Definition of Done

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DOD - Definition Of Done

September 30, 2014

Typical scenario

Sprint review
 Demo of user story
 Feature X works exactly as described , in the user story, before & during the
sprint, based on Acceptance Criteria
 However, when Product Owner sees feature X in action, please add some
tweaks or take into account this & that

Accept or Reject
 Do we consider the original user story done and create a new user story for
next sprint(s)?
 Do we consider the original user story unfinished, put it back into the Product
Backlog with more detailed requirements for the next sprint?

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 Define a Definition Of Done (DOD)

 evolve every sprint
 simple checklist that belongs to the team
 used as a filter when deciding what is ready to be
 the rules of the game

 The Team defines

 DOD for User Story
 DOD for Sprint
 DOD for Release

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 Team has clearer, common idea about if anything is

ready to be delivered
 It is easier to be focused on what to do, and on building
 It provides a point of reference for estimations and
 Stakeholders know what to expect when they receive a
new version
 It reduces the risk of accumulating partially finished

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What happens if no DOD ?

 It is difficult to estimate our velocity/date of delivery

 Stakeholders can get confused about what they are
 Undone work/technical debt can accumulate
dramatically without even noticing; uncertainty grows

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 Quality checks
 Unit test passed
 testing complete on all target environments
 Quality checks
 is the performance tested
 Software practice checks
 have all the integration tests run and passed without
 Code review or pair programming for code
 code is committed in subversion

 Software practice checks

 Business need checks
 was the code continuously integrated during
 UAT tests pass development
 user story done meets all the acceptance criteria  user story status updated as required
 all requirements related to the user story are
 Business need checks
 is the goal of the sprint met
 did product owner accept all user stories

DOD Release
 did customer accept all user stories in the release plan
 is the release documentation complete
 has the new product passed the compliance
requirements tests & approved
 does the product owner feel confident about the product

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