Maam Teslyn Report
Maam Teslyn Report
Maam Teslyn Report
• Mean
• Standard Deviation
• Regression
• Hypothesis testing
• Sample size
• IBM SPSS Statistics
• Minitab
• Microsoft Excel
• Variance
• GraphPad Prism
Most frequently used index of distribution's central tendency.
It is simply an arithmetic average of all the scores in the
distribution. Since it is computed using every score in the
distribution, it is an extremely representative measure.
Its strength is also its weakness because several atypically
high or atypically low scores (sometimes called liars) can distort the
value of the mean.
As the mean, the median's strength is also its weakness, the
median fails to reflect the magnitude of the impact of every score in
the distribution, even when certain of those scores are very high or
very low
The second most frequently used index of central
tendency. It is the point that divides the scores into two
equal halves.
One advantage of median as a measure of central
tendency is that it is not unduly affected by peculiarly large
or small scores. Unlike the mean, the median treats each
of these wild scores as merely another score, no more no
less than other scores.
It is the most frequently occurring score in the distribution.
With most reasonably large set of scores, the mode will occur
somewhere near the middle of the distribution, so it can also
serve as an index of the distribution's central tendency. In
some cases, a distribution has two or even three most
frequently occurring scores. In such cases, statistician refer toit
as bimodal or trimodal distribution. Multimodal distribution refers
to those with three or more frequently occurring Scores. Since
the mode takes into account even fewer data than the median,
and fewer than the mean, it is not used often in describing a
distribution's central tendency.
Measures of Variability
• The Range
Most readily calculated index of distribution's
variability. It is calculated by subtracting the lowest
score from the highest score. The simplicity of the
range's computation is just the only redeeming virtue,
because there are only two scores involved in its
computation. If there is an abnormally highest and/or
lowest score, the resulting range will yield a
misleading indication of the distribution's overall
• The Quartile Deviation
It is based on the range of the middle 50% of the
scores, instead of the range of the entire set. Itis also
called semi-interquartile range. Quartiles are points on the
scale (like averages and percentiles), the quartile deviation
represents a distance on the scale. It indicates the distance
that is necessary togo above and below the median to
include approximatelythe middle 50% of the scores.
• The Standard Deviation
It offers a way of thinking about the average variability
ofa set of scores when they compute the mean. It tells the
average distance from the mean for each of the scores in
the distribution. The more spread out the scores are, the
larger the value of the standard deviation. The less spread
out the scores,the smaller the standard deviation is. The
most useful measure of variability Because it takes into
account the amount that each scoredeviates from the
mean, it is a more stable measure of variability than the
• In summary the quartile deviation is used with median and is
reasonable for analyzing small number of scores. These
statistics are obtained by counting and thus are not affected by
the value of each score; they are especially useful when one or
more scores deviate markedly from the others in the set of
scores. On the hand, the standard deviation is used with the
mean. It is a most reliable measure of variability, and is
especially useful in testing. Also, it is useful in describing the
set of scores in a group, it serves as basis for computing
standard scores, the standard error of measurement, and other
statistics used in analyzing and interpreting scores
Standard Scores
• Z-Score
The simplest of the standard scores, and the one
on which others are based. It expresses test
performance simply and directly as the number of
standard deviation units a raw score is above or below
the mean. A Z-Score is always negative when the raw
score is smaller than the mean. Thus z-score is seldom
used directly in test norms, but are transformed into a
standard score system that uses only positive numbers.
• T-Score
It was originally given to a type of normalized score
based on a group of unselected twelve-year-old children. It
refers to any set of normally distributed standard scores that
has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. T-score is
obtained by multiplying the z-score by 10 and adding the
product to 50. This formula is true only when the original
distribution of raw scores is normal. The reason that T-
scores is preferred reporting test results is that only positive
integers are O to z-scores for produced
• The Stanines
These are simple type of normalized standard
score that illustrates the process of normalization.
They are a single digit scores ranging from 1 to 9.
It is named as such because the distribution of raw
score is divided into nine parts wherein stanine 5 is
precisely the center of the distribution and includes
all cases within one-fourth of a standard deviation on
either side of the mean.
Major strengths of stanines are the following:
• The Stanine system uses a nine-point scale in which 9 is
high, 1 is low and 5 is average oStanines are normalized
standard scores that make it possible to compare
student's performance on various assessments.
• It makes easy to combine different types of data because
it is computed as percentile ranks but are expressed in
standard score form.
• It uses a single-digit score, it is easily recorded and takes
upless space than others scores.
• The Percentile Rank
Indicates student's relative position in a
group in terms of the percentage of students'
scoring lower (Linn & Gronlund, 2000). One of
the most widely used and easily understood
methods of describing assessment
• In summary, standard scores provide a student's
relative position in a group in terms of standard
deviation units above or below the mean. In a
normally distributed set of scores, the different
standard score scales and the percentile scale are
interrelated, thus making it possible to convert from
one to another. One of the shortcomings of standard
scores is that students and parents it find difficult to
understand. Another limitation is that, interpretation is
difficult unless the scores are evenly distributed.
Indicators of Relationship
• There are techniques of describing the
relationships of the scores in different subject
• These are: (1) Graphic Presentation; (2) The
Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient; and
(3) The Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient.
• Graphic Presentation
By using graphic display
techniques, the relationships between
two variables can be described
according to its magnitude (strong or
weak) and its direction
(positivenegative). This technique
though shows that it is difficult to get a
firm grasp on graphically displayed
relationship because of the
imprecision of visually derived
• The Product-Moment Correlation
This is the most widely used indicator or the magnitude and
direction of the relationship between two variables, the product-moment
correlation coefficient (t popularly known as Pearson correlation
coefficient named after the English statistician, Karl Pearson.
This product-moment correlation coefficient ranges from +1.00 to -
1.00. An r of +1.00 represents a perfect positive relationship while a
value of -1.00 represents a perfect negative relationship. An r of zero
indicates that there is no linear relationship that exist between two
variables. This correlation approach is used with linearly related data,
meaning, data whose scatterplots shows a more or less straight-line
• The Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient
The Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient is another technique for
estimating the magnitude and direction of the relationship between two
variables. This technique was introduced by Sir Charles Spearman. Spearman's
correlation coefficient (rs) is interpreted in essentially the same way as Pearson
product moment r, but simpler to compute. Aside from its computational
simplicity, it may be used with data that represent only an ordinal scale and not
necessarily an interval. Recall that there are different measurement scales that
are normally used in education, most especially by educators involved in
assessment activities. These scales are interval scales, ratio scale, and ordinal
scale. An interval scale is one that allows you to believe that there are equal
intervals that are equidistant points on the scale. A ratio scale, is an interval
scale for which a zero point exists. An ordinal scale is based on rank
Basic Steps in Opening the MS Excel Program
1. Click the icon of MS Excel or if not available,
click start button to choose all programs and
double click on MS Excel to open the program.
This is the initial window that will appear and if
you're using the latest version of MS Excel, simply
click on blank documentoption. If you have a
previously created file to work on, then simply
double click Open Other Worksheets.
2. Once a worksheet has been opened, it is now
ready for data entry. You may now encode the
scores (data) that will be processed.
Now we may start encoding our data. We start our
discussion with Charts and Frequency