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What is personality ?

& types of personalities.... ”

Psychology – Minor project. Submitted to :- Sruti
Submitted by :- Ram Verma.
† Objectives :-
• Understanding the actual meaning of personality
• Explanation by an example
• Classification of Personality on the basis of given theories
• Types of personalities.......
• Essential factors affecting one’s personality through which one evolves
during lifetime
• Conclusion & Bibliography .
★ Definition :-Personality is the sum total of one’s behaviour which
includes all his physical, emotional, social, mental and spiritual tendencies.
{Derived Latin : persona ; means to mask}

Personality – Understanding the actual meaning :-

• In General :- external appearance.
• Personality is the complex set of various
factors :- It is the characteristic patterns of
thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that make a
person unique.
• Personality signifies the role which person
display to the public.
• Personality is not developed spontaneously;
• • It is developed over a period of time.
§ Explanation by an example :-
# Dhirubhai Ambani
• Son of a Village teacher in Junagarh (Gujarat)
• Just Passed 10th Class
• * Became No.1 Industrialist in India.
• • Grit: High Grit and Passion to win
• • Proactivity: taking action ahead of others
• • Risk Taking
• • Conscientiousness : Doing one thing only at a time
• • Openness collect ideas from different sources
• • Timeliness: Completing project timely
‡ Classification of personality
on the basis of given
theories :-

*Do you know ??

• from the ancient time personality
has come to be classified on different
basis. The ancient scripture have
classified persons into three types :-
• Satvik
• Rajsi and
• tamasik.
1. Hippocrates(Disciple of Aristotle)

The theory of Hippocrates was that of the four components:

black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood that formed
faeces, urine, mucus & blood. When these components were
in balance, health prevailed; when they were out of balance
disease took over.
A. Sanguine: (More Blood) The Person is active, happy and unstable.

B. Choleric: (More Yellow Bile) Person is strong, rigid and easily


C. Phlegmatic: (More phlegm or mucus)The person is calm. Slow and


D. Melancholic: (More black bile) The person is depressed

and pessimistic.
2. Harnest Kretchmer :
He tried to correlate the physical traits and personality
characteristics through his studies.
He suggested four distinct types of personality on basis of
body construction.

A. Asthenic: Weak tall and Thin body. Critical of others but

sensitive to criticism.

B. Pyknic: Short ant stout. Easy going and popular. Muscular.

C. Athletic: Responsive to adjustment, Lack serious and Critical

thinking. Interested in physical activity. Interact with others

D. Dysplastic: Abnormal in body construction.

Abnormal in behaviour.

A. Endomorphic : Soft and round body

Relaxed, sociable and tolerant.

B. Mesomorphic : Muscular, heavy body,

bony physique. Active, combative,

C. Ectomorphic : Quite, fragile, sensitive

4. E. Speranger :

He tried to classify people according to the philosophies of life with their behaviour and

A. Theoretical: Interested in Intellectual pursuit and discovery of truth

B. Economic: Interested in material world and practical.

C. Aesthetic: Lovers of beauty.

D. Political: Interested for power, leadership roles.

E. Social: Interested in group activity and gregarious pursuits.

F. Religious: Devoted to religious activity

5. Carl Jung:

Classified people into types- Introvert and Extrovert

A. Introvert: Withdrawing, shy, dislike group living. Likes to live alone.

B. Extrovert: Deals with people intelligently, outgoing, social and free from worries.
(a) Introvert-The Introverts are interested in (b) Extrovert - The Extroverts are interested
themselves, their own feelings, emotion and are unable in the world around them. They are sociable
to adjust easily to social situations. and friendly.
6. Sigmund Freud:
On the basis of Psycho-Sexual development theory identified three types of

• A. Oral Type – In this person seeks oral gratification through activities related to mouth.
• Oral Passive type: Person is dependent, optimistic, immature and thinks like child.
Oral Sadistic type: People are pessimistic, suspicious and aggressive.
• B. Anal Type: This stage is characterized by gratification through elimination and expulsion
of body waste.
Imbalance in it causes orderliness, miserliness, stubbornness.
• C. The Phallic Type: This shows personality like attention drawing, exhibitionism.
∆ Essential factors affecting one’s 1. Constitutional factors

personality through which one 2. Biological factors

evolves during lifetime :- 3. Intelligence

• 4. Gender Difference

Factors effecting Personality:
1. Physical environment
1. Heredity 2. Social environment
3. Cultural environment
4. Family environment

2. Environment • 5. School environment

• 6. Other Social Factors: Language, Social
Role, Self Concept, Identification,
Interpersonal Relationship
3. Psychological Factors
• Psychological Factors
Heredity :-Characteristics and features of an individual which are due to the change in the genes transmitted from parents is

1. Constitutional factors: Constitutional factor are the basic physiological tendency that contribute to personality like body

a. Short and stout

b. Tall and thin

c. Muscular and well proportioned

Height, Weight, physical defect, health and strength influence personality.

2. Biological Factors :-Biological factors include genetic, hereditary factors, glands, nervous system influences characteristics
and mode of behaviour. Which regulate the development of personality.

3. Intelligence :-Intelligence is mainly influenced by heredity. Person who are intelligent are able to adjust better in society
than less intelligent people.

4. Gender Difference :-Gender plays a vital role in personality development. Men tend to be more dominant (forceful and
aggressive) and emotionally stable, while women tend to be more sensitive, warm (attentive to others).
Environment: Personality of an individual, develops in a social environment and in this environment he learn moral ideas, social attitudes and interest
which develop his personality.
1. Physical Environment: Physical environment is the climatic condition of a particular area. Which affect his living and personality.
2. Social Environment: Social environment influences child interest and personality. It is the place where he lives and learns social norms.
3. Cultural Environment: It refers to certain cultural tradition, ideals and values accepted in a particular society. All these factors effect child’s personality.
4. Family Environment: Family is the first environment child encounters. Here he comes in contact with his family and learn likes and dislikes, values
and emotional responses. The type of training and experience which child receives in his family environment develop his personality.
5. School Environment : School plays a vital role in development of personality of a child as he spends a significant part of his childhood in school.
Where teacher substitute parents.
6. Other Social Factors:
• Languages: Language is a means of communication trough which a society is structured and culture transmitted. Child’s personality is shaped by the
process of interaction through language with others.
• Social Role: Social role is process by which cooperative behaviour and communication among the members of society facilitated. Which influence the
personality of a child.
• Self Concept: Positive Self Concept enhances oneself while negative self concept creates feeling of worthlessness and withdrawal from social situation.
• Identification: Identification is a psychological process whereby the individual assimilates property, or attribute of the other and is transformed wholly
or partially by the model that other provides.
• Inter-Personal Relationship: Interpersonal relationships are social associations, connections between two or more people. It results in development of
friendship, love, sympathy which influence personality.
Psychological Factors
These includes acquire interests, motives, character, will, intellectual capacity which determine our behaviour in various situations and effect
our personality.
CONCLUSION :- Personality is the sum total of one’s behaviour
which includes all his physical, emotional, social, mental and
spiritual tendencies.

Personality is derived from Latin word “Persona” which refers to

the mask worn by actors they portrayed.

1. Books : Theories of Personality(By Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz).
2. Websites : www.google.com

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