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Cement is the generic name for powdered materials and adhesive
substances of all kinds. It is the binding material used in building
and civil engineering construction. Initially, it has plastic flow when
mixed with water or other liquid, but it form a solid structure in
several hours with varying degree of strength and binding
Raw materials for cement production
The following are the raw materials for Portland cement.
I. Calcium oxide (CaO)
II. Silica (SiO2)
III. Alumina (Al2O3)
Lime is obtained from a calcareous (lime containing) raw
material and the other oxides are obtained from argillaceous
(clayey) materials.
iv. Additional raw materials such as silica, sand, iron oxide
( Fe2O3), and bauxite containing hydrated aluminium,
Al(OH)3 , - may be used in smaller quantities to get the
desired composition.
v. Magnesia, (MgO)
vi. Gypsum- an essential raw material added to the burned cement
clinker (nearly 5%) during grinding to control the setting time of
Main steps in cement production
The following are the main steps involved in the production of cement.
Crushing and Grinding
Crushing of limestone:
The boulders are crushed to small fragments by drilling and blasting
methods. Limestone produced are then crushed in suitable type of
crushers. In some mines, the crushers are installed at the mine site and
crushed limestone is transported to plant stack pile with the help of
Belt conveyor/ ropeway.
Grinding of Raw materials:
The pre-blended limestone from stack pile is transported to
raw mill hoppers. More than one hopper is used for
proportioning of raw mix in case the limestone is obtained from
more than one sources or sweetener or additive materials are
required to be mixed with captive mines limestone. Presently
raw mill hoppers are provided with continuous weighing
machines known as weigh feeders in order to produce a suitable
raw meal proportioned appropriately for production of desired
good quality of cement clinker.
The raw meal ground in the raw mill is thoroughly blended. The
moisture content of raw meal powder is less than 1%. The
properly blended raw meal is now ready for burning the same to
produce cement clinker in the cement rotary kiln.
Burning and cooling
The modern burning (pyro processing) system comprises of three
important sections namely preheating and precalcining, clinkerisation
and cooling. The preheating section is 90-100 meters tall and comprises
of battery of cyclones arranged one over the other in series. Precalcining
of raw meal is carried out in a separate vessel vertically held and placed
in between the preheating and clinkerisation section. The clinkerisation
reaction is carried out in a rotary kiln. The kiln is inclined at an angle of
about 3⁰ to 5⁰ in horizontal from preheating to the cooling end. The
kilns are mounted on tyres and rotated at an speed of 2.5 to 4 rpm. The
combustion gases generated from burning of pulverized coal in
clinkerisation zone of the kiln flows from the burning zone towards the
inlet of the fan after passing through Kiln precalciner-Preheater circuit.
The high temperature combustion gas transfers its heat to the finally
derived raw meal and falls towards the bottom end of the preheater
after passing through all stages of cyclones under the influence of hot
gases flowing in the circuit. The moisture and other volatile contents
present are completely driven away. The burning zone in the rotary kiln
receives complete decarbonated material, the part of which is
transformed into liquid after achieving appropriate melting
temperature of some of the raw meal components and powdery
form of raw meal gets converted into nodulized clinker form. The
final clinkerisation of raw meal is achieved between the
temperature range of 1250 - 1450⁰C depending upon the
characteristics of raw meal. The high temperature clinker nodules,
varying in size, then fall out of the kiln and enter cooler.
Cement grinding and dispatch
In order to achieve the objectives of energy conservation, the
clinker produced in the rotary kiln which is cooled in cooler is
usually stored for few days before it is ground in cement grinding
mills along with appropriate quantity of gypsum and other additive
materials for production of finely pulverized cement with desired
fineness. Depending upon the market requirements the cement is
loaded in bulk but in Nepal generally packed in 50 KG bags with
the help of conventional rotary packs or electronic packs, loaded
on to trucks and finally dispatched to the required destinations.
Composition & Function of components of cement
Component Formula % Functions

Lime CaO 60 - 67 Main component. If used in excess

amount ,it reduces strength of cement by
expanding and disintegrating. Improves
plasticity and workability.
Silica SiO2 17 - 25 Forms dicalcium silicate which develops
strength of cement.
Alumina Al2O3 3-8 If used in excess, cement sets very quickly.

Iron Oxide Fe2O3 2-4 Responsible for development of colour,

soundness and hardness to cement.
Alkali Oxide Na2O 0.3 – 1.5 Causes cement efflorescent(expansion).

Sulphur trioxide SO3 1–3 Imparts soundness (stability to the

volume change in setting and hardening )
to cement.
Magnesia MgO <3 Imparts hardness and colour to the
cement. >3% causes cement to be
unsound and strength also reduces.
Types of Cement
There are two types of cement basically used in Nepal for
construction work. They are:
Generally, Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is used in the
factories, power plants and in large construction slabs. Portland
pozzolana cement (PPC) is used for the construction of houses,
schools, and residential buildings slabs. PPC is cheaper than OPC.
Differences between OPC and PPC cement
The main differences in their characteristics and uses are:
(i) PPC is a variation of OPC. Pozzolana materials namely fly ash,
and volcanic ash are added to the OPC so that it becomes PPC.
Pozzolana materials are added to the cement in the ratio of 15%
to 35% by weight.
(ii) Both are ecofriendly materials but Pozzolana cement uses
natural and industrial waste thus reducing environmental
(iii) OPC is available in 3 grades namely grade 33, grade 43 and
grade 53. Pozzolana is available in one grade and its strength
matches the strength of grade 33 OPC after curing.
(iv) OPC is the most commonly used cement in construction.
PPC is highly resistant to sulphate attacks hence its prime use is
in construction of dams, foundations, buildings near the sea
shore, reservoirs, marine construction etc.
(v) PPC is cheaper than OPC.
(vi) PPC has low initial setting strength compared to OPC but
hardens over a period of time with proper curing.
Portland cement process with flow sheet diagram

Elevators (cement silos) weighing and packing

Differences between Non- Hydraulic & Hydraulic Cement
Non- Hydraulic Cement Hydraulic Cement

It hardens when a reaction occurs due to It hardens when a chemical reaction

carbonation with CO2 present in air. occurs between the anhydrous cement
powder and water.

It does not require water to harden. It requires water to harden.

Raw materials required are Lime, gypsum, Raw materials required are Limestone, clay
plasters and oxychlorides. and gypsum.
It is used for making bricks and mortar, It is used for making dams, swimming pool,
basically only indoors. buildings, bridges etc.
Wet conditions do not allow this cement to This cement can be set even when dry
be set. conditions are not met.
It takes a long time to harden. It takes less time to harden.

An example of this cement is slaked lime or Some examples of this cement are
non- hydraulic lime putty. Portland cement, blended cement, blast
furnace slag cement etc.
Instruments required to check quality of cement
1. Gillmore needle apparatus determines the initial and final set
times of certain cements, mortars and hydraulic hydrated
2. Blaine air permeability apparatus used to measure specific
surface area and determine the airflow rate through fine
powder specimens such as Portland cement.
3. Vicat’s apparatus is used to find setting time of cement i.e.
initial setting time and final setting time.
8 Types of tests on Cement to check the quality
a. Fineness test b. Consistency test c. Setting time test
d. Strength test e. Soundness test f. Heat of hydration test
g. Tensile strength test h. Chemical composition test
Quality Checking of Cement
1. Date of packing – must be used before 90 days
2. Colour of cement – must be uniform grey colour
3. No lumps
4. Coolness
5. Must float in water
Cement Industry in Nepal
i. Jagdamba Cement: It is the best cement in Nepal and has remained
the market leader in cement manufacturing business.
ii. Udaypur Cement: It is the largest cement factory in Nepal. The plant
is located in Jaljale, Udaypur district, province no. 1, eastern Nepal.
They use the modern plant and produces high quality cement.
iii. Hetauda Cement: It is located in Hetauda, Nepal and is one of the
best-selling cement brand in Nepal.
iv. Arghakhachi Cement: It is one of the foremost cement
manufacturers which produces high quality OPC cement.
v. Shivam Cement: It is one of the top cement companies in Nepal. It
sells the finest quality of cement to customers i.e. OPC cement of
grade 43 and 53.
vi. Sona Cement: This is the largest cement company in western Nepal
which produces both PPC and OPC cement.
vii. CG Cement: It is one of the leading and best selling cement
companies which uses modern technology to control the process.
Bishal Cement, Agni Cement, Unitech Cement, Kaveri Cement etc.

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