Greetings & Introductions
Greetings & Introductions
Greetings & Introductions
. le sso n 3. Introdu
U n it 1
Greet ings
. Mr s.
Ro a
I can understand introductions Puedo entender presentaciones
and titles. y títulos.
I can understand Puedo entender saludos y
common greetings and despedidas comunes.
farewells. Puedo entender información
I can understand basic básica sobre cómo se sienten las
information about how people personas.
Today is .....(Day of the week).....(Month)...(day#)
BELl 1
W ORl 2
What's the video about?
Activity Video
1. How many conversations are there in the video?
Student A Student B
Hello! My name is Petra. Hi! II am Julieth.
What is your name?
Noce to meet you Julieth
How are you today? Nice to meet you too
What do you do? Petra.
Good bye Julieth. I am well thanks.
I am an architect
See you later Petra.
Oral Assessmenr Rubric