Characteristics of A Good Research Title L1

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Understanding the BASICS of the RESEARCH TITLE
What is a Research
A research title is the specific name of your research paper.

A concise phrase or sentence that briefly summarizes the main

focus or topic of a research study.

It serves as the primary identifier for the research work and

provides readers with an initial understanding of what the study is
about and indicating the:
 scope or objective of the study.
A well-crafted
research title
should be:
1 2 3 4 5
Clear Informative Relevant to the content Specific Engaging
of the research
A well-crafted
research title
should be:
6 7 8
Conveys Avoid Technical Accurate
Significance Language
Characteristics of a Good
Research Title Relevant:
Clear and Concise: The title should The title should
The title should be provide readers accurately reflect
easy to understand with a clear idea the content and
and briefly convey of what the scope of the
the main topic or research is about, research, ensuring
focus of the including the key that it is relevant
research study variables, and meaningful to
without concepts, or the intended reader
unnecessary words experiment being or spectators.
or complexity. studied.
Engaging: significance:
Specific: A compelling The title should
A good research title can capture convey the
title is specific the reader's significance or
and focused, attention and importance of the
providing a clear spark interest in research topic,
indication of the the research, indicating why it is
particular aspect encouraging worthy of study and
or question them to explore why readers should
being addressed the study be interested in it.
in the study. further.
Avoids Technical Accurate:
Language: The title should
While the title should accurately represent
be specific and the content and
informative, it should findings of the
also be accessible to a research study,
wide audience, avoiding any
avoiding unnecessary misleading or
technical that may be exaggerated claims.
confusing to non-
 The Effects of Social Media on the Mental Health of the
Junior High School Students

 Investigating Learning Styles and Academic Achievement of

Grade 7 students

 The Impact of Video Games on Children’s Behavior

When choosing a research topic, it is important to consider the
following factors:
Your interests:
 What are you passionate and what do you want to learn more about?

The availability of research:

 Is there enough research available on this topic?

Your skills and abilities:

 Do you have the skills and abilities necessary to conduct research on this topic?

 The time and resources available:

How much time and money do you have to devote to this research?
Here are some tips for
writing a Good
Research Title:
 Use keywords that are relevant to your topic.

 Be specific and to the point.

 Avoid using jargon or technical terms.

 Keep it concise.

 Make it attention-grabbing.

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