anxiety, depression…
 Improves flexibility
 Improves sleep
 Enhance the immune system and reduces the risk of
developing diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
high blood pressure……………….
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Effects of exercise on the body function
 There are at least three major ways in which regular
exercise contribute for Health and fitness:
1. Prevention: prevents many potential health problems
such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, etc……………
2. Treatment: effective rehabilitating after an injury or
3. Promotion: improved heath status, there by helping to
enhance quality of life.

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Effects of exercise on
skeletal muscles
 Increase the size and number of mitochondria
 Increase the muscles ability to use fat as a source of
 Increase the myoglobin content in muscle fibers
 Increase the number of capillaries serving muscle
 Increase the concentration of aerobic enzymes
needed for the metabolic breakdown of carbohydrate
and fat to produce energy in the form of ATP.
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 Regular exercise two important effects to avoid
muscle fatigue:
1. It creates muscle contraction there by facilitating the
return of deoxygenated blood to the heart.
2. It improves the efficiency of muscle cells to
metabolize energy aerobically .
 The end product of anaerobic metabolism is Lactic
 When a higher amount of lactic acid is formed in the
muscle cells , there will be a feeling of muscle fatigue.
 Metabolism of lactic acid with oxygen results in
removal of lactic acid.
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 The feeling of the muscle fatigue in the following
cases is exactly the result of lactic acid accumulation
in the muscle cell:
i. After fast running for a few minutes

ii. After prolonged sit in the library or home.

Q. Why lactic acid is formed (accumulated) in the above

two cases?
A. In the 1st place during fast running , the activity is
performed with short time. Thus there is a shortage of
time till your cardiovascular system can supply the
necessary oxygen. This makes energy to be
metabolized in your muscle cells anaerobically.
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 Secondly, in the case of prolonged sit in the library or
o there is no muscle movement for a long time.
o As a result there is accumulation of deoxygenated
blood in your hands, legs, and around hip.
o This will create shortage of oxygen in these body parts
leading anaerobic metabolism of energy.
o Anaerobic metabolism of energy in these body parts
will form lactic acid.
o And when the amount of lactic acid is increased during
prolonged sit you will feel muscle fatigue.
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What makes regular exercise important to avoid muscle
 Regular exercise has two important effects to avoid
muscle fatigue:
1. It improves the efficiency of muscle cell to metabolize
energy aerobically,
2. It creates muscle contraction, there by facilitating the
return of deoxygenated blood to the heart. As a result
the heart will send more oxygenated blood to the
fatigued area. Hence the oxygen will metabolize lactic

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Effects of exercise on cardiorespiratory
 Cardiorespiratory system refers to systematic work of
the heart, Lung , Blood vessel, and Blood to transport
 The improvement of the cardiorespiratory system
through exercise occurs b/c of the increased capability
of each of these four components in providing
necessary oxygen to the working tissues .
 The greatest rate at which oxygen can be taken in and
utilized during exercise is referred to as maximal
oxygen consumption (VO2 max).
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 Three factors determine the maximal rate at which
oxygen can be utilized :
1. External respiration : involving air intake
2. The gas Transport: accomplished by the
cardiovascular system( i.e the heart, , blood vessel,
and the blood)
3. Internal respiration: involves the use of oxygen by the
cells to produce energy.
 A high VO2 max within an individual indicates that all
the three systems/cardiorespiratory systems are
working well.
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Effects on heart and circulatory system
 The heart and circulatory system increases in strength
and efficiency with exercise.
 The heart is a muscular organ, responds to exercise in
the same manner as the skeletal muscles.
 Thus there will be growth, strength, and endurance of
the heart as a result of regular exercise.
 Regular exercise reduces the workload of the Heart
 A person who exercise regularly has efficient Heart ,
lower RHR, and longest rest b/n beats….
 Therefore the trained heart is capable of doing more
work with fewer beats , and it can rest longer….
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 When a person is engaged in a regular exercise , the
Blood vessels within the muscle tissue itself increase
in number .
 Moreover , the red corpuscles that carry oxygen to
the body tissues increase in number. Thus, increasing
the oxygen carrying power of the blood.
 The return of deoxygenated blood to the heart is
facilitated skeletal muscles contraction.
 Improved circulation through regular exercise has a
benefitial effect on the body’s heat regulating
mechanism as well as aerobic metabolism.

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Effects on the respiratory system
 Respiration is a means by which oxygen is taken into
the body and CO2 & waste products are eliminated.
 Respiratory function is a cumulative effect of the
Lungs, Respiratory muscles and Diaphragm.
 Regular exercise increases the strength, and flexibility
of respiratory muscles, and diaphragm, and help
Lungs to expand and contract efficiently.
 As a result of these effects, your overall efficiency of
respiration will be improved.

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2.1.1 contribution of Regular exercise
for Reducing Mental Stress
 Stress is a non- specific response of the body to any
demand made upon it and may vary from one
individual to another.
 If stress results from something Good and you react
to it in a positive manner . Good stress / positive
stress is called Eustress. E.g good grade in exam.
 If stress results from something bad or if you react to a
given situation in a negative manner , the stress will
be bad for you. Bad stress / negative stress, is called
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What causes stress?
 Things that cause stress are referred to as Stressors.
 There are many kinds of stressors:
1. Environmental stressors : heat noise, overcrowding and
2. Physiological stressors: drugs, caffeine, injury, disease,
physical effort
3. Emotional stressors / ”psychosocial”: the most frequent
stressors affecting humans. Life changing events, change in
work hours, family illness, problems with superiors, deaths of
relatives or friends and increased responsibilities. Emotional
stressors in school include fear of exams, academic failure,
worrying about test results, results, oral presentations, and
unnecessary conflict with others....
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Stages of body response to mental
 Your body responds to mental stress in three different
stages. The response is referred to as The General
Adaptation Syndrome.
 The General Adaptation Syndrome can be defined as
the body’s response to mental stress.
 The three stages of general adaptation syndrome are:
1. The alarm stage,
2. Resistance stage
3. The exhaustion stage

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Alarm stage
 Is the body’s initial response to stressor
 The body’s defenses prepares for sudden action and
quick movement.
 The alarm stage is commonly known as the fight or
flight response.
 Many physiological changes occur during this stage.

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The resistance stage
 During this stage the body attempts to regain a state of internal
balance, or homeostasis.
 Homeostasis is the usual state in which the body maintains a
balance of internal functions regardless of external functions
 During the resistance stage ,
 the pulse, breathing rate, and the blood pressure returns to
normal level
 The pupils of the eyes returns to normal size
 Tensioned muscles relax
 Extra blood that was diverted from the digestive system now
returns and normal digestion occurs.

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The exhaustion stage
 Experienced only after prolonged periods of mental stress.
 It begins about wear and tear on the body, lowered resistance
to disease, and or death.
 Thus one of the healthiest way to cope when you are faced with
mental stress involves engaging in a regular program of
 A person who regularly exercise for at least 30minutes three
times a week consistently are thought to release beta-
endorphins( natural pain killing substances) for 90 minutes after
 Beta- endorphins are substances produced in the brains that
relieve pain and create feeling of well-being.
 Regular exercise helps to have positive attitude while you face
stressfull situations…………..
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2.2 Muscular Fitness
 Muscular fitness is the capability of skeletal muscles to
function efficiency in activities where generating force
and continues muscle contraction are needed ….
 You need muscular fitness to increase work capacity,
to decrease the chance of injury, to prevent low back
pain, and to improve athletic performance
 Increased muscular fitness can also improve your
 There are two components of muscular fitness:
muscular strength and muscular endurance.

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2.2.1 muscular strength
 Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force
that can be applied by a muscle during a single
maximal contraction.
 Throughout our life we need strength to avoid injury, to
meet emergencies, and to engage fully and
independently in daily activities.
 Strength allows you to do more work and to move
more smoothly and efficiently
 Types of strength:
a) Dynamic strength
b) Static strength
c) Isokinetic strength
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a) dynamic strength
 It is also called isotonic strength. (Iso means ‘same’, and Tonic
means ‘tone’)
 It is defined as the maximal weight that can be lifted at one
 Dynamic strength shortening or lengthening the muscle,
causing a certain body part to move through a full range of
 Exercising weight lifting, sit ups, push ups, chin ups are
examples of isotonic exercises.
 Isotonic movements tend to facilitate blood circulation and
thereby helping to facilitate muscular endurance.
 In isotonic exercise a body part is moved part is moved and the
muscles change in length, either, shortening or lengthening.
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b) Static strength
 Static strength is a muscles ability to exert a force
without changing length.
 It is also called isometric strength. Isometric means
same length.
 Static strength demands forcefully contracting the
muscle in a fixed position.
 The measure of static strength is achieved when you
exert maximal force against an immovable object.
 Attempting to lift /push an object that cannot be moved
places the muscle is in state of static contraction
 Static contractions are used in a treatment (rehabilitation), and
to gain strength at a ‘fixed point’ of a lift
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C) Isokinetic strength
 Allows you to exercise with a constant resistance
through the full range of motion
 Isokinetic means movement at fixed speed.
 It is measured with an expensive electronic / hydraulic
 Isokinetic devices are designed so that regardless of
the amount of force applied against a resistance it can
only be moved at a certain speed.
 That speed will be the same whether maximum force is applied.
Consequently, when training isokinetically, it is absolutely
necessary to exert as much force against the resistance as
possible for maximum strength gains to occur.
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2.2.2 muscular Endurance meaning and benefits of Muscular
 Muscular Endurance is the ability of skeletal muscles
to perform repetitive muscular contractions against
some resistance.
 It allows you to keep on working .
 Students who have sufficient endurance can
participate in any activities without fatigue.
 Muscular endurance is essential for success in many
work and athletic activities.
 It is closely associated with strength. As strength increases,
there tends to be a corresponding increase in endurance.
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Types of muscle tissues
 Muscle are classified into three basic types:
1. Cardiac muscle (the Heart muscle)
2. Smooth Muscles ( inside internal organs of the body)
3. Skeletal muscles (which are attached to the bones)
 Muscular endurance is the capacity of skeletal
muscles to continue contracting over a long period of
 Skeletal muscles have two types of muscle fibers.

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Types of skeletal muscle fibers
 All Skeletal muscles are made up of two types of
fibers and each skeletal muscle consists of both
a) Fast-twitch fibers
 Are also called white fibers
 They are basically anaerobic; they do not basically
depend on oxygen for their energy supply .
 Allow you to do strength activities such as weight
 They contract quickly so they provide explosive
muscular contraction ,but they are easily fatigued.
 Are responsible for speed and strength activities like47
sprinting, jumping , lifting , etc…
b) Slow -twitch fibers
 Also called red fibers
 They are aerobic, thus they require oxygen for
continued contraction .
 Slow twitch fibers allow you to do muscular
endurance activities such as : long distance running,
repetitive activities.
 Slow twitch fibers contract slowly and are fatigue
 All works of low intensity may develop the slow twitch

03/24/2024 48 methods of developing muscular
strength and endurance
 Heredity greatly determines the number of fast-twitch
and slow-twitch fibers anyone possesses.
 Therefore, it determines to some extent who the
fastest and strongest will be, and who will have the
greatest muscular endurance.
 Individuals with large percentage of fast-twitch fibers
will greatly increase muscle size and strength more
rapidly than individuals endowed with large
percentage of slow –twitch fibers.
 People with a large percentage of slow twitch fibers
have greater potential for muscular endurance
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 Regular exercise improves the capability of both types
but doesn’t seem to change one type into another.
 The increase in muscle size is caused by a
development of a fast-twitch fibers when strength
exercises are used. On the Contrary the increase in
the muscle efficiency is caused by the increase in the
total number of capillaries when endurance exercises
are used.
 For Males, strength training is usually associated with
marked increase in muscle size.
 Whereas , for Females strength training tend to
develop sizable increase in muscle size but usually
females acquire limited increase.
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 The higher levels of testosterone found in the male are
responsible for the higher muscle size in combination
with an overload resistance program.
 Females with higher testosterone level tend to have
more masculine characteristics, such as increased
facial and body hair, deeper voice, and the potential to
develop a little more muscle size.
 Perhaps the most critical difference b/n male and
female regarding physical performance is the ratio of
strength to weight relative strength.
 The reduced strength/body weight ratio in female is
the result of their higher percentage of body fat.
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 The strength/ body weight ratio may be significantly
improved through weight training by decreasing the
body fat percentage while increasing lean weight.
 In General, females has less strength than male,
females can perform very capably strength activities.

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Muscular fitness, gender
and age

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