and other forms of money were freely converted into gold at the fixed price
Therefore, 1 GBP = USD 400/ 250 = USD 1.6000 Hence, GBP/USD 1.6000 Exchange Rates calculated in this manner were called Central Exchange Rate.
This means that the face value of the coin should represent the value of precious metal content in the coin.
Second, the reserve currency country agrees to fix its currency value to a weight in gold. Finally, the reserve country agrees to exchange gold for its own currency with other central banks within the system, upon demand.
Easy system to implement & operate.
It provided for a very high level of exchange rate stability which promoted international trade & investment.
High levels of inflation are rare, and hyperinflation is nearly impossible as the money supply can only grow at the rate that the gold supply increases. It provides fixed international exchange rates between those countries that have adopted it, and thus reduces uncertainty in international trade.
The Price Specie Adjustment Mechanism helped countries to achieve trade equilibrium.
The system did not provide for any revision in the official gold price.
There was no flexibility in the system to create money supply at times of economic stress such as war, natural disasters etc. this resulted in repeated breakdowns in the system. The responsibility of maintaining the system was on deficit countries. This resulted in adoption of neutralization of resources which made the system ineffective. The Price Specie Adjustment Mechanism was very slow in its effectiveness due to which countries with continuous deficit suffered recessions resulting in unemployment & other social problems.
Australia, New Zealand and Canada also ended the gold standard because of money problems that were associated with the Great Depression.
Gold Standard was suspended so they could print enough money to pay for their investment in the war In 1933, Roosevelt prohibited owning gold privately, except for jewellery Then the Breton Woods System came into effect in 1946
Forbes Predicts U.S. Gold Standard Within 5 Years of economic, fiscal, It will help the nation solve a variety
and monetary ills It will stabilize the value of the dollar, restore confidence among foreign investors in U.S. government bonds, and discourage reckless federal spending If the gold standard had been in place in recent years, the value of the U.S. dollar would not have weakened as it has and excessive federal spending would have been curbed
Continued .
The constantly changing value of the U.S. dollar leads to marketplace uncertainty and consequently spurs speculation in commodity investing as a hedge against inflation By restoring the gold standard, the United States would shift away from less responsible policies and toward a stronger dollar and a stronger America
Although the last vestiges of the gold standard disappeared in 1971, its appeal is still strong. Those who oppose giving discretionary powers to the central bank are attracted by the simplicity of its basic rule. Others view it as an effective anchor for the world price level. Still others look back longingly to the fixity of exchange rates. Despite its appeal, however, many of the conditions that made the gold standard so successful vanished in 1914. In particular, the importance that governments attach to full employment means that they are unlikely to make maintaining the gold standard link and its corollary, long-run price stability, the primary goal of economic policy.