AR - Animal Research
AR - Animal Research
AR - Animal Research
Animal Research
Scholarly or scientific
investigation or
Why do we use animals in
• Scientists have developed many valuable non-
animal models (i.e., cell culture, computer) that
are useful for medical research, but these
models cannot imitate the complicated
processes that occur in a living system.
• Animals are similar to humans and are good
models when humans can’t be used.
– Animal life is based on the same
genetic, biochemical, and
physiological principles as human life.
Should We Use
Animals for Research?
Heart Transplant
• Dr. Norman Shumway completed a heart
transplant in a dog in 1959.
• Eight years later Dr. Christiaan Branard
performed the first heart transplant in
• In 1968 Shumway completed the first human
heart transplant in the United States.
PDA Surgery Research
• A PDA is a heart defect found
when an artery that is supposed
to close at birth, stays open.
• About 50 out of every 10,000 puppies
are born with a PDA, compared to
about 2 out of every 10,000 in humans.
• Research into better surgical options for
puppies has greatly advanced human
The history of vaccines:
• The first attempt to protect against
infectious disease by vaccination was
done by Edward Jenner with the
cowpox virus in the 1790s.
• In the 1800s, Pasteur (who also
developed Pasteurization) developed
vaccines against rabies and anthrax.
• Animals have been used to develop
multiple vaccines for use in humans.
–Anthrax: sheep (1880’s)
–Cholera: various animals (1885)
–Rabies: various animals (1885)
–Polio: monkeys (1949)(earlier
attempts with humans failed &
even caused polio)
• By the 1900s, five vaccines were being
used against smallpox, cholera, typhoid
fever, rabies and the plague.
• In the 1970s, smallpox was eradicated by
global vaccination.
• Today, vaccines are still being developed
using new technologies such as
genetic engineering.
Vaccinations for Your Pets
• Rabies – for all pets!
• Dogs
– Parvovirus
– Distemper
• Cats
– Feline Leukemia Virus
– Panleukopenia
• Horses
– Tetanus - Encephalomyelitis
– West Nile Virus - Flu/Rhino
– Strangles
• Rabies is a special
case because it is
lethal to pets and
N.I.H. Research