According to this Ideology, only those things
or principles are true which satisfy the needs,
requirements, aspirations and objectives of
human beings and cater to the welfare of
Forms of Pragmatism
Experimental Pragmatism
According to this Ideology, that thing or principle is true
which can be verified as true by experiment.
Forms of Pragmatism
Biological Pragmatism
According to this Ideology, that power or
capacity of human being is valuable and important
which enables him to adjust with the environment or
which makes him able to change his environment
according to his needs and requirements.
1. Education as Life. Pragmatists firmly believe that the old and traditional
education is dead and lifeless.
1. Principle of Utility.
only those subjects, activities and experiences should be
included in Curriculum which are useful to the present
needs of the child and also meet the future expectations
of adult life as well.
Pragmatism and Curriculum
2. Principle of Interest.
Only those activities and experiences should be included in the
Curriculum where child takes interests.
Interests are of four variations;
a. Interest in conversation.
b. Interest in investigation.
c. Interest in construction.
d. Interest in creative expression.
Pragmatism and Curriculum
4. Principle of Integration.
Deals with integration of subjects and activities. Subjects of
different nature should be closely interlinked and co-related
to each other so as to form right concepts and proper
understanding in children,