Cerebro Cerebellum
Cerebro Cerebellum
Cerebro Cerebellum
- Janani Iyer
• Deep gray matter present in the cerebellum
• All the fibers exiting the cerebellum pass through these nuclei
2. Globose: Spinocerebellum
3. Emboliform: Spinocerebellum
• Largest peduncle
• Contains efferent from the cerebellum to the red nucleus and thalamus
(Cerebellum to cortex)
Efferents: Before exiting the cerebellum they all pass through the deep cerebellar
Originate in the pontine nucleus
1. Archicerebellum (Vestibulocerebellum)
2. Paleocerebellum (Spinocerebellum)
• Connects cerebellum with the • Connects cerebellum with the • Connects cerebellum with the
vestibular apparatus spinal cord cerebral cortex
• Balance • Maintain tone • Does not consists of
• Control of eye movements with • Co-ordination of movements of descending pathways
respect to head movements trunk, head and proximal • Planning of movements
limbs: VERMIS • Motor learning (Highly skilled
• Co-ordination of movements of movement execution)
distal limbs: PARAVERMIS • E.g. Speech
• Functions:
3. Cognitive functions
• Has extensive connections with the cerebral cortex
This output from the cerebellar cortex reach the dentate nuclei
This output from the cerebellar cortex reach the dentate nuclei
The fibers reach the red nucleus before they decussate to the
opposite side and reach the thalamus
2. Control of corticomotor excitability information from the contralateral motor cortex, sensory cortex and
spinal cord is integrated, processed and relayed in the contralateral M1
3. Planning of sequential movements under the supervision of the dentate nucleus, the interposed nucleus,
the intermediate cerebellar cortex and the lateral cerebellar cortex
4. Smooth co-ordinated movements: after integrating the sensory information with the motor command
5. Conscious assessment of movement errors: If there is any discrepancies between the intended movement
and the actual movement, cerebellum detects the error and send corrective signals to adjust the ongoing
6. Cognitive operations mainly controlled by the posterior lobe and cerebellar nuclei (mainly dentate)
1. Unwanted Saccadic signals
5. Limb ataxia